Sergio Busquets [REPOST]

I don't watch Spanish football every week, but is it me ... or does this guy roll all over the floor, crying, every time an opponent comes near him?

image: FC+Barcelona+vs+CD+Guadalajara+WlCEh9YMFial


Quote by's just officially gone mental. Thiago Motta gently sticks his right hand in Sergio Busquets's face and the Barca player goes down like he's been shot.
Excellent journal, would read again.
stupid belgian fuck, worst referee ever :X
so that wasn't a deserved yellow?

no it wasnt
ofc it was

ok he made it look worse, but still thats a yellow card
Stroking someones face is a yellow card?

Collapsing to the floor like you've been shot with the intention of getting your opponent sent off is fair play?

thats the game, everyone does it nowadays
You think it's fair play?
no, but who cares about fair play when you can reach the finals :D
it's deserved
I disagree. But we won't change eachothers opinions, so leave it at that.
talking about fucking fairplay, comeone man:D see how inter is playing

lying on the ground like that milito, cesar waiting to get a goal kick for a minute.
sad sad sad = inter
Belgians defending Belgians, you have no chance!
Perhaps he should have given yellow to both, still motta can only blame himself.
Such a pussy! 3 fingers touched his chin and hes fking rolling on the grass.
I personally think he is manly.
What a fucking whiner !!!

NOT A RED CAD FFS !!! what a whiner !
DESERVED 2nd yellow
Oh well Inter will take it still hopefully ;)
Barca and crying diving whiner? unexpected
that a fucking son of a bitch
i hope someones gonna break his leg so he finally learns what a real foul actually is
The boy who cried wolf got eaten.

Busquets deserves a broken leg.
THIS IS football Baggiez , just u have to deal with it !
There's nothing I can do about it, I just think it's a massive shame that referee's continue to fall for the shame shenanigans from the same players, over and over again.
agree, thats also why I like to watch a PL game, not much diving, play acting, cheating or time wasting, just give 100% fair & square
Hands dont belong on the pitch, use em and face the consequences. Good riddance for Motta, all Inter is doing is fucking up the game.

but yeah, he did go down a bit too much..still motta deserved a card.
Gast dit is gewoon briljant spelen. Barca had het niet moeten verneuken in San Siro.
vind het nie zo heel briljant..spelen gwn kk vervelend, die Maicon die een blessure faked, dan terug het veld in loopt en weer gaat zitten...doe normaal, dat is gwn verkankeren van het lekker handballen ofzo dan :(
Nee zo'n rode kaart aansmeren is briljant. Echt waar ik vind het prachtig om te zien hoe ze Barca compleet gek maken.
de enige die ik gek zie worden waren motta en mourinho...maar ja vind het nie zo spannend, lijkt een beetje op PSV...90 minuten lang wint er mss de finale wel mee, maar ik vind er weinig aan :b
thought de bleeckere was supposed to be a decent ref
no de bleeckere is the fucking worst referee ever.
he's 3rd best in the world
and Ovrebo is second?
best in 2009 i heard, but cant rly see it atm
card was deserved though
instant red, no
it wasn't a red, it was a second yellow
no he got an instant red, no yellow shown
it's basically the same thought, at this stage..
not sure, no idea if it means smth for after the match etc. wouldve had red either way yea
seeing that the final is the last match of the european season, even if he had 2 yellows, he wouldnt have been allowed to play I think
dunno, ribery aint allowed to play the first match of next season either
the uefa popup showed 2 yellow into a red
and Motta said before game that Barca is team full of divers :DD
Its Barca, what do you expect? This happens every big game against Barca.
Haha still crying over last year?
Its ever year with Barca
Nah last game the ref helped Inter quite a bit. Tbh they should just use a video ref, would make the game so much fairer.
True, the way he went down was just ridiculous, but that doesnt change the fact that Motta deserved a yellow card

Busquets is a sad boy though
first i thought it wasnt impossible baggiez posted again whining about busquets' diving actions. But then...FUCK YEAH BAGGIEZ IS WHINING ABOUT A COMPLETELY DESERVED RED CARD. baggies, seriously, gtfo. You have no idea about it.

reading some of the comments..some ppl here is really retarded :D go watch inter-barça, that was an incredible thief.
No idea about what? Are we watching a different game?
ure also telling me, motta's behaviour after the red card is acceptable. Cmon dude, i ve seen motta playing football since many years, he's just shit, dirty player.
His actions after he got sent off were understandable, yet unacceptable.

I don't know how you can justify Busquet's actions tbh.
its not the red card he is whining about, its the pussy acting of busquets and he is absolutly right to flame about that
so? every player nowadays does that. The thing is, he wouldnt do that if motta didnt touch him intentionally. end of discussion.

dude iknow what im talking about, motta was playing in barcelona few years ago, he was extremely shit and always getting red cards.
He's trying to hold him off...
jesus, even u cant believe what ure saying, ur '...' says it all.
I do believe what I'm saying. It wasn't very smart what he did but I don't believe he did it intentionally. Don't think it's a yellow card, definetely not a direct red card.
that's true

but then watch what motta did before leaving the pitch
I don't know what broadcast you get in Belgium, but on British TV it showed Busquets lying on the floor, peeking through his fingers at the referee, waiting for the card to be shown :DDD
he grabbed the neck of motta after he got his red
haha you whine about busquets. just take a look at lucio. this guy beats busquets double time :)
Which word can't you understand?
Lucio was falling down all the time. Also, I had noticed the same in some other Inter's matches I had seen.
Yeah he made it look worse than it was, but why the fuck did he have his hand up there? I guess he tried to hold him off, but that just means its his own goddamn fault. Stop blaming others, the only one who should take responsability is motta.
2nd yellow deserved, also expecting longer disquallification after what he did before leaving the pitch

check this, that fucking cunt of a pedro is a dirty fucking cheating scum, should have had red too
he just tried to block off the player using his arms, it happens all the time in duels

motta just had the bad luck to have his hand at neck/face height , that gave busquets the chance to go theatrical

i doubt motta is stupid enough to hit another player in the face on purpose after he had just received a first yellow card
trust me, he is.
Im cheering for Barca but Busqeats is an asshole lmao
Sergio even checked if Motta would get a card ornot rofl.
most football players are fking sham pussies...
dont watch that crap sport anymore...its more like theater of hypochodriacs than sport.
needs more materazzi and bb career!
Well on the one hand Busquets is a fucking pussy that should get beaten up once but on the other hands an italian team compalining about it is just funnny :>.
A regular italian player literally dies on the field whenever an opponent gets near to him.
soccer is disgusting to watch
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