looking for 3 threads

there were 3 threads, all trolls
1. where 1 ugly fat chick is getting married with some skinny ugly guy, and everyone laughs at them

2. some guy posts pictures of his realll ugly chinese girl and everyone laughts at them

3/ some guy posts "do i have a talent"? or something and everylaughts at him and some1 made some pirate pic :DD

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working for me :(

"do I have potential" in google and first link
it now works for me aswell, thx
there was also a thread where some guy with his kid in a pic ,and some the guy wants to edit his pic or something, and the guys there started putting pedo bear and porn there :DDDD anyone?


i remember that, it was hilarious. First someone swaped the dad's head with the kids then it got all crazy. Can't recall where it was though.
that yaason guy rocked the cock :D
cmon i need the thread about the fat chick and the ugly guy getting married!!!!!!!!!!!
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