
guys i was thinking bout buying a bottle of patron through the internet.. anyone has any good sites 2 order it etc? opinions & some infoz etc about patron? never drank it before :p

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Tequila is for girls.
whats that?
can you not buy it somewhere near you?
tequila sux .. buy a bottle of nice single malt or some nice whiskey :) .. much better
It's a different drink..
Whiskey should be enjoyed with some nice music and a chillmood..
Tequila has only one goal, that's getting you drunk.
tequila sux :/ i always drink beer and jack only on some partys and all that stuff and i get drunk enough :) ..
anyways if u wanna get drunk u can drink everything with alc. :)
I just pointed out the difference between whiskey & tequila.
I never drink tequila, only beer & sometimes wodka or champagne.
is that allowed to sell alcohol on the internet?

someone knows a good site to buy eristoff vodka online =)?
all > eristoff
even parliment is better lol
Looks like water, probably tastes like water aswell and has the same effect on your body.
Cant drink tequila anymore after I ended up whining with my best mate on some park bench and hugging trees :D
LoL Andy und Andi :-D.
Ne, sein kleiner Bruder Alex. :~D
Wie ich ohne Scheiss zuerst Alex schreiben wollte, dann mir aber gedacht habe "Ne der ist bestimmt n Geek". :(
Andi ist der Geek, der ist seit über 2 Jahren nichts mehr machen gegangen, nur am studieren der Affe. Alex und ich sind wenigstens am Wochenende weg, aber den kannst total vergessen.
Haha Schwulas halt :D. Feiern geht immer :P. Biste inzwischen auch am studieren oder was? Ich bin bald fertig, hab nur noch mündliches Abi und danach erstmal 3 Monate Pause. Portugal ich komme!
had the same with wodka, except I kept running into trees and ditches.
got dem diamonds on my neck
got patron in my cup
if you want it come and get it cuz i dont give a fuck

laat maar weten of het is :$

btw slijterij?
never cried because of alcohol x'D
wasn't really funny as I nearly fucked up the relation with some girl which turned out to be me girlfriend 2 weeks later. I told her we should hug trees when I walked with her home :'D
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