Bouncer Help -.-

I bought yesterday my bouncer @ shellhosting
ive tryed it to set it up but i fail all the time.

My Problem if i wanna connect i get the Message:
[11:05] -Notice- *** This server requires a password. Use /QUOTE PASS thepassword to supply a password now.

K i type it in, enter.
And then i get this:
[11:06] -Notice- Another client has connected.
[11:06] * Disconnected

OK now it comes directly after i connected:

[11:14] * Connecting to (1338)
[11:14] -Notice- *** shroudBNC1.1 $Revision: 371 $
[11:14] -Notice- *** Looking up your hostname
[11:14] -Notice- *** Found your hostname (
[11:14] -Notice- Another client has connected.
[11:15] -Notice- *** shroudBNC1.1 $Revision: 371 $
[11:15] -Notice- *** Looking up your hostname
[11:15] -Notice- *** Found your hostname (
[11:15] -Notice- *** This server requires a password. Use /QUOTE PASS thepassword to supply a password now.

What to do ?
Maybe got anyone a Tutorial or smth to set this fucking thing up?! XD

Enjoy ur SUnday
[11:14] -Notice- Another client has connected.

some1 is using the same BNC
no cant be cuz i got it since yesterday ;)
what does that change to the fact that some1 else uses it
tryd it with my 2 other bnc's from there and i get the same error so it CANT !
Maybe ask the guys you bought it off.
ive tryed it to set it up but i fail all the time.
and change the pw .... realy hard to made it right xD
allready done 3 times or smth !
which irc u are using?
[11:06] -Notice- Another client has connected.
Ask the support????
You paid for the bnc and should get decent support there...

hab das tutorial mal vor langer zeit gemacht, folge einfach den steps und achte genau auf die bilder.

[11:14] -Notice- Another client has connected.
[11:15] -Notice- *** This server requires a password. Use /QUOTE PASS thepassword to supply a password now

die errors sage, dass jemand anders den bouncer nutzt und / oder das password somit falsch ist (was auch verständlich ist wenn der bnc von jemand anders genutzt wird)
ja aber die daten funktionieren ja im webinterface also muss das pw richtig sein.
wie gesagt, zieh dir das tut mal rein, besonders die bilder. achte darauf, dass du unter "Full Name" und "E-mail address" den IDENT reinschreibst. das ist einer der häufigsten fehler :)
ja das hab ich ja alles so geht aber trotzdem nicht
wie gesagt, dann nutzt wer anders den bouncer oder du machst immer noch was falsch.
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