I hate iceland Sparta Remix

why does he hate iceland?
Well if you'd like to know more you can listen to his radio interview - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vb_oRKIle2Q&feature=related

Hes like the Scottish Leroy Jenkins
gotta hate the accent
As if that presenter was saying it was bad to "hate" a country and went on to say he was worried of the state of Scotland after the interview.
lol, lovely remix.
gotta admit, this one rocks :DD
haha this guy is fucking jokes
Engrish? Shame on your mother, you cunt!
Anyone English would vouch that in London this passes as a sentence. Therefore dont reply to me from now on as you seem to be the cunt around here. Typical xf user that will happliy starting a fight online but wouldn't do shit like this in real life as they would have their arse handed to them on a plate.
You are replying like an utter fool!

If you had any brains, you would never have implied that i'm what you just wrote, which obviously i'm not, and you could never know for sure. And bought a new DA instead of trying to fix it with tape.

My conclusion: You are a sad, sad man...

PS: I'm still sorry for your mother though...
I broke my deathadder and bought the mamba that night. 5 days delivery = need to fix mouse. But your German so i WOULD be sorry for your whole family but its cool your probably all as fucking poor/stupid as each other.
You broke your mouse by playing sp_delivery for 5 days?
I just wont play that map fullstop! Its so nasty :(
You broke your mouse from anger because you had to play delivery? Now I got it
Potty, you retarded fuck!

1st: I'm not German!

2nd: Not mentioning what i wrote first!

Enough said.
Look at all your last comments. Like I said, typical xf user, nerding it up trying to act the big man. Do you want me to act a tiny bit scared just to make your e-penis a tiny bit bigger then you think it already is?
Dude, you're a joke...

Face it... You are nowhere without your keyboard!

Succes with degrading your IQ with every reply you make!

PS: I "still" feel sorry for your mother.
Face it... You are nowhere without your keyboard!

Anyone else seen in the news that a Londoner vanished and came back after 2 months?

I pitty you, when your banned good luck trying to find some other forums to troll as all your doing is seeking attention. I really pitty you.

Anyways i'm going back to making something of my life. Have fun nerding it up faggot.
You're a disgrace.. Even for a nerd!

Unable to locate your brain?

Everytime you try to prove that you are smarter and thus better. But in fact you are giving yourself an invaluable lesson.

The person in question is the boy in the mirror.

Never imply anything, without the proper proof!

Lesson leared.
why do you feed the troll?
Engrish? Shame on your mother, you cunt!

Yes I'd say this to you irl too. I'm fast, like Usain. Can't touch meee!
flaming a british guy for his english, epic fail!!!
nerd rage
HAHA! cool!
thats a really scotish accent i could not understand well (I HATE ICELAND II, video)

image: meanwhiler
unfunny -.-
haha this guy is fucking jokes
Engrish? Shame on your mother, you cunt!
Anyone English would vouch that in London this passes as a sentence. Therefore dont reply to me from now on as you seem to be the cunt around here. Typical xf user that will happliy starting a fight online but wouldn't do shit like this in real life as they would have their arse handed to them on a plate.
You are replying like an utter fool!

If you had any brains, you would never have implied that i'm what you just wrote, which obviously i'm not, and you could never know for sure. And bought a new DA instead of trying to fix it with tape.

My conclusion: You are a sad, sad man...

PS: I'm still sorry for your mother though...
I broke my deathadder and bought the mamba that night. 5 days delivery = need to fix mouse. But your German so i WOULD be sorry for your whole family but its cool your probably all as fucking poor/stupid as each other.
You broke your mouse by playing sp_delivery for 5 days?
I just wont play that map fullstop! Its so nasty :(
You broke your mouse from anger because you had to play delivery? Now I got it
Potty, you retarded fuck!

1st: I'm not German!

2nd: Not mentioning what i wrote first!

Enough said.
Look at all your last comments. Like I said, typical xf user, nerding it up trying to act the big man. Do you want me to act a tiny bit scared just to make your e-penis a tiny bit bigger then you think it already is
Dude, you're a joke...

Face it... You are nowhere without your keyboard!

Succes with degrading your IQ with every reply you make!

PS: I "still" feel sorry for your mother.
QuoteFace it... You are nowhere without your keyboard!

Anyone else seen in the news that a Londoner vanished and came back after 2 months?

I pitty you, when your banned good luck trying to find some other forums to troll as all your doing is seeking attention. I really pitty you.

Anyways i'm going back to making something of my life. Have fun nerding it up faggot.
You're a disgrace.. Even for a nerd!

Unable to locate your brain?

Everytime you try to prove that you are smarter and thus better. But in fact you are giving yourself an invaluable lesson.

The person in question is the boy in the mirror.

Never imply anything, without the proper proof!

Lesson leared.
geen leven of wat:D?
lol i saw this live on news xD
Trust a chevy Scot to summarize the situation so eloquently.
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