Latest HoN Patch - 0.3.5


* Number of controllable creeps reduced to 1/1/2/3 from 1/2/2/3

image: 021406_rage
what a shame..
haha :D
Ophelia did need a nerf but this was not it.
she was fine the way she was originally, pre-buff that is.
strong in the right hands, but still enough ways to counter her.
push strats are far too op with ophelia available
porting enchantress would be nice :)

e: oh and meepo :D
old news, nerd
anyway, no direct lategame nerf
ophelia has no lategame...
you got the point muahaharhhrahohohrohhor
never understoond why people like ophelia so much
very good earlygame, get level1 kills with her very often.
higher learning curve than all other heroes. (Hardest Hero to play by far)
ability to help out the team greatly with her support, no item dependancy.
Insane Ganking and Pushing Power
Can solo kongor at level 6 (i usually leave token for our carry)

I find it more fun to play ophelia when the opponent have a jungler too, and i steal the opponent's jungle away from him. People always underestimate her and try to gank her, while she is incredibly strong with the right creeps and able to win 1on1's by herself if done right (creep caging, stunlocking etc.)
she just seems so easy to kill :P. but yeah shes a menace with minotaur + catman champion if they get near you.
only 1 less creep. no big deal cause she already rapes people if you know how to play her
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