was nearly killed tonight

we were enjoying a nice evening till 4 am~ when my very good friend and i randomly met a mate of my very good friend, and the mate of his, who actually is a stressmaker he tried to involve some randoms into a stupid fight when they suddenly left. the mate of his even had another good friend with him.
earlier this evening the mate had a little argue with a turkish guy in that disco he was, where we met him, where actually my friend lives (2 or 3 corners away) it was a surprising meet.
well to come to the point the turkish guys, as he noticed sat in a taxi, a black mercedes, e-class, it wasnt anything unusual except for the fact, that the mercedes drove back a few meters behind a wall and never ever moved again and that is what you dont want at 5 am in the morning, 4 guys standing in front of a well lightened disco and 2 turkish guys waiting in a taxi behind the wall. the mate of my friend was buying us fresh beer from a sausageguy next to the disco, beeing eyed well out of the black taxi. we guessed the worsest and were lucky to discover the tramway coming from somewhere not so far away and we rushed in, unloudly shouting/whispering to the mate who was buying the beer, who didnt even realize what was going on. he suddenly came and we drove away.
however, 2 stations later we mistakenly felt our self in peace and got out of the tram to drink out our beer. not even 5 minutes passed when the well known black mercedes, e-class taxi drove the main road, where the tram drove too, down and suddenly turned over and parked inside a gap of cars. my friend ran. he came back when he noticed that he was running alone. in the moment, he came back over the corner it was over.

8 turkish guys with knives, pistols and bars were running the mainroad towards us.

we ran like hell trough a little mini-park, dozens of citybirds flying away by the sound of our loud and heavy feet i was like run or get runned over and i didnt have to do with any of those 2 guys, my friend knew.

we were lucky. across the second street there was another taxi who was already out of service today, i told him 20 EURO PLS DRIVE PLS DRIVE
even tough the driver was bit chilly we came off this crap since he turned over and drove away with us.

the experience, the thrill of this very rare incident, that maybe will never happen again in my life, instead of beeing afraid or frightened, my friend adores me for beeing relaxed. I was just like "phew, close one, mate :D THAT IS LIFE" and that is what i think.

Life matters
life is beautiful
dont hope, just enjoy

that is my saturday evening its no troll its no lie its no attention whoring
all i want to share with you, is the fact that LIFE IS AWESOME and THINGS LIKE THIS REMEMBER YOU OF THAT SIMPLE FACT

thank you

Goso has added you to his buddylist !
There is no way I'm going to read ANY of this but here is a picture of a dog checking out Kristen Bell anyway. G'night.

image: 1230245188733
i had a wonderful night @ club with dj T :)
fucking turks moruks
Bad boy RazZaH!
haha, you ran from Turks? :DDD
just cause they had knifes bars and pistols doesnt mean they were going to use them, those are just accessoires
maybe you lost your wallet and they just wanted to give it back
hahaha :d
Q: I just saved my life, what should I do?
A: Post it on crossfire
seems like you need magav !
I feel too lazy to read all this
but I'm pretty sure it's very interesting!
where the fuck do you live
2nd district of vienna = new chicago
its not over, you have to watch your back now;)
Without reading I knew it's about Turks.
They will not leave you alone for the next couple of years thats for sure :D
I hope next time they catch your friend who wanted to start fights. Such people should be taken out of clubs, put against the wall and shot.
boom headshot?
walk around strapped

Here take this;

image: Taurus-24-7-40
razzah & his friends :o
Mensch Denniz, was tust du schon wieder?
Er wollte doch nur ihre Handynummern..
And after this dream you woke up and remembered u had to go play 5o5.
gooood! those retarded turks watched godfather for sure!
if they actually wanted to hurt they couldve just shot with the guns
i don´t care it may have been gas guns too i rly don´t know it was just a hell of fun^^
they were carrying BARS!?!?!

chocolate bars
you should sell this story! will become a great movie
killerboy should bust & ban them :p
need some turk to post a journal
reminds me of when I and mlo plays gta
I would totally post this on crossfire, makes sense they were in a TAXI aswell, are you kidding me?
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