Nighmare on Elm Street

Yo cf! Just watched first part of Nightmare on Elm Street - movies, what a disappointment :( Last time i watched these movies was when i was a little child, almost shitted my pants back then... Nowadays these movies are more like comedies than horror movies.. Again, golden memories = ruined.

Also noticed that one of the actors is Johnny Depp :o
Johnny Depp? :///// wtf ruined already.
had the same with "IT"

scared me to death when i was little, now its a laugh compared to then :p
Isn't it that one with the CLOWN?
omg i almost shitted in my pants when i was young omggg nightmares included :D
yeh it was:D
i watched the first movie when i still was in russia :)
dont wanna watch it again and it will forever be a memory :D

1984: Nightmare – Mörderische Träume (A Nightmare on Elm Street) (als: Glenn Lantz)

sherlock ^^
One,two Freddy's coming for you,
three,four better lock your door,
five,six grab a crucifix,
seven,eight gonna stay up late,
nine,ten never sleep again.
have to dl that, even i know it's a disaster..
well the guy who is playing it is a nice actor imo ( watchmen )
i think it wont be that bad since i the actual movies werent anything special anyways :P
lal i remember when they called me to play this Jesse Braun guy...

now i know what it was for.. shit agency..
Indeed theyre 90min of laughing :D
same shit happend with hellraiser movies :D
Chuckie that damn doll also scared me :((
chuck norris used too be my hero, now i laugh at that dickface.
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