pmove_fixed 1 ?!!!!?

anyone using this for jumps only?

and if yes, how did you script it???
bind h "echo ^dPmoveToggler;vstr pmovefix"
set pmove1 "pmove_fixed 1; echo ^7Pmove fixed ^d1;set pmovefix vstr pmove0"
set pmove0 "pmove_fixed 0; echo ^7Pmove fixed ^d0;set pmovefix vstr pmove1"
set pmovefix "vstr pmove1"
bind g "toggle pmove_fixed; toggle cg_drawgun; echo PMOVE"
bind 1 "weaponbank 1; pmove_fixed 1; cg_drawgun 1; exec conf/scripts/noshove.cfg"
bind 2 "weaponbank 2; pmove_fixed 0; cg_drawgun 0; exec conf/scripts/shove.cfg"
bind 3 "weaponbank 3; pmove_fixed 0; cg_drawgun 0; exec conf/scripts/shove.cfg"
bind 4 "weaponbank 4; pmove_fixed 1; cg_drawgun 1; exec conf/scripts/noshove.cfg"
bind 5 "weaponbank 5; pmove_fixed 1; cg_drawgun 1; exec conf/scripts/noshove.cfg"
bind 6 "weaponbank 6; pmove_fixed 1; cg_drawgun 1; exec conf/scripts/noshove.cfg"
bind 7 "weaponbank 7; pmove_fixed 1; cg_drawgun 1; exec conf/scripts/noshove.cfg"

its not a pushscript guisse :PPP those are illegal !
thats the most useless 'script' i have ever seen
thats not a script XD
not needed
dont 2 many scripts effect your fps in any way ?
what exactly is the disadvantage when using it all the time?

i know it helps you for jumps especially if you jump down onto some bevel, you can gain more speed but what else does it do?
can't remember anymore .. it helped while jumping but in rtcw it fucked up some
animations and fucked up the leaning .. so i stopped using it.

in et it seems to give stable movements or so .. dunno
so why you bind it onto your jump?
didnt you learn from Austria potter how important jumping+ shooting can be? :DD
(talking about the supply tunnle to maingate action)
what scene on supply? .. lol?? :D
potter jumping out the supplytunnel to the maingate and giving some medic 3hs while jumping :D
legendary scene :P
Your movements become unstable when youre walking + your spread gets bigger. useful only for tj
some ppl say you will have more spread and less acc... but imo nothing :p + i use 0 since i don't need it :p
The guy above me is wrong.
it actually only simulates 125 fps(at value =1, stable) which allowes you to abuse a bug in the calculation of velocity within the engine, but b_fixedphysics disables the velocity bug(at 125 fps only afaik) so there is no reason to use it in the first place.

waiting for hardyrah to correct me, just incase i still don't get it after all those years
may i correct, that there is an h missing in your post?
satisfied? -.-
totally satisfied!
so are u saying its just placebo? how about publics`?
depends on the config, as soon as b_fixedphysics 1 is not set you are free to use pmove_fixed 1 or even 2 (if not forced otherwise obviously)
/bind p pmove_fixed 1
/bind o pmove_fixed 0
why would u use pmove 0 ?
because pmove 1 miss with the acc
only for tjs better as far i know
forced 0 in warconfigs neway
should be obsolete with b_fixedphysics
lol at the guys in this journal
only useful on trickjump servers....
Nonix lols at you guys.
Walter said that Nonix lols at you guys!
Nonix lols at you guys.
it's forbidden in the global configs?

gimme dat one! :)
bind SPACE "+vstr jup1 jup2"
set jup1 "pmove_fixed 1; +moveup"
set jup2 "-moveup; pmove_fixed 0"
what does it do exactly?
toggles pmove to 1 when you hit jump key
doesn't matter anymore
Doesn't have any influence since every server has b_fixedphysics 1
you get a moral boost
i'm fucking with you!
thats why they call u gay lol !
my dear frënd .. i did notice differences on the server.
might be that it's not allowed anymore with the global cfg's, but there are differences.

english please
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