new nopb configs


i have all the new configs on my server but by loading the nopb6 or global6 config on sd or sw-gold i got the wrong mapscript error (same as for the nopb5 before the last config fix/update)..can it be that esl/cb/crossfire forgot to check all the stuff?
make sure you don't vote with caps: SUPPLY (then they won't work either) :)
was not the case + i got it on sw_grush too!

can somebody test it?
i just have the newest configs on my server and don't have any problems with it :o
da muss der perlo ran :)
nopb6 and global6 are old cfgs right? afaik they changed mapscripts so old ones may give u error
I had the same lol remove both maps, cfg's also then put it again on the server. I fixed like that
In the Package were no nopb6 or global6 configs, delete them and everything is fine..
<rockit`SPU9> what to do if an opponent does not reply on our challanges for the opencup and the opponent irc channel is empty and the homepage does not exist??
use pb5 config?
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