Something weird just happened at gamestv.

I lost all my money on 21st day,
21.04 20:55 MA#18350 PLACED A BET -195.00€
21.04 23:15 MA#18350 LOST BET 0.00€

Okay, so then I got some money, played once 10€ and lost.

21.04 23:24 UN#00000 CAPITAL BELOW 100€ 10.00€
22.04 20:08 MA#18268 PLACED A BET -10.00€
22.04 23:23 MA#18268 LOST BET 0.00€
22.04 23:35 UN#00000 CAPITAL BELOW 100€ 10.00€
24.04 21:29 UN#00000 CAPITAL BELOW 100€ 10.00€
25.04 21:48 UN#00000 CAPITAL BELOW 100€ 10.00€
26.04 22:57 UN#00000 CAPITAL BELOW 100€ 10.00€

5 x 10.00€ = 50.00€
50.00€ - 10.00€ = 40.00€ am I right?

Well, now out of nowhere, I have 115€ eventho I haven't put any bets after the 22nd when I lost the 10.00€

I did not do any of these bets, nor I ever had such money. Today @02:12 I wasn't even awake.

Today 02:12 MA#17754 CANCELLED BET 75.00€
Today 02:12 MA#17754 REOPENED BET 0.00€

So where did all this money come from?
Three men go to stay at a motel, and the man at the desk charges them $30.00 for a room. They split the cost ten dollars each. Later the manager tells the desk man that he overcharged the men, that the actual cost should have been $25.00. The manager gives the bellboy $5.00 and tells him to give it to the men.
The bellboy, however, decides to cheat the men and pockets $2.00, giving each of the men only one dollar.
Now each man has paid $9.00 to stay in the room and 3 x $9.00 = $27.00. The bellboy has pocketed $2.00. $27.00 + $2.00 = $29.00 - so where is the missing $1.00?
it's 25 + 2, not 27+2 :)))
Its a mindrape

omg im so confused: XD:D
yeah me too first, but you just gotta see that the men paid 10x3 - 3x1 = 27 euro. 25 from that is with the hotel, and 2 with the bellboy. there is no 29.
Yeah. I understood it after a while of thinking. But its still confusing whenever I read that text. :Dd
Men paid 30$, real price = 25$ so they gave 3$ back and bellboy has 2$ so where should the 1 dollar be lol? dumb shit.
Or maybe you're just too stupid to understand it.
The deal of the 30$:
Hotel 25$
First man 1$
Second man 1$
Third man 1$
Bellboy 2$

= 30$

5x10 is 50, -10 because of a lost bet = 40, cancelled old bet = +75, theres ur 115
What bet? Never did any bets, I lost ALL my money on 21st day and my recent bets dont show any cancelled bets.
21.04 23:24 UN#00000 CAPITAL BELOW 100€ 10.00€
22.04 20:08 MA#18268 PLACED A BET -10.00€
22.04 23:23 MA#18268 LOST BET 0.00€


and or I miss something, or you just posted ur gbooky log (last part) with 2 cancelled bets there? :p
ment the cancelled old bet

The 75€ which I never had.
hm well watching football atm, will look into it later ^^

we have a forum and a ticketsystem too btw :p
I don't mind getting extra 75€, was just so weird that I wanted to share it with you all.
vipe bustattu .. raha hackeri!
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