Finally, more Guild Wars 2 info!

More info's and SS of the to-be best MMORPG on the planet!

Normal Info:

image: gw260
image: gw002
image: elementalist-meteor-shower
image: elementalist-static-field

Videos revealing a few Elementalist (one of the GW2 classes) Skills: (epic! worth it)

Scroll down a little, and on the right side of the video you have a chance to choose the type of skills you would want to see in game.

The Teaser trailer if someone missed it, around a year ago:

Best MMORPG...
omg ! cant wait :D gotta get some more titles in gw fast !:D
Hope the necros stay in gw2
gw1 pretty much sucked
Looks nice, I sold my GW 1 account for £5 to a friend though and I never even recieved the money :(
nice friends you have ;)
Yeah well I did say just pay me when you want but since it's such a small amount I thought he would pay me pretty fast, but I guess he's a jew :<
you haven't even played it yet..
will definitely gonna play it.
the girl has taste
the skill are close to the skills of hon :D
can't wait, its gonna be epic
I have no faith in this game because everything they released after the initial game, Prophecies, was terrible. And it sucks that we can't even go back and play PvP with only prophecies skills/classes.

It's like they fired all the people that balanced PvP and then replaced them with the WoW balance team for factions and onwards.

e: Static field looks like utter bullshit for PvP.
always complain
just the same as d3, never going to be released
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