im going to europe for a month in june/july with some friends and we are wondering what countries we should go to, we start in Netherlands and we have to go home in Spain cause we booked some house for a week in ibiza. But im wondering if going to Sweden/Norway/Finland would also be fun for some guys looking to have fun and stuff, or else we will continue our first plan and go to France and Switzerland. Any ideas on where we should go if we were to go to Sweden/ Norway/ Finland or should we go to France and Switzerland.

Thanks :)
went there last week it's all building work and shit :/
France and Switzerland instead of scandinavia, definitly
ibiza is great :) you HAVE TO go to the club "linekers"..its awesome and cheap :)
you should also sepnd 2-3 days in berlin. very nice nightlife there...
got to ibiza and was like wtf at the size of pacha from the outside
Sweden of course. Finland sucks.
i dont want aids from girls :((( also i dont want to see hitsu and evokz
aids is in Africa sir :x
And for example Estonia has aids mostly in the Russian population in the east :D
Switzerland Bern
Switzerland Luzern
France Paris
France St tropez- Monaco (although overrated)
France Bordeaux
Netherlands Amsterdam
Belgium Antwerp
Denmark Copenhagen

Spain Barcelona
Spain Sevilla
Spain Madrid
take out antwerp, replace by gent
No offense but in Gent you can only visit museums and historical buildings.

If you are looking to go out I think Antwerp has the most discotheques / pubs / bars / cocktail places in Belgium. The nightlife is far more active then in Gent

Gent is the same as Leuven, once it's weekend / vacation the city is just dead where as in Antwerp it's crowded the whole year
als ge een dorp wilt bezoeke, dan wel ja
mja :D

tis de bedoeling dat tie BELGIE bezoekt he :D
Let me help you!
Denmark Copenhagen
barcelona is a must, i so fell in love with this city
same, been visiting it each year once or twice since i was 12
bordeaux ?! :x
israel for the sun and beach
do not come to finland
my Netherlands house
:DDDD come visit in amsterdam
just come to United States of America
what else do you guys have besides McDonald's? =/
USA > CAN you stupid faggot, you guys are pretty much our bitches are your trying to make us look bad.. shame shame
1. LOL, U MAD?
2. I'm merely stating one of my observations from visiting the States, because it is quite possible that I visited a McDonald's-heavy (":D" pardon the pun) area and missed out on the other "wonders" of your country :PPP So if you answered "yes" to Question 1, my response is... don't be, I'm just commenting on what I saw!
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Canada's Total Area: 9 984 670 square kilometers
United States' Total Area: 9 826 675 square kilometers

People wearing hats larger than themselves, that's a good one :PpPpPPPpPPpP
image: kimcattrallREX_468x558

You say that as if it's a problem. :D

beautiful city, ladies and cheap alcohol :D
that depends, but from my experience if you will walk around city center, you will get best old buildings, best girls and best drinking spots :)
looooooool its a shit hole
come to dortmund!
fuu i saw its one street :D
Scandinavian girls > french girls.

definately go to norway and sweden!
where though !
Visit Denmark Denmark

The best scandinavian country :P
if we got o denmark we would go to sweden too ! what are the best places to visit there ?
Wouldn't you want to find out yourself? I mean, that's a part of planning a vacation, in my point of view :)
we only got so much time there :D !
Well, you could come from Germany Yermany into Denmark Denmark and then travel up through Jutland, visiting Denmark Århus and Denmark Aalborg. Then take a ferry from Frederikshavn (50ish km. north of Aalborg) to Sweden Göteborg and then travel south again to Sweden Malmö. Finish of in Denmark Copenhagen.

An alternative route could be, to travel by ferry from Denmark Frederikshavn to Norway Oslo, the Oslo Fjord in the summer (if the weather is great) is such a great experience. From Oslo you could travel to Sweden Göteborg etc.
thanks alot :D hopefully I can find some nice hostels or cheap hotels around there.
In the northern part of Norway you could see the polar day. It's really amazing during the "night time". But it's prolly too far away :)
why don't you visit eesti already then :P
Kao venti, pede.
Finland My backyard
Turists say Estonia has nice girls, also cheap prices.
cheap prices for the girls ?
sweden would be the easiest to reach if u drive over denmark .. also some nice landscape and some nice citys in the south. but i would actually prefere france / italy.. much more stuff to see citywise and also nice weather/ landscape
AnonymousBarcelona, Madrid, Valencia

i went to those places in 2002.
lovely places, you should go to Italy, Rome is a must!
edinburgh is boring
oh lolz!
i found it amazing, tour at night in the cementary, ghost stories, beautiful landscape, amazing museums..
translates to boring
u can come to Finland.. we can have some drinks!
you live in helsinki right

I tell the truth, the city is pretty shit and night life sucks but if u find a good party then it's all right =)
how can the nightlife suck in the summer !:DDD we will see is there trains going through finland and sweden?
Planes are much cheaper than trains in any European country if you travel long distances
but it is nicer to see the country other then seeing clouds and blue sky :D
Well, I rather flight fast with plane and see more when i arrive than just glimpse through some train window. ( that shit makes your head go wruuuummm wruuum ) :D
no there arent trains, use a boat.. it's pretty cheap!! and bars close at 3:30am @ finland :(

if they were open to like 7am it would be cool!
Let's get pissed in NorwayTrondheim!
will do :D only if you dont spec me again playing ET made me nervous ;(:(
dw, i was thinking "man this guy is pwning" all the time, that's why i specced you!
:DDDD i went like 8-24 first round but then i pwned the rest so its ok !
Don't go to Norway, or if you are very rich then go!
No prob to go to Norway if you know someone there, us natives know the tricks to get around cheaply :D
EUROPE WITHOUT Portugal? wat
Portugal really sucks. People rather visit Spain. The country is more developed there and people are more decent most of the times
visit my house in holland shaun :D
Depends what you wanna do, party or visit stuff? :O

Anyway, if you start in Netherlandsamsterdam u could go to FranceParis. On the way to Paris you could go to BelgiumBruges if you want to visit stuff otherwise just go immediately to Franceparis. From there take TGV toFrance Marseille/Nice, then go to FranceMonaco/Saint Tropez and some other stuff around + if you have time take Switzerlandswitzerland too (zurich, bern + maybe that famous ride on a train in the alps) + maybe northern Italyitaly (venice) if u have time + neuschweinstein castle in Germanybavaria + maybe Spainbarcelona or United KingdomLondon too.

Take the stuff you want :)

Edit: airplane tickets are very cheap within Europe so u can go everywhere you want.
stay where you faggot and spent the money for africa or haiti or me !!!
Fucking rich boY !
the first comment that makes sense :D
:DD I'm jealous !
same here :P
There's really nothing to see in Finland except the winter. I guess it's kinda the same in Norway and Sweden also. Though there are some landscapes in Norway.
in the Scandinavia people speak english. In france and swizz they just dont. They are arrogant bastards like americans(see what I did here ;) ) who just dont wanna talk other languages. And there's plenty to see in the Scandinavia. But there's a lot in those frenchie countries also
perhaps shaun is from french-canada
19/6 Sweden Stockholm Princess Viktoria and Daniel are having their marriage. So lots of people will be in Stockholm during that period

image: kronprinsessan_victoria_daniel_westling_forlovar_sig_idag
lol at the face of that guy.
he looks more girly than Princess Viktoria
dont come in Belgium Belgium, nightlife sucks and half of the people are retards
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