FYI dear coders

I'm not installing anymore chaplja crap on my pc, grtz

image: custom_1260132111989_thesaboteur-boxartps3
dont worry he is getting paid and they got a contract !!!!11
wat is going on?
chaplja is getting paid by speedlink for making an [TOP SECRET] anticheat [/TOP SECRET] for ET
i can give some of this top secret top secrets! : )
get sleepers a replacement player that they are satisfied with and i'll think about it : P
Hellow polorguese cybergamer
:))) suppp
pm me some nice dnb plix <3
no problem, i can't remember anything else atm.

But every High Contrast remix pwns :P go check it!
ye I know a few of those, haven't really gotten into the dnb stuff but when I was in the US I always listened to the radio at night and they had the most amazing shit I've ever heard, got me to know the genre a bit better :>
stfu kidraper
You hacked the portugese community website, so you're not better :/
show me some proof.... also hacking is a big word, i don't really know how to hack a website.. Also the website has never been damaged, neither the database, so no fuck off.
You've been accused of over 20 people? And you never gave a statement you clearly have something to hide :(
why would anyone have to defend if there are no solid proofs? ;)
the rest have to prove his guilty, am i right? :P
You are but he can at least give some sort of statement. I mean if you compare it to Clinton nobody had clear proofs he slept with that girl, but he still gave a statement. I mean it's really wierd that he would hide like that. Could be he gave a statement but then I haven't seen it.
What do you expect me to say? lol. I really coded something, lets call it a firefox backuper :D that uploads to a ftp, some admin tried it and i got acess to website. Used his account to annoy them :DD Nothing else, the website or database is intact and alive. They only know i did it since i told them, otherwise there wouldn't be any proof.
Guilty? Yes, so what? care police?
u r going to jail!
I don't give a shit about that website but it's the Principe that counts, it's a really lame posture to have. That you abuse a site that's not even yours, and by reading your website you're clearly saying that you hacked into their website.

The point is that you're not even better than adawolf, panzermuckl and all those other guys and you clearly know it.
hacked using a valid account with admin rights? :)

"The point is that you're not even better than adawolf, panzermuckl and all those other guys and you clearly know it. "

If that makes you happy, let it be. I don't give a fuck about what you or anyone else think about it.
Stealing admin acces and logging in on a account that's not your own is hacking :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

It doesn't make me happy more sad that you would do something that lame :))))))
Get the facts straight :P

And you or anyone else learn the lesson, do not test suspicious software at your normal pc, get some virtual machine and a good firewall.
Oh I see, you tried to give us a lesson :P
good et do with less retard aswell cheater
and some more English.
why not? aFRAID?? :_pppppp

Plenty of other coders that would do such job for money, ones that aren't cheat coders and haven't tricked everyone before.
Good news, hope it's implemented faster then :]
dont worry vila no one cares if you play or not.
wont get finished in the first place :<
why u guys wouldnt go for antipro foward or some new one, maybe if u would get payed too?
:o cant follow :(
well, if u guys would be interested to work on some familiar anti-cheat project, since its better than to trust to some cheat coder and instead to paying to chapja, maybe paying to u guys?
oh well, first off, i would have no time for any other projects right now. 2nd im not sure if im the right guy for such, since im not very familiar with hacks and 3rd, who is "you guys" :)
well i thought u and the guys who have knowlage about it, not sure who have the right knowlage about this kind of project, but would be nice to see smth going on :p
Yea, it's a bit dodgy. I'm sure he sill advertises cheats for QL or whatever. :-/
Chaplja is a retard for removing the etpro certifier from his website :(.
We had this in the past ... it failed. So why you even keep on trying?
Awesome, paying a cheat coder to code an anti-cheat... makes sense :XD How fast do you think he will create a bot that is undetected and will start selling it?
+1 lol
money for the anticheat
money for the only undetectable cheat
= win for chaplja
chaplja 2-0 cF
it's pretty silly hes doing it indeed, but why are you commenting it ? you cheated also,unfortunately
why? cuz the first cheat you had was to obvious?
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