new to et part 2

Hey all ,

So after my last post about being new to ET and having problems with playing using vista, all this is solved now and ive been playing some etpro publics.
I realy enjoy the game and wish to learn the maps and my way around in matches.

Im currently uber low skill and would like some ppl to play with and teach me the game /basic tax/ tricks & tips. ive got plenty of exp in other games (see profile) but this is someting compleetly different so im looking for a team/mix to have fun with and learn the game if any1 of u would like that u can add me to xfire(the programm) > dssgentwouters or pm me on here.

I can offer:
-willing to learn
- avi pretty much during the day and evening
- dutch /english speaking(kinda)

Random chick
image: 346527ks
play pubs and watch ettv until you get low+!
cybergames and bio servers dont realy show u how the objectives are and stuff , and since i dont know any other etpro pubs where they actualy play the map with objectives and stuff its hard. Aim wise i can grow in these pubs but not how to play the maps etc
you play pubs for aim and watch ettv for game sens!
i dont think he can find a clan that will teach him anything with uber low skill so just yes.
i think you're a fucking lowbob
you are an example of some1 who skipped the playing on pubs part and now your aim is ultra low
publics -> suck.

try and choose a class you enjoy playing and a style that you enjoy playing

i.e. aggressive fop, reviving medic, objective whore etc...

then watch ettv games to see how other similar players play those classes and what they do and play irc wars or join a team and put it into action.

publics are aim only and if you've played other games then you're probably ok
well my aim is rather crappy only played bf games (total different aim style / goes the same for etqw btw) so ill need the aim pracc:P

im quite sure you played in my first and last etqw team with afa and ramzi :D
yes thats was me idd , who is you? yes and creamy was there aswel and what was this others guys name? maybe it was u!:P
zerender, played one or two games with you and found out that this game totally sucks :>
aye remember u now:P ever since etqw i kinda got in to fast phased fps and this objective thingy xD
ill teach u when i get back from school k?
watch fragmuwies, play public, search 3n3 low-
gl stryky watch out for the addiction! =D
to lill to late for that!
will give it a try :D
gl mate. Hopefully you will find a team that have faith in you and will help you improve.
get a better chick in the end
better chick :O she's HAWT!
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