moviemaking help for a noob

when i record my scripted cam with img_motionblur 1

i only get 3 to 6 screenshots:s

im supposed to get 100 per second right? (i use img_capturefps 100)

Without img_motion blur i get loads for screenshots, but now i check my map after img_motionblur 1 i got 6.

ah wut de fuck?

help me out plz
i had the same problem (never fixed it), the cam was going with 1000x timescale
saiko movie?!
Maybe in the future

but first i have to get some moviemaking skills ;)
can't help, just here to say Hi
yooo, speel je nog weleens?
ET aan het downloaden as we speak. Ben van plan weer af en toe op pub te spelen of anders met Supa 2v2 ofzo.
haha weet nog de spam golden age met frats erbij:p
#100 Spamslut 2007 with 1266 comments in a year. (3,47 comments / Day )

Dat was ik :>
Kwam door die ongekende spam altijd ja. Maarja kreeg pm van frats dat ie toch niet opnieuw ET gaat spelen helaas...
tijden veranderen :D

ironic is nu spamking denk ik, hij haalt wel 10 comments/day :p
ach, wat ga je eraan doen. als ik ga studeren weer binnenkort heb ik toch weinig tijd denk ik
I have te same problem with matrix script - I can't record it because everytime when I do this i get 6-8screens max :D.
/img_blur_samples [value] * framerate [value]= curve value
ehh and what does that mean?
for example:
my /img_blur-samples is 128, /img_capturefps 30, so u have to multiply those values and final result put into curve>framerate
you mean curve framerate in ct3d before you create your cam right?
aight thnx mayne

will test it out later
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