ESL is wonderful

Enemy Team: "1 player didn't have guid filled"

a) They arrived late
b) They failed to check the guids before the match
c) The issue was raised by a spectator(!) right before the 2nd round of the 2nd map and the opposite team still decided to play.
d) Inventive was a victim of a faulty system, he could not enter his GUID before the match
e) They had 1 player with a wrong GUID
f) We had people to replace Inventive, enemy did not object against him playing while knowing about this
g) Their spectator flamed and spammed during the match

They got forfeit win.

image: 8ef274d3b7b50b3e1578377f2c768afc
Why do you say ESL is wonderful when you're angry at them?
My name is sarcasm. I got a child called Cynism, from my wonderful wife Irony.
Verry witty.
default or forfeit
Krein + 3 niggers for cinderella called it "Default win"
Read the rules, Saevio m8.
Wrong PBGUID -> insta loss.

There's a channel called where there are some admins with a "ESL|" tag that could solve your problems, answer your questions.

d) Inventive was a victim of a faulty system, he could not enter his GUID before the match

So you knew he had a wrong pbguid, didn't you? So it was your fault but still you want to win without respecting the rules. Sorry Saevio m8, it was your damn fault.
We didn't know about Inventive's PB Guid not being filled. Actually it was a coincidence that he was playing, he wasn't able to get on at schedule and we had Kaizi play, but Kaizi has a wire in his hand from a football accident that broke his hand. When they arrived too late, Inventive was able to play and we put him in.

Also, they had a wrong PB GUID in 1 player and it was np for us. They basically won because they were late. Fucking niggers.

I was in Krein who is our cupadmin claimed that we should get the win, however another force drove 3nuts to get the win and Krein can't take influence on it. Probably they gave a lot of sexual favors to a higher admin than him.
i didnt claim that you should win. I told your teammate that its your fault.
So you did 2 mistakes:

1. Waited for 30 mins for their 3rd legit player. You could have got forfeit win if you had contacted an admin. But you agreed to play anyway...
2. Play with INVENTIVE. I always check my players guids before match to not have this sort of problems. If you had backups, why not use them? They had all the right to make a protest and ask for defwin.

Sorry Saevio m8.
Do you have Sorry Saevio m8. on your Strg+c? ;) well I'll live with it. ET is dying for me anyway. Thanks for the sincere support
No man, but you didn't respect the rules so you can't blame us. I always tell players to contact admins when this kind of exception happens. We know the rules, we know what to do...
It's not about not respecting the rules. Inventive tried to fill in his GUID and told us it succeeded, then after we heard that it didn't he tried again. "Invalid ID". I realize you won't take the blame, however, it's niggerteams that are too low to win on the normal way that create shit like that.

I like that you treated me nonbiased and I thank you :)
General rules:
1st rule

now go look for it
explain to me why it matters when we have 1 wrong pb guid but when they have 1 wrong pb guid it's np
did the guy with wrong guid actually play?
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