Here come the Aussies!

image: eteuautIn the next installment of the exhibition series the Europe vs Australia Ashes match is upon us this weekend! After the great European Allstars, winning captain Urtier has assembled a firey force ready to taken on the Australians who are still mourning Shane Warnes departure from international cricket!

This match signals the end of the Christmas break as both Nations Cup and Eurocup return to action the following week and the sad fact that Christmas really is over! The stakes will be high and the teams will have to fight against the ping as continents do battle in a neutrally lagtastic venue!

Europe Europe 4-0 Australia Australia
Sunday 7th January
Time: Europe 14:00 / Australia 24:00
Shoutcast: Inside the Game

Germany Urtier
Estonia Night
Netherlands teKoa
Czech Republic marv
Germany butchji
Poland kot

Australia Shaggy
Australia iceman34
Australia riCo
Australia HM
Australia forty
Australia ike
Australia haste

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where is Bsr :<
should be fun
I would love to taunt the australians and such but after a shambolic cricket series, i dare not :(
are they gonna play @ australian server or smth?
some american one, each team should ping 200.
well easy for australians then :p
gl marv kot Night urtier!
dont like butchji and teKoa?
gl guys.
hf marp !
rofl at marv :D
why ? he is a good player, very underrated i must say.
Quote...the Australians who are still mourning Shane Warne's departure from international cricket!...


Good to see this happening, looks like the Euro lineup is pretty strong. Hopefully we can provide a bit of a challenge and some entertaining games!

PS. Sorry to disappoint you chmpp :<
not only chmpp :(
Sorry moutoul :o( I will prac very hard and next time maybe I will make the team ;o
Well, it seems like we "Won't even get the flag on supply, let alone set a time" So should be some fun to watch, ey Nellie? =]
strong european lineup, should be some gg's.
PFOO! They even own without h4x!
gl aussies:D and it would be nice to see an atlantic cup, that is if we could decide on a team:/
is it true that aussies are descendants of criminals shipped there from england centuries back? have heard it from somewhere but don't know if its true.
It's true.

Pity all the convicts were the good sportsmen :P
but we beat england at everything....

*cough* football *cough* hopfully in the future you will tho, cuz scotland cant so why not another nation >:O.
Wtf country is that scape? What round of the last world cup did YOUR country make?
Dersaidin's been taking angry pills!
Yeah, I'm off em now.

Soz scrape!!!!!! <3
LOL my nation are world champion's of elephant polo ill have you know :D. and np =o
with the skills of a dutch coach of course!!

Most of the first shiploads were convicts, then about a bajillion people who weren't convicts immigrated since.
sure your grandpa was a criminal!
village rapist? :o
xylos should be in it :o
team homie + butch ;d
urtier, marv & kot = best friends forever
where's Appel imo ;x
kot ftw!!!
very nice line-up from EU imo :>
gl boyos
nice logo/banner/whatever
Shall be a good test to see how far our scene has come along =]
lagtastic :)
tekoa? :P thought he quit (ye im a nab i know ^^)
It's being played on a server with same pings(200 or so) for each side, so both will be LAGTASTIC =]
easy bash for europe
why is the name 'marv' popping out from the european lineup?
because his flag is ugly?
could be that or..
his nick is wannabe marvel?
hi decem
ure part of the netcoders community, too?
yeah, decided to give it a try since free hoaxx is n1ce
need XyLoS instead of tek there
gl forty
spawnrape. hf =D
DFN vs idle 2!!!
I declare prematch banter in favour of Europe by knockout!
hf iceman34
easy for us :]
gl marv
gL euro !
gl kot!
That lineup contains the best 6 players of europe so it will be easy bash!
gl aussies!
European Lineup:

Germany Urtier
Estonia Night
Netherlands teKoa
Spain Winghaven (instead of Czech Republic marv)
Germany butchji
Poland kot

that would be my lineup :p no offence marv :]

but this lineup is strong too

GL guys
I've been playing with tekoa for the past few days.
Even after his huge inactivity, kris = nothing compared to tekoa.
thats what I wanted to hear :p

I thought maybe teKoa lost his touch :] but it seems that I was wrong... I also thought teKoa lost his interest in ET but you prooved me wrong hehe :p
Good to here! teKoa <3
Agreed. Our best player (in ET) ever after Lun4tic?
Perhaps Ordian :>
since when best aimer is best player?
Since Mjinji was born. Precisely: at 1 Jan 1940. I'm now exactly 67 years and 6 days old.
what he says
You is well clever! © Ali G
very nice © Borat
Duh. © JapanMjinji

winghaven as 3rd medic?

lol :-)
Winghaven can play any class :]
indeed. they already have multiclasser - night.
they would just double themselves.
also, i dont know if wing would feel comfortable being all the time medic as they need 3 medics.
thats why marv is better option than wing.

tbh i dont know if night is filling for ths squad... if they already have fieldopses, maybe they should take only-rifle, like aCoZz, r3vers, XyloS and not multiclasser.

but in the end its allstars event
what the british cant, we will do; beat the ashes!!!
easy bash nP for eu

gl both ;d
I just visited xfire coincidentally after not being involved into the scene for ages and couldn't refrain from grinning... don't you think you go over the top? :)

whatever... gl urtier & kris!
P.S: Check this out! x)
from witch clan is kot???
vote for gifty...xD
never heard of killer_pl.kot?
where you`ve been ?
no finnish players?
`kris wants to become best ET player!! but hell fail anywayz hahaha
Do all dutch players dislike him?
not really, i like kris
just jackie I think :P

Most Dutch players dislike jackie, if that counts. :{
Hater zlater.
so, urtier is captain right? or will he give command to night or smth? :)
we need a new map where you need to steal a kiwi and blow up a kangaroo
good idea...xD
Mjinji_Supergoldrush_Final_Kangaroo_Assault_FINAL tbh.
FORWARD CONVICTS! im aussie wonnab tbh (pom)
gl marv <3 & the rest of Europe
izi bash
gl Aus :)

Australia riCo ftw!!!
rico & forty > *
like they have a chance
Oh Nellie, what was that about australia not even getting the flag on supply? ggz
I blame Night. Nice self kill on 30 noob !
I blame the ping :s
gg thanks to both teams for making it a nice game to watch!
wp tekoa.. (nice nade on sd)
was fun
thanks guys, gg
Ggs, was close at times and good to see the Euros pushed slightly :P Thanks to Rogue and Tosspot for the shoutcast and angelus and Ponte for helping to organise the event!
Sorry I sounded sick..I'm sick :P

Thanks to TosspoT for letting me piggy-back on the cast & to the EU guys for a gg.

I'm glad we went better than the US =)
losing sucks
You should've anticipated a loss, playing against your betters ;-p
Will there be coming a huge match report?
well played aus, thx for the game :)
wp both!
nice match
Ye, thats what i thought Nellie =p
weak performance of europe and urtier , australia > usa
2 bad i <3 The Aussies
night @ selfkills @ 200 ping xD

button pressed 152 ms too late :-)
As expected tbh. Needed more Deadline panzering imho.
How about STRONG performance from Australia, especially rico forty and ike =] Was good games, I can see Aussies coming back for more.
Put it in perspective - we got full held on Goldrush and were probably lucky to get a ninja cap in the last minutes of Supply. On the flip side, we have a far smaller population (and smaller ET scene) so I think we did alright

Would be good to see some countries step up and play AU =)
My dog is an australian sheperd,so GO AUSSIES!!!
What would be better is the winner of EuroCup taking on Adversus (GameArena winners) on that server ^^
That would be a fairly interesting match nellie
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