favourite players to spec

as the title says, who are ur favourite players to spec @ ettv? personally i dont ever spec top3* clans/players (only cic7, cc6, cc5-cdc4 and EC's before that).

i only ever spec players nowadays who i played vs and like their playstyle or guys who i wanna see how they play since im playing vs them so often/i gotta play vs them sometime.

* doesnt count for 3v3/mixmatches

e: in the last like 6months-year ive specced only players like:

olbaa, ensam, slarto, freeze, palemki, maxuh, straf, emorej, xperia, azatej, monkey, jago, kartez, karnaj, mili, voiler, jinosta.

its usually only guys who are playing 3v3 alot, or who have been rly good @ 3v3 (or guys i wanna learn from).

not including guys im speccing coz i think they cheat

just pure entertainment

and of course every engie smg
probably Belgium mAx

e: Sweden ferus also!
night, perfo
i used to like speccing Kris a lot, the dutchie
i spec myself kinda awesome :)

but no , talking serious , Francefrogs (maxuh,emorej) ,Europeosk (mili)
maybe i shud spec u to :D
nah.you shouldn't

...in time i had to get used with "omg nebu omg"...

ill just spec u then, but not on ettv :D
sqzz, M1lk, reload, Night
on est d'accord
Night aka Brain user
Karnaj aka damagefag
Xylos is an awesome rifle player
mAus for his random headshotz
reload aka pro medic (one of teh best teamplayer)
Clown always cool to spec his ninjaskillz

Francis aka ninjanerd and best truck driver Nominated in truck driver awards in 2010
butchji butchji butchji butchji butchji butchji butchji butchji butchji butchji butchji butchji

butchji butchji butchji butchji butchji butchji butchji butchji butchji butchji butchji butchji

butchji butchji butchji butchji butchji butchji butchji butchji butchji butchji butchji butchji

butchji butchji butchji butchji butchji butchji butchji butchji butchji butchji butchji butchji

butchji butchji butchji butchji butchji butchji butchji butchji butchji butchji butchji butchji

butchji butchji butchji butchji butchji butchji butchji butchji butchji butchji butchji butchji
night, mystic, ati, ovie, acozz
boring to spec
meez in cod4 for batiing
vila and zeto during september 08'
Right back at ya
sqzz eventhough ive never specced him yet :d
makes sense
he never watches ettv, but likes his way of playing.
mystic & strenx
I thought you were an egoboy... You could have said your nickname.
I'm disappoint.

at lan: reload/matias
Big perf
Germany Urtier was always fun to watch, back when I was playing fops a lot.
Tekoa for his grenade skills
Imo aza, his nade bind makes him already best nader :)
i always selfkill on full to spec Sweden crajsor

clown (in BB), maus, butchji, mystic, night, reload, xylos, wingheaven and gifty (in h2k)
mystic omg mystic
actually it's Estonia intact or Denmark ankel. i love to see the oldschoolers relearning the game :)
ankel is playing with potter in a team, forgot the name
yeah, i heard that, too!
wiff xiits amirite?!?!
AlexL, phyzic, znArk, Kevji_
e: pds after he lost the first map
haha ;d je noemt ze ook wel ff jij he :D
is goed vermaak hoor :)
ik weet het, die zijn zo'n beetje mijn top5, pds nie dan, die pak ik zelfs al 'wilt die zo graag' winne :d maar die znark is echt een kanker sukkel
buh, zo dom als een deur :P die ijslanders zijn wel het toppunt though, ook die renz en freak ofzo :_D leuk om tegen te spelen, trieste is nog dat ze alleen op supply kunnen winnen.
ja zulke gaste zijn best wel triest. het is extra leuk als ze alleen wh gebruike, gamesense van een 3 jarige kleuter, aimen gelijk nen aap me een gebroken hand en een hersentumor en toch blijve op elke muur schiete :P
i iz in your list <(*_*<)

i like speccing people whom i dont trust-

else i mostly spec night, cant get enough of his play style =)
perfo - for his playstyle
mAus - for his tracking
teKoa - for his pistolskillz obviously
Lio - for his awesome gamesense
Night - for his gamesense and game winning moves

and for the rest, I love to see ETTV games where vila whines, always makes it more fun to spec
I just realised I spec you quite a lot.
Lithuania Revee
depends on the class you are playing,
i would recommend to download old demos, because the skill has dropped in the last years. dunno much about the "new" tactics though...

good aimers:
butchji, maus, mystic, ferus, tekoa, freek(!)

gamesense/spam (aka. the top players):
winghaven, pumu, night, urtier, razz, ernie(best gamesense ever, for real)
rifles -> raveneye, revers, gifty, xylos

just find your own style of playing because you can not judge playingstyles by only speccing people but by understanding what they do and how they play (this comes when u are on toplevel)
because you never know what they are talking on comms and how the teams tactics changes while playing a match! etc etc etc :-)

hope i could help you
You honestly believe that the skill level of topteams/players has declined lately?
well you doubt that?
maybe ask your teammate frozz! and tell me what he thinks about it :-)
he should knew it
you mad?!
why should i? and i dont even know you, so dont ask me about my personal feelings again before having met me in rl
Alter, war doch bloß der übliche Standard Spruch von den meisten auf dieser Seite - nichts ernstes, obwohl ich mit dir ganz und gar nicht übereinstimme..
"i would recommend to download old demos, because the skill has dropped in the last years. dunno much about the "new" tactics though..."

Totally false.
Just watch some EC final from 2006 and you will see noobs everywhere. Even parodia players aim was ridiculous.
idle were not noobs. parodia wasnt known for their uber aimers anyway ^^
parodia mystic ?
winghaven, pumu, night, urtier, razz, ernie(best gamesense ever, for real)
rifles -> raveneye, revers, gifty, xylos
Aza perfo butchji + when viewing skilled wars I usually spec the player who's playing my spot on that same map.
used to spec marv in cZar and TLR times quite a lot.

also like to spec Squall coz hes like nerd version of this guy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cNvJy0zoXOY :D
hasnt he already acted in some movies?
Squall? dunno
Walters? Dunno :)

but i wish i could do that to...must be fun.
xylos, maus, reload, ferus
sqzz, butchji, tekoa, perfo, snoop, abort, matias, meez, reikkeri, drago, lepari
Lepari, ramin and crozz
Quote by Artstar
I usually spec FranceTOMOYO @ all of his offis and even @ praccs.
humm3l easy choice
hmm i liked to spec butchji, nonix, aza, snoop, perfo and sqzz
you forgot someone! yes you did ! guess who :P
this was exactly the guy i talked about ;P
United Kingdom sqzz , only cool & fun player to spec
Poland d0ktOr Canada nothx
night + mystic + sqzz
I never really watch ETTV but players I like(d) speccing:

Netherlands Azatej
Netherlands overboost
Germany butchji
Italy XyLoS
England Mztik
Poland wiaderko

Also England MeeZ must be the funniest and most frustrating to spec ever.

Honourable mention to Zoetermeer Shuki for being so bad.
Why is it frustrating to spec Meez? :D
Because I can hear his voice in the back of my head when I watch him play. ;_;
mAus mAus mAus mAus mAus mAus
Germany metatron
Poland jKr
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