Bored at school :((((

Help me, I'm bored to death!

We are just messing around with Navision...
Getting dump in here.

Anyway, lunchbreak soon...
Dunno what to eat, tho. Either Subway, MC_D or Kebap (no Razzah, i dont need your advice!!!)

What are you guys/girls/wierdos doing?

Give me some entertaining pages (which also work on my iPhone since I got 2h left where I wont be in a computer room.

Have a nice day, mine is over. School till 4. :(

im at work, lunchbreak atm

lunchbreak for u, eat nothing, its good for u

have a nice day :d
bored at university!!

ill leave in pause xD
kann ich ja garnicht nachvollziehen...


hab heute frei ;DD
le fu!!!

aber ich meine ich hatte strafrecht, da hab ich eh nur solitaire gespielt xDxD

und dann kann ichs auch gleich lassen xD
eat kebab
taking a dump or getting dumb?
Brb taking a dump right now.
I ate some toast at home after a chat with the big perf and big owz. Going back to college soon, post hasn't arrived yet.
defenitly eat subway! subway's the best
subway fuck yea! tuna sandwich with that spicy sauce
i hate navision - its always crashing and ofc you cant just restart the fucking process the whole server needs to be restarted :x
subway FTW!!!
mcdonald is a piece of crap in a circle shape with 2 mm size of frozen vegetables in 2 breads!
+ the chips are a frozen pee with shitloads of salt
subway ofc :P
Subway ftw

best fastfood around... too bad that theres just one left in Vienna but apparently its just 5 minutes from my university away :)))
1 subway in vienna?
they reduced it to one, yes...
there used to be a few but i dunno, maybe people in vienna are just keen on fat shit from mc donald
I went to Aldi (discounter) and got myself some Icetea and a smoothie.

Want to go home but cant leave cuz i have biology and economie l8r and we are writing tests there soon...
subway<3 a roll with cheese,chicken,bacon and some vegetables <3333333333333
Gonna write a test in Art lessons soon.
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