Some external objects buried in official maps

One day, my friend kirark was making movie and he's doing something of camtrace stuff. and he says "OMFG", I supposed to ask what's happened to him and he answered "there's some mysterious object in the map! and he sent me some screenshots.
these are the pics (marked with red cross) :

image: tumblr_l1ua4lXR361qz6yqxo1_500
image: tumblr_l1ua4oQJLR1qz6yqxo1_400
image: tumblr_l1ua50tWnQ1qz6yqxo1_500

this is fueldump and me and kirark suddenly went to the map and searched with /r_shownormals /r_showtris /noclip but couldn't find parallel one.
we found that there's another several objects in other official maps. I think there are some extraterrestrial buried in 1940's, but this statement would be trigger to get in the blacklist of FBI, so I won't say anymore.
Can anyone define what is buried, and give us results? We are waiting for your cooperation.
=DD I wanna make love with u RollStone
it's where speedlink is storing their super secret anticheat that they are creating
last pic looks like the bridge + a sniper tower?
+fuel dump(last object
true, maybe some prototype of it or something? 8D
thats because it is the bridge and sniper tower from fueldump.
huhu u got me there!
post some pics of kirark and rollstone

wanna see if you look like how im thinkin
2nd screen looks a bit like "dunno lol"
how do u get those map overview pictures?
CamTrace 3D ,software to make free camera script
dl link plz
could u help me out a bit, I'm following the instructions but still failing

I succeeded to get the 'coordinates reinitialized' but can't find a way to import it after
cant help without knowing want you wanna do :)
check the user manual :
if I'm not mistaken, those are constructable and movable objects
nice idea
but fueldump seemed not broken
I will check again
supply gate door (+ others stuff) :
image: CamTrace3D%20%5BET%20Pro%5D%20-%20sans%20titre%2003052010%20133537
so i guess danL solved the mystery !

edit : it's the same on all the maps, the "interactive" objects are always at the 0:0 coordinates.
1st pic made ma wanna smoke.. dunno why..:O
The secret of hidden nazi gold's location is hidden within the official ET maps

Who would've thought...
camtrace + .bsp nerds, here I am!!!!
its hard gay's timecapsule
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