Splinter Cell: Conviction

Finished it tonight and was sadpanda that they killed pretty much all stealth-elements from the game like nightvision, infrared, all the attachments for the MG like the shocker etc...

Story and graphics are nice, but it still feels more like a mix of Gears of War and Call of Duty rather than like a real Splinter Cell game... only the infiltration game mode is oldschool, since you have to kill everyone without being spotted or raising an alarm...

Tried to join a multiplayer game but was even more sadpand when i realized that there is absolutely none... co-op also doesn't really work out with only 1 player... :D

Anyone played it so far?
What you think?

image: s5p0emzwvf6axzp3opw8
random pic is da best :DD laughing my ass off
played the demo, fine for me - didn't like those all-the-time-stealth previous splinter cells. now it's more like syphon filter which is my favourite stealth-action series :P
Sometimes it got really boring, thats true... but removing almost all stealth-elements was the wrong choice imo... they could've reduced them atleast a bit so that there's a good balance between action and stealth...but noez...

Btw i remember playing syphon filter on playstation 1... was friggin awesome :D
downloading it atm hoping there will a way to play it. saw some videos and noticed it aint like others as you said... I just wanted a new chaos theory with better graphic and new story and same coop and versus modes :[
Just download the Retail Multi9 DVD and copy over the Skidrow crack...

And yeah...its sad, but well... still got Chaos Theory installed so i can play the coop there if the one in conviction will suck... :D
thought coop was dead there
downloading fuck yea
installing atm
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