SUP CF? There is already

y0 nerds sup?
iam rly bored
just pubbed a little on cybergames and got owned more or less :<
gimme some random cf stuff to entertain me!

NP: Ticon - 1987
one of the best songs ever made imo :-)

image: Image04
old but still nice ass there!
made logo for polaks

nothing else >_>
very nice song, thanks
its always played when the sun rises at the outdoor goa partys, its so fucking beautiful every time :D
i can imagine that, amazing tune.

got any like that?
havent found any progressive song that is as awesome as this one yet ;)
but other stuff from ticon is good too, and theres neelix ofc
cheers for the song
+1. great track
need dl for the song NOW
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