PL vs EE scandal?

After reading through the rules of CB i found following statements:

# Nationality and residence requirements:

* Captains must have the nationality and be residents of their team's country. The supervisor can make an exception if there is no candidate who meets these requirements.
* Players who have the nationality of the country they live in are always allowed to play for that country.
* Players who have the nationality of another country than the one they live in:
o Can play for their home country without any further requirements. However a national team may never have more than two such players playing at the same time. This means entire teams of ex-pats (players living abroad) are not allowed.
o Can play for the country they live in if they've lived there for more than 1 year. However a national team may never have more than one such player playing at the same time.
o May never play for more than one country during the same season.

* A player with two nationalities can only play for one of them.
o If he lives in country A he can play for country A without further obligations.
o If he lives in country A he can play for country B after showing a valid legal document to prove that they have the nationality of country B (just having the right to obtain such a document is not enough).
o If he has already played for one of the two countries in the past, he can not play for any other country.
o Any player, who legitimately (according to ClanBase rules) played for a country, can play for it in future NationsCups and for it only.

# When players are in multiple clans, they are classed as clan mates, with all of their coresponding clans.
# Any team found violating this rule will forfeit the match the offence was committed in.

# If a national team does not have enough players to play the match (e.g they only have 4 players available for a 5v5) they must use their wildcard before the scheduled match time or they forfeit the match. National teams are not allowed to play matches with less than the required number of players.

Shouldn't i see a forfeit win for PL because of breaking these rules?

Only need some decent reply from a CB admin thx :D

Kind regards,
Poland lost it clearly. They got one map advantage and fucked it up. No point forfeiting this match.
Canada/USA did it last year and they got removed.
We got removed AND myself and The_End received a 3 month ban from clanbase, should be repeated for this situation as well
yes, ban thouse fucking estonians

But they are Estonians, they run the show!
+1 i remember when they removed us :(
missing *admins stand over all rules.....
so which rule did they break?
tut tut tut :PPPP
and you seems to be proud of that.

so stupid
this happens when u have killerboy as admin
afaik Kboi asked Poland if they want forfeit and dialer said "no" so they kept on playing
oj robal, juz cie nie lubie :O he didnt asked for full match forfeit, just one map.
oj nie marudz, mowie tyle ile, meczu nie ogladalem bo mialem tryout :D

Quote Clanbase:
QuoteSince the situation with both teams has been handled by our C&A division we are now taking the step of removing both teams from competition. After banning the 2 involved players Anim and TheEnd Canada will be removed due to the person involved being their teamleader. For team USA the request was made to remove them by Mistaken, the American team captain. While it is regrettable the fault is theirs alone. Playing for a nation that you do not belong to will be punished severely.
the horror, the drama!
killerboy racist!
Didn't bother reading it, but I say ban, get rid of the polaks. permanently.
Shouldn't i see a forfeit win for PL because of breaking these rules?

PL must get the win

EE failed :/
rules are made to be broken :D!
Get rid of the hackers and laggers idd !!! BB poland !
estonia is actually the one that broke the rules.
but getting poland out of the way does sound good

image: gigglekitty
hence the "didnt bother reading" part =)

fuck poland.
Somebody explain what happened?

e: Precedent was set with removing the NA teams/players when they did this, rules should apply the same to EE and nordan. Would have been one thing if they were upfront about it, but it's another to smurf and have the rest of the team knowingly play with a fake-nicked player.
During first map SwedenNordan played in Team Estonia
But afaik NA teams had been banned because of having 1(/multiplie?) players using a guid spoofer(thus a cheat) to cover their tracks to be able to play for another country and not just did it. (think it should be up to PL if they feel like forfeiting the match, if they do not want to - fair enough, hat they can admit defeat. no ban necessary imo :x)
no, neither of us used a guidspoofer lmfao, IF we did it would've been a 6 month ban as opposed to a 3 month ban for using what is essentially referred to as a cheat
care, estonia was better
If PL agreed (btw this question shouldn't even be asked), i see no need in changing the result. Although, as i said, it should be a straight forfeit for PL since nordan was playing for EE. :| Well, PL players got punished for their attitude i guess.
Supervisory discretion is the most important factor in circumstances like this. If Poland were asked whether Nordan could play and consented then there is no issue, and the Poles should be congratulated for their sportsmanship. However, if Nordan has played for Sweden in this Nations Cup then there is obviously an issue to be addressed here, and I would have asked whether there was not another substitute available, one that had not played in this years competition; that is, assuming he has played for Sweden this year.
So what you tried and failed to say is: Who gives a shit?
Estonia won but deserves something like the yellow card for letting nordan play for them.
they deserve forfeit loss if i read rules :)
after Poland agreed to play Estonia doesnt deserve the forfeit loss
so if some team will agree playing with oponents whos cheating, they dont deserve for forfeit win? intresting. And second thing, killerboy as an admin said they can have only one map forfeit, so how they could say no we dont wanna play and dcced? if admins says smth, ppl think it must be right, so dont blame polaks, they agreed to play, they didnt have any other option:O
ok i understood ur point, thats why it should be better to rewatch the match and see, if killerboy really offered them the forfeit win of the whole match due to the rules or just for one map. That could make a big differences.
if they really let nordan play, then deserve a ban from nationcup tbh.. rules are clear, didn't nordan play for sweden _this season_ ?
like i already said, Poland still agreed to play after broken rule. If the match is still played after this breaking, it should be count. The problem is more like why killerboy decided not to ban the team immediately but asked the polish team if they would play further. I mean the problem is more at the admin's side
not rly,

first, there was suggested to REPLAY the entire war, and PL declined this (i agree with them, why wud they wanna replay)

noone ever said smth bout winning the match, admins only said smth bout getting the win of the map

and thats what PL did, they accepted the win of the map (noone said anything bout the entire match ...)

so please, if u talk, make sure u know what ur talking bout :)
ur right at this point, and i dont decline it. I explain u why: I based my opinion on the fact that Poland was informed at the right time and still agreed to play the much by only winning 1 map. After the conversation with Fasolka today morning i was additionally informed, that polish team based on her opinion wasnt informed completely, exactly what u mean now. And this is the reason why there is everybody on one of 2 sides: the one side claims Poland was informed completely, the other side claims, Poland wasnt informed completely. If the 2nd is true, then yes, Poland deserves the win even now and Killerboy should be banned for not explaining the whole rules as beeing admin and supervisor. On the other side, if the polish team got completely informed, then Estonia won the matchl. The whole solution of the solving the controversy is to watch the replay and follow the whole conversation again and then make the right conclusion :)
rules are rules! it should be respected or
maybe next time allow using cheats in game if both teams agree!
clownbase strikes again
masz temat na newsa, nie zmarnuj go.
cala redakcja wziela wolne :D
rzeczywiscie, pisanie newsow na et.owned jest zajebiscie pracochlonne.
nawet nie wiesz jak bardzo! od piatku pisze sprostowanie dla gnajdy :D
Forfeit loss for the country that broke the rules and 3 month bans for the smurfing player and the captain who allowed him/her to play.
At least that's what happened to the NA teams and Anim + The_End.
Stopped reading @ 'rules of CB '
I'm sure we'll see this all explained tomorrow, but I don't see how they wouldn't take the same action against Estonia as they did against USA and Canada last year, although I can certainly foresee that happening.
this will probably get explained with something like poland said ok to the merc
dramaqueeens in eesti :(
"nordan played for estonia vs poland (goldrush) and won. Killerboy changed score to 2-0 PL "

haha nerds
nerds got rolled
well done CB!
how much $$ you got for it?
drama queen...
Notorious <3
I know - Noctiiiii <3333333!
like u will get something. It's an old story that comes out always. When I played NC in quake wars a polak used rivatuner to the max even if it was forbitten but for KB was all ok and gave victory to poland. KB is fair only when he wants to be fair
KB doesnt have to be fair,CB has some rules and he shouldnt break them. If smth like u said happend to u then u should show u are not agree with it, and if u have some rules and proofs with u, then i dont see wheres a problem to get ur rights:)
Following rules is fair. So, yes, he needs to be fair. According to rules he should've offered forfeit for the whole match. I don't know what's the case so I won't speculate any further.
i told you that because we fought for our rights but none cared. CB admins usually, i dont know how to say that, they... give the problem to another admin like: i'm not that admin, go to admin X, admin X will tell you that admin Y is the guy u need and so on, until you get pissed and you fold
i dont expect anything else, but atleast wanna try:)
good luck, you will really need it. Maybe for ET you will get something because it is more played than quake wars ;)
hmmm once again knakerlaggin fuckin vittu polish cheaters shew that they r not nerdy and they have fun playing ET, so they didnt demand forfeit.
nc drama once again...
i was watching it, i didnt get wtf is going on, then i understood and said "why there are still playing? it should be win 1-0 or smth... "
big grief for admins .... but this is KB !! yuupi :|
the rules are quite outdated and void if I may say so myself, why should certain rules be followed when suited when other rules are not? afaik most of the time things seems to be enforced by illicit logic rather than punctuation.

it's not like poland complained and demanded a forfeit win after they found out is it?(and if we were talking a OC/EC game you would have to check guides and fakenicks yourself BEFORE the game started to claim on the freelancing rule, sure last NC season a couple of yellow cards were handed out for fakenicking, and that without any protruding new rules, but never else.)

so if we are to follow up with the crossfire standard, opinion equals fact:

PL got a free win on EE's strongest map.
PL could aswell have selfkilled on max every spawn on adlernest where they couldnt put up the most wimpish resistance.
PL couldn't put up any resistance on supply as well, giving away the fastest time on supply as of yet in this NC.

that means PL did not deserve to get any further, since they are way weaker than EE.
by crossfire logic, luck is an flawed aspect of advancement, and because we can conclude that EE is stronger than PL, the game did not realy have to play out further than showing that EE realy is stronger than PL.
tbh, what u say has nothing to do with the fact, that rules have been written down and that they are not being followed

you can read, i can read: if u read the rules and answer following question:

did EE break the rules and do rules state PL shud get forfeit win?

u shud know the answer by reading up my post :)
and I just wrote that the rules should not be followed, like many other rules, since they are outdated.
Concerning outdated rules... This reminds me of the recent news I heard about people being offended that the The Vatican City has the age of consent @ 12 and they are not doing anything about it :D
PL didnt show up on the irc channel 1h before the game start, we should get forfeit win :(
Obvious fail is obvious.
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