Battle of the Immortals

YES! Open Beta is going to start in 4 hours.
Netherlands Lun4t1C - Netherlands teKoa and Netherlands me
are going to pwn this game, but we looking for like 3 more powners to play this game with us because 6 man party = bonus exp etc ;D:D:Dd
u gotta know us ofcourse, we don't actually need, but it'd be more cool >:[

Why this game is totally more awesome than any other mmo:

looks like a WoW ripoff
what MMORPG isn't called a WOW ripoff nowadays?
if it just was an mmorpg x-]
admit you got pwned :)
no i didnt :(
no i didnt, just a misunderstanding of game types
looks like another random shitty mmorpg that u play for a week and then u are sick of it :c
but ill give it a shot like a real nerd
mama on 04/05/10, 16:18:32 PM | Reply

looks like another random shitty mmorpg that u play for a week and then u are sick of it :c

1on1 @ lan


ok your edit makes you forgiven ! heheh
Looks cool.
Ik kan wel, ziet er wel aardig uit en sinds mijn wow subscription is verlopen heb ik wel een nieuwe mmo nodig D:
2 weeks max
i will try it !
doesn't look any different to me. but then i always hated mmorpgs...
free game? then I'm in
What is a zodiac pet?
Looks nice. Zijn er ook minimum pc reqs ergens? Kmoet het natuurlijk wel aan kunnen met mijn 486je.
als je et draait dan moet dit ook wel lukken volgens mij, kheb het al geinstalled en het lijkt een echt goeie engine te zijn :-)
free game? then I could give it a try
like all perfectworld games its free but if you actually want to enjoy it you got a nice cashop where you can blow loads of $$$.
What an awesome name.
just read that the came had a inbuild bot like jade dynasty which will get removed in the OB ... enjoy your never ending grinding. will test a champion for the lulz anyways
ziet er wel leuk uit opzich ga hem proberen :)
Looks fun, but that guy needs to stay away from youtube
i will paly with harald and mike we are only 3 guys :<
iam hustlin it alone , no group pressure !
but well it still didn't start hope i can paly paly soon :<
2 hours till the servers are open :3 welll 1.5 now
installing loewlz
im avi.. pmme at irc /q hface`extatiic
well.. the game looks really nice tbh but it will take a lot of time to balance the game right and to make it fair for every class.. but the real problem (that's why I hate free MMO's) is that the real nerds will spend a lot of money into the game for weaps and armories etc.. and that means that ppl get mad when they play vs those unbalanced equipment altough their skills are way under yours.. ://

the extra stuffs that WoW doesn't have look very nice.. also the animals and so on
played for about 18lvls...seems nice so far. But it will consume lot of time....and thats why i quited WoW. :x
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