FlashForward S01E18

When?? I need it now!! yes now :D now now now
ok ty :) i just saw the trailer of E18 it was nice :P
yes thx i want now :D
Every thursday night sqinnie=)
:D komt het eigenlijk ook al op tv in nl?
Dan heb je nog een kwartier reclame erbij. Mindere kwaliteit ( tenzij je HD hebt ), en ze lopen altijd achter. Kortom waardeloos.
weet ik maar ik wil gewoon weten of die al op tv in nl draait :D want ik loop dan gewoon voor op de toekomst mwhahahahaha :DDDDD
ja, met 24 was het helemaal erg. Zit ik zo seizoen 8 te kijken komt RTL keertje aan met seizoen 7. En dan ook nog reclame maken van nieuw seizoen van 24 op RTL 7 !
i am ep 11 and I like it :)
but there is some annoying thing it would be so easy to change the future but they r just so dumb...
idd just stupid when the future they see is bad and then they act so that it happens..
the whole point is the way whatever they think is the best and safest way to do things that's actually the way its supposed to happen.. like with the wedding Demetri was supposed to take time off and he did got shot in the chest twice with Mark's gun, it just wasnt what they thought, although still doesnt explain why he had no flashforward :>
it is just a serie and no real ;)) =))
really :o i has no flashforward so i am going to die? :-o
Only D Gibbons knows, oh wait hes... gone!
he is snipered by that nice lady :DD
watch it more and ull find out more...ep 17 was one of the bests ( and i liked the development A LOT)
its rly retarded in lot of levels especially on few latest episodes.. but i just love the jericho sidestory :D
i dont get what so cool on these money wasted us series, where its always about some stupid uber natural phenomens and ppl gettting "lost" in these and after 10 seasons with 200 new characters and 2 million of new developments of the phenomens, they find out its some aliens or some super duper conspiracy or they just got mundfucked by some drugs .
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