In the Middle of the Night

you may think of Billy Joel's River of Dreams running in the background, if you wish.

Reading so much about boredom in the journals, why don't you do anything productive then? Posting "boooooooooring" journals will most likely result in yet more boredom.

So what I did today (now we come to the narcissistic part) was to check on the old clan page we had four/five years ago. It was a Wordpress (no comments please) and turned out that I erased most stuff except for the main site. So only a static last impression remains:

Then I wanted to find out the squad back then but .. 403, darn, even for me (have restricted access to that server). But behold, there is the waybackmachine!

So, to get back to the topic. I was bored so I tried to recreate that stuff. Here is the new version, even added some news (which you may not comment, but you may here).

Now if you complain that this Journal is boring you better didn't complain that you were bored before.

PS: Hirntot 6-Map has still 12 Players!!11
And one sad thing (not gonna open a new journal for that):

Canada Blazen
Last Seen: Tuesday 5th September 06


anyone has contact?
I think he was here way after that date, or time just really flies..
didn't read because some bloody bird outside my window annoys the shit out of me
that's what you get when parrot fucks a pigeon?
That's what you get when you associated a certain comic strip after reading a reply on xf. Then you try for "comic birds spring" and fail horribly. But find this.

And if you find a pic that has never been posted before on xf, you just HAVE TO!

Sarcasm aside: I found that somewhat confusingly related to what you said before :)
you do realise I'm tired as fuck and am not even trying to understand stuff you write?
no, i'm too drunk for that. the hidden message was that Denmark Ankel has returned.
never heard of :) I'm off to bed now, enjoy your drunk state
Always. Be well rested.
only know rasen, blazen, and arni out of that lineup,

i've been playing since et was out, my long term memory must suck :(((((
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