PL vs EE scandal #1

Eesti should be banned etc + other shit.

But why are only the polaks whining about that :D?

I mean, polaks sucked so hard that they lost to mant & co. bashed some überoldschool laggers. And the point is, newschool owns oldschool and polaks just suck.

Tbh if Estonia would get removed from NC, the NC would get boring, because the Polaks would loose anyways the next match, because they suck so hard.
So why do we keep using rules if things like this happen ?
So you wouldn't own too much!
From what I picked up from this post it's because 'polaks suckz so hardlol'
That's truezzz lolzzz
exactly WHEN do we follow your so called rules by letter?
My so called rules ? Every game has certain rules, so does ClanBase his NationCup and if you participate in such cup you can expect that ClanBase and all the teams participating will follow the rules and if not, they will follow the concequences. But if ClanBase keeps making exceptions whats the point of having rules then.
exactly, what is the point of having AND following outdated rules?
I once said this story...CB Admins don't really care. They need a winner and EE is just awesome.
i think subbi is hacking freEze also ...
And what do they think who they are ?!
getting some swe player wtf should be banned for uglyness
subbi is hacking, freeze also???!?!?!?!?!?

DUDE, at least they were not busted like you. WTF!
we will see who get and who not
get english or not or get not not english get or what not noob homo get lost freeze obviously clean player you retard or not english this or not what or not?
i see u are an mongo like the finish language allready show up !
Could u translate that sentence in English? Or is there too hard words on mine that you dont get what i requested?
Sorry mister no can do
low is low in every section
yes u say it !
And what do you mean by that? Your so called english ain't actually understandable at all. Go back to school is my advice. Self-learn, watch porn with voice on.
not needed got ur mother.
Teacher - reallife porn
For real. Mom jokes are older than internet. Second of all, it's really hard for anybody who actually know even the basics of English to understand you. You'r worse than polaks. Stick on your native language and never talk English to me nor anybody anymore. End of story.

orrg man i like it if u flame me for my "English skillz" sorry that im not so pro like you.
btw the thing with ur mother wasnt any kind of joke ! Just the truth ;)
Low is low in every section. Please stop it you make yourself ridicilous. Mom jokes are outfashioned, I'd say they never were fashion. Like i'd care if u dream about my mom. That's kinda pathetic tbh :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Moron. Do u even know the definition of the word i used. Frankly, you cannot speak nor write english. And that's a fact.
jes jou ar rait wat naow?
End of story :D
You is my really good new friend. <3
and who are you to decide who gets banned?
busted cheaters rule this community, dont u know that already ?
I blame allan
I though Poland agreed to get 2-0 from the map where nuggan was in (or who was it), so what´s the problem?
Yeah so it was, too bad some people can't understand things so well

image: 1-1771566-1835-t
you are so cute <3333333333 that kid truly looks like al
image: 1-1771566-1835-t
they didnt agree on official NC irc channel :D becauce of this romania was kicked out from NC
should be full forfeit, not only for one map.
Match has to be played OR re-schedule, both teams agree to merc, np.
wat? u mean polacks agreed that nordan can play?:O
They agreed to have 2-0 victory for the map that nordan played.
coz admin didnt even say a word about giving them forfeit for full match. So this is not like they agreed that estonia can play with non estonian merc :O
only polish ppl whining about that? get eyes O_O
they just want justice, same happened with Canada but you know how it ended
and yes Poland played like low+ but that's not the case here
sweden is pretty close to estonia. Checked a map, it´s only like an inch away. So it´s okay.
What happened?
Actually, the real polaks who played the match aren't whining, cause they know they got beat afterwards and have moved on :D the only ones whining are just angry nerds who lost gtv money

and the reason why we didn't get forfeited the whole map was because killerboy found out in the 2nd round in 1st map and nordan was only used in 1st map

and USA/CANADA used guidspoofers and they used mercs for both maps, thus both maps being forfeited, so there is no reason for us to get a forfeit
u deserve a yellow card :))
as a fellow estonian - take that back :(
better a yellow card than a forfeit win + ban :(
USA/CANADA got banned because they used guidspoofers :) and forfeit cause of that and cause mercs played both maps, so both maps were conceded. We didn't get no special treatment, our merc just fakenicked, used his own guid and played 1 map wich got conceided + poland didn't show any signs of wanting a forfeit win, they were happy with the map win : )
yeah i know but if people keep whining about it i doubt its gonna stay this way :P
uh we never used guidspoofers lmfao if we did that pretty sure we both woulda received 6 month bans each
hey thats what i was told :) and for notorious, there were 2 CB admins speccing, who decided what will happen
yea the only reason you were 'told' this was because nellie posted some sort of internet propaganda on cfire with a news post about me and the end getting kicked which was just lawlers cause he stickied it and then a bunch of dumbfuck euros posted their "theories"
Quotethe only ones whining are just angry nerds who lost gtv money

rofl, gtv money - serious business :DDD
looking at ur comment :)

ur not very smart are you??

this got nothing to do with money, or what so ever , who cares

if u make rules, follow them, if not screw the system

how bout we start using cheats in offis, in rulez it states its not allowed to use thembut hey, rules arent there to be followed???

EDIT: im not polak for ur info :)
i just explained the difference between our situation and the situation between USA/Can and why we only received a forfeit of the first map
Actually, the real polaks who played the match aren't whining, cause they know they got beat afterwards and have moved on :D the only ones whining are just angry nerds who lost gtv money


EDIT: rules are there to be followed, so read the rules i quoted, and say what im doing wrong?
that was just for the laughs :)
read up, i edited, answer why rules can be bend??
Again didn't use guidspoofers...

as far as nordaN goes, we got banned for 3 months for:

Type Suspended from playing on ClanBase
Cheat type Freelancing (fake nicked)
Description Freelancing in NationsCup

nothing more nothing less, and the only reason why it was only 1 map was cause killerboy interrupted the match, doesn't change the fact that you still had him alias as tarvo and play
Cheat type Freelancing (fake nicked)

i don't think cheat type freelancing is fakenicking, cause last NC fakenicking got you a yellow card :D
go look it up on clanbase - and freelancing means smurfing, which you had nordan do in your match REGARDLESS if he has different guids/ips/whatever or NOT, it's against the rules; we got a 3 month ban for it.
Better than heel or raul, doubt that.

Played with Mant myself @ Lan. He was as good as online, although i owned more @ that Lan ;).

And coming to a Lan in Enscheden is like 500 euros at least with food/drinks/sleeping etc. It really is not worth it.( night and co get sponsored everytime).
who cares? finland will bash them anyway
I am not nearly as good as they are + they aint cheaters.

Night and co played with/against them @ Lan, that should be enough.
i think poland should be banned for beeing so bad
image: 1-1771566-1835-t

al delivered

oh wait
freeware game without anticheat... that's all to be told.
is this nc gonna end next year? :|
Are you fucking blind moron?
QuoteBut why are only the polaks whining about that :D?

But why are only estonians not whining about that :D?
Because Estonians won the other two maps easily.
Why would we need to whine about winning a game fair and square?
coz at first they tried to win it not so fair?
and polaks got the map win? quite fair due to the fact that they lost it anyways
I don't care if they lost or not, it's all about following rules. Well, that discussion is senseless :P We both have our own arguments. Clownbase admins should decide what to do with it
Following rules? Almost every polish player should be banned for cheating or playing with cheaters

I'm not one of these cheating idiots so I don't care about them. If they cheat - ban them, thats obvious.
afaik what i heard, the only reason they used nordan, was cause they couldn't get 5 and didn't wan't to give away a forfeit win. To be fair Night > Nordan by a mile, and as poland won the map where nordan played anyway, what is there to whine about? next 2 maps they played with their real players and won. Fine they "broke" the rules but in the end won fair and square. im not saying that estonia should get away without getting punished, but to get removed from the cup cause of this fluke...that's nonsense.
never said they should be removed from cup. It's clownbase decision how to punish them. Cases like this shows only how big joke is ET community
so ok, some polish player will cheat in first map, u will get forfeit for that map, on the end ur team will llose, and u will be all calm, coz they broke rules, but only in one map?
what, who cheated? i've got no clue about the game cause i didn't watch the game, only based my comment on the stories going around here on crossfire.

i can understand the hatred(sort of), but the PL players accepted the forfeited map and didn't really like the idea of getting a forfeit win so they let estonia continue with their real players. Basically it's still a 0-0 beginning(only with the 1 map advantage to poland, which already is somewhat of a "punish" towards estonia) and apparently estonia won the next 2 maps fair and square.

Would of a forfeit win for PL been more exciting then?
no, but atleast we would fallow rules then. I am just asking myself now, for what are that rules anyway if u can just break it withaut any punish or smth o,o
cb is just bullshit nowdays :(
ye, i understand from the rules point of view. My team got backstabbed by the rules in the wintercup aswell(not that it's anything compared to this case, but i understand the feeling). I just can't see why the two team captains just didn't have a talk(even if it would of been like a minute from the starting time) and settle this in a couple of minutes.
i dont understand this too, and worst, i dont understand killerboy here, he made wrong decision, he knows that, so atleast he should allowed to reply match :O instead of this he just ignorin us, and noon everytime he is trying to contact with him.
mant jyrkz freeze won night raul euruz in lan.
me jyrkz subb won night euruz al
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