What's on your RMB?
29 Apr 2010, 01:21
Serious question since I have heard so many different answers already.
Probably old news to everybody: But I just noticed that if you hold "+activate" and press strafe keys, you are leaning.
I use "+activate" on RMB now because I can lean/open doors/pickup weapons/push quickly, and a misclick has usually no disadvantage.
Even better: Q/E are open for other things because I can lean with RMB.
Probably old news to everybody: But I just noticed that if you hold "+activate" and press strafe keys, you are leaning.
I use "+activate" on RMB now because I can lean/open doors/pickup weapons/push quickly, and a misclick has usually no disadvantage.
Even better: Q/E are open for other things because I can lean with RMB.
mouse1 +attack
mouse2 weaponbank 3
mouse3 weaponbank 5
mouse4 weaponbank 2
mouse5 weaponbank 1
mwheelup weaponbank 4
mwheeldown weaponbank 6
I'm weird I know, but it's a lot easier to move around whilst switching weapons.
No offence just haven't slept 2nite + trolling :XD
when im any other class, rmb = crouch
bind E "+forward"
bind D "+back"
bind S "+moveleft"
bind F "+moveright"
bind V "+movedown"
bind C "+prone"
bind W "+leanleft"
bind R "+leanright"
bind G "+activate"
bind T "+reload"
bind N "+mapexpand"
bind Q "+zoom; +attack; -attack; -zoom"
bind Y "messagemode"
bind U "messagemode2"
bind 2 "weaponbank 1;com_maxfps 125"
bind 3 "weaponbank 2;com_maxfps 71"
bind 4 "weaponbank 3;com_maxfps 125"
bind 5 "weaponbank 4;com_maxfps 125"
bind 6 "weaponbank 5;com_maxfps 125"
bind 7 "weaponbank 6;com_maxfps 125"
bind Q "weaponbank 7;com_maxfps 125"
bind L "openlimbomenu"
bind ~ "toggleconsole"
bind ` "toggleconsole"
bind BACKSPACE "mp_fireteamadmin"
bind SPACE "+moveup"
bind CAPSLOCK "+speed"
bind SHIFT "+sprint"
bind PAUSE "pause"
bind ESCAPE "togglemenu"
bind MOUSE1 "+attack"
bind MOUSE2 "weapalt"
bind MOUSE3 "kill;forcetapout"
bind N "vote yes"
bind M "vote no"
bind , "ready"
bind . "notready"
bind MOUSE4 "vstr timerSet-toggle"
bind MOUSE5 "vstr timerSet-time; vstr enemy-spawned; play sound/menu/select.wav"
set enemy-spawned "echo ^6SPAWNED"
set timerSet-time "timerSet 20"
set timerSet-toggle "vstr timerSet30"
set timerSet-TimerInput "openTimerInput; set timerSet-time resetTimer; set timerSet-toggle vstr timerSetxx"
set timerSet20 "set timerSet-time timerSet 20; set timerSet-toggle vstr timerSet30; echo ^620; play sound/menu/select.wav"
set timerSet30 "set timerSet-time timerSet 30; set timerSet-toggle vstr timerSetxx; echo ^630; play sound/menu/select.wav"
set timerSetxx "set timerSet-time vstr timerSet-TimerInput; set timerSet-toggle vstr timerSet20; echo ^6CUSTOM: Input; play sound/menu/select.wav"
bind F1 "vstr medic;exec unbind.cfg;say_team ^6MEDIC"
bind F2 "vstr engineer;exec engi.cfg"
bind F3 "vstr field;exec field.cfg;say_team ^6FIELD OPS"
bind F4 "vstr covert;exec covert.cfg"
bind F5 "vstr soldier;exec unbind.cfg"
set medic "class m 1"
set eng1 "class e 1;say_team ^6ENGINEER; set engineer vstr eng2"
set eng2 "class e 2;say_team ^6RIFLE; set engineer vstr eng1"
set engineer "vstr eng1"
set field "class f 1"
set cov1 "class c 1;say_team ^6STEN; set covert vstr cov2"
set cov2 "class c 3;say_team ^6SNIPER; set covert vstr cov1"
set covert "vstr cov1"
set sol1 "class s 4;say_team ^6PANZER; set soldier vstr sol2"
set sol2 "class s 2;say_team ^6MOBILE; set soldier vstr sol1"
set soldier "vstr sol1"
bind DEL "setspawnpt 0 ;cmd say_team ^60"
bind UPARROW "setspawnpt 1 ;cmd say_team ^61"
bind LEFTARROW "setspawnpt 2 ;cmd say_team ^62"
bind DOWNARROW "setspawnpt 3 ;cmd say_team ^63"
bind RIGHTARROW "setspawnpt 4 ;cmd say_team ^64"
bind END "setspawnpt 5 ;cmd say_team ^65"
seta snipet "vstr snipeon"
seta snipeon "sensitivity 10.5;m_pitch 0.04;com_maxfps 71;echo ^6SNIPER MODE; set snipet vstr snipeoff"
seta snipeoff "sensitivity 3.5;m_pitch 0.022;com_maxfps 125;echo ^6NORMAL MODE;set snipet vstr snipeon"
bind Q "vstr snipet"
bind Q "weaponbank 7;com_maxfps 125"
bind Q "+zoom; +attack; -attack; -zoom;say_team ^6ARTILLERY MARKED"
if I'm a medic: syringe
if I'm a fops: quick arty
if I'm an engy: pliers
if I'm a soldier: reload
if I'm a covert: zoom