can some one help meh? :/

Hello CF users, I found fkn epic movie from COD2, but the MM didnt write the song names. Can someone help me?

I wanna the name of song @ 1:22

image: fat-chick

soz, it was a bad joke, try thisone

image: 1202162048_really-hot-chick

and sorry for my low engrish =/
i know the song but bcuz of the chick i wont give u.
np :D i have it yet xd
try this:
1. epic score - sirens cal
2. killers track - kingdom of ashes
3 . I dont know :D
4. x ray dog- fata morgana
Brand X Music
Groove Addicts
Two Steps From Hell
Linkin Park
it sounds like the music in the movie Gladiator at the start.
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