Sup sons?

Hai here, i had to stop internet GRMing coz of uni, and i'm now back!

Could someone sum up what hapened from september 2009 until today ??

Cool stuff: why is the pb removed - who got busted(short list) - what are the top teams atm - where could i go on hollydays this summer - and anything else that could be interesting !!

find me @ #snappers if u got nothing else to do (under CloClo nick) and i'll prolly be avi for 3o3!

I've been crowned king of ET and rule the community.
a guy named Juize won the "Mister Crossfire Contest 2010"
Lag - No1 importante really - saiko - Denmark! - im 18 yrs old
you are France iLoS so gtfo.
Kalmar union took over
go find Void :D
6o6 changed in 5o5
That's quite weird how all these stuff changed, you would have proposed that 1year ago, people would have laugh at you.. w/e

Since im a poor student with no money, im gonna work all summer to get 1week holydays with gf, portugal would be nice, i thought about italy too, quite expensive tho..

who's in saiko ?
lloret de mar
lol didn't realised that^^

thx m8!
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