
krosan actually is quite skilled, played with him yesterday and he kinda impressed me

I don't get how nerds on cf call him a bad admin, because frankly he's one of the only ones who does his job as admin

have a good day :)
what u want nerd
normal polls
You should get some advices from Irelandsol. Simply the best CF admin for being impulsive and using BANHAMMER against trolls and fags.
he's my idol
you are is my idol
volges mij heeft die nie echt me u gespeeld, als die u skilled noemt ;-D
je ziet er weer onweerstaanbaar geil uit.
Het is die diadeem hé
what u nerd want
delete this shit journal

shit journal is shit
nerd what want u
nice editing the journal krosan
problem officer?
Unexpected. He's afraid of critizism, but instead of NOT giving a reason for it, he decides to censor it away. Hooray
Hooray for the retards!
Worst admin ever. Go ahead, give me warning points for this comment as well.
oh go cry in a corner
+1, typical stuck up admin wanker
I'm such a retard :XD

And I suck at rifle ololol
True, but what you said about me was the truth and nothing but the truth
nice editing my comments also ^^
we have such a GREAT admin here, not abusin or anything ?
Wut you talking about?
about ur admin skillz
they should give u some education, how to be admin
ye. and prolly many others also
[13:48] <Vanhaomena> you may want to reconsider Krosan's admin status, he's on a mad deleting & banning rampage since beginning of this month. He receives a lot of critizism in journals but either smashes the delete button or EDITS the critizism into a praising post (LOL). He only cares about his own personal battles with members that he dislikes (such as me (because he keeps misunderstanding my unorthodox humor)) and uses warning points & delete button mostly as a tool in arguments. If you point that out on crossfire, that post will get instantly deleted of course.
[13:49] <Vanhaomena> A poll about him (to replace the "do you like football [yes]/[yes] poll) would be very welcome
[13:50] <Vanhaomena> also he calls users retards and tells us to "suck it" :( it's offensive :( help
Krosan "gets things done" so to speak and without going into details, it seems much easier for TosspoT if he is around. I doubt deleting a few posts will get him demoted. The fact that comment edits don't show in the admin log (iirc) is open to abuse however.
He seems to get a lot of false positives done as well, unlike Sol these days (who made a massive improvement from Nazi Admin of Doom to Decent Admin)

Hopefully Krosan will some day improve similarly. He's rather new as an admin, right? Maybe he's just drunk from the power and will sober up eventually

PS: Please try to understand my obvious sarcasm in the future. Really. It was glaringly obvious. The "Germans should always apologize for Hitlers actions" thing. I mean come on. Even if it wasnt sarcasm, which it was, it would've counted as "retarded opinion" which are in fact allowed
Posting swastikas sure as hell is unorthodox humor.
That + browser-lagging-picture (obviously worth warning points, swastika debatable but ok) were posted because of previous, completely undeserved WP's. Thought I'd do something actually against the rules now that I got the punishment without doing anything.
Picture yourself a football match. The ref gives a yellow for a schwalbe which actually wasn't a schwalbe. Now your reaction would be: kick the ref in the face. Just as in football, you'll get severe punishments if you don't accept the ref's decision. That doesn't mean we're tyrants, we're open to discussion, I even remove bans from people that calmly point out what they really meant. But people like you get the hard way.
QuoteJust as in football, you'll get severe punishments if you don't accept the ref's decision.
And this is completely fine! Those were good calls of course (well the swastika was relevant to the journal in question but OK, quite tight but not diabolically bad)).

QuoteI even remove bans from people that calmly point out what they really meant. But people like you get the hard way.

I pointed out very clearly what I meant with the apologizing thing (it was obvious from the beginning ffs) and you either ignored it or still refused to understand. Luckily it was only warning points, but it's the thought that matters for me.
the irc convo?
prolly going to remove that comment also :/
Doesn't matter, I only posted it for him to read
Worst admin ever. Go ahead, give me warning points for this comment as well.
Lowest admin ever but nothing you can do since he sucks TosspoT's dick and probably pays him for admin status.
yesteday i pay krosan becouse he dont ban
He just doesn't like people who behave like shit just because it's just the i-net. Gogo Krosan!
Worst admin ever. Go ahead, give me warning points for this comment as well
he won CIC/CDC so no he cannot be bad
Hi i am crossfire admin too, suck it !
Worst admin ever. Go ahead, give me warning points for this comment as well.
I have to agree with this post, krosan rocks.
I have to agree with this post, crook rocks.
I have to agree with this post, Rhand rocks socks.
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