Nature By Numbers - awesome video

Watch in 720p and fullscreen if you want the best of it :)
This is something so awesome I just had to post it. I know it's old. The point of this journal isn't the video itself, though. I wanted to ask you guys if you know any other videos like this. What I mean: beautiful and inspirational combined with a good soundtrack. Something to look in awe when you're high :D.

As always, you can browse through some stuff if you don't feel like reading what I have to say:

image: image-658C_4BD73F63
image: image-A7EA_4BD73F63
image: image-6407_4BD73F63

image: adlernest2_004047
image: goldrush_germany_002801
image: supply_pro_003924

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image: image-9D66_4BD7415E
image: image-123B_4BD74191

everything around us can be represented and understood through numbers :)
Was your intention just to post some music or wut? Doesn't seem to fit my description, doesn't even include video :<.

Yeah, numbers ftw :P.
you can listen to it when you´re high and go wild while thinking about numbers
Grush pic is pretty nice.
It's from a Gr modification called "Goldrush Germany". You can find it here .

It's like 60mb in size because of the textures and an obligatory "music mod".

But yeah, it looks awesome.
That grush is seriously nice tbh...

The brick texture makes a much better looking courtyard..
Would love to see that in competition mode.
wtf @ the blonde chick
the brunette one is so much nicer and u post a pic of the blonde again.....
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