1st day of becoming mature

Today was/is the 1st day of Poland Matura exams. Exam from Poland language started @9.00 by i was in school at 7.30 :)

About the exam:

I part - Fragment of article about interner (full of bullshit or full of valuable informations)
thee text was quite esay.

then we've got 2nd part - The Essay

we had 2 subject to choose:

a) Basing on 2 fragments(I act 6th scene- conversation between Orgon and Cleante and IV act when Orgon is under table and he is listening to conversation between Tertuffe and Elmire) of France Tartuffe we had to describe Tartuffe and attitude of others.

b) Describe possibilities of decorous dieing while WW2 basing on Poland Hanna's Krall fragment ( interview with Poland Mark Edelman) of "Zdazyc przed panem Bogiem"(United Kingdom eng. Shielding the Flame) > http://www.novelguide.com/a/discover/rghl_01/rghl_01_00484.html

ofc i chose Tartuffe imo it was easy.


I jak tam? Na paczatku bylo pytanie w ktorym trzeba bylo uzyc 1 slowa opisujacego cos tam w akapicie II. Jakie slowo napisaliscie?


@13.00 is the beginning of Advanced lvl of Poland language but im not so pro humanist so i wont be there :)

Tomorow MATH EXAM!!!!! I will write both primary and advenced level.

gg wp
cool. ja za rok bo w technikum jestem !
napisałem: krytycyzm
pierwszy temat ftw :D

a w brudnopisie narysowalem takte na radar!
fu! nawet mi nie napisales ze jestem swietny player w moim topicu:<
nie widzialem topicu :x
wybralem 2 btw
80% spokojnie bede mial.
I met some poles today, i gave them a Kurwa and they were loving it. I love them.
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