A different kind of public

For a long old while we've been wondering about how best to run a public ET server. Our kind friends at X3M have provided us with an excellent server, but how do you seperate one public server from the rest?

Netherlands Ronner & Belgium Rafiki have been working hard these past days to come up with an alternative competition server. What they've done is gone and coded a PB GUID Authentification System. This system means, that if your PB GUID is not in your profile here on Crossfire, you're not getting on the gameserver.

Why does that matter? It matters because PB GUID's can only be spoofed via ETKey manipulation, so that means if you're banned from Crossfire (for being a hacker for example), then you're banned from that server. It also means that those random hackers, who you've never heard of and only play on publics also cannot play on that server. It means that whilst we cant stop Loekino from medwhoring and backshooting, we can stop the people that should'nt be there.

If that wasnt enough, this dynamic duo also coded a HitPoint script which through the console will tell you and you alone how much health your enemy had when he killed you. Something we've all wanted to know in the past!

The system will go live via your Crossfire profile later this week, with the server waiting to be used after that. Once its been successfully tested, the system will also be implemented on the telenet servers. There will be a newspost later this week when the system is fully operational. Your thoughts, input and requests are welcome.

Netherlands Ronner has changed the "hpleft" scripting. You can now enable and disable it by using /showhpleft 0 or 1 in the console.
it's up now without the pbguid system (since you can't enter it in your profile just yet) so if you wanna come along and play, join up.

the hp-left script is ofcourse already enabled.
Ye in console only plz... I dont want this you opponant had 1 hp left shit in my screen...

though ET sux
or perhpas you dont want that Your opponent had 120 hp left shit?
I dont play ET
how can you say that et sux then?
I played it... besides, there are like 4 cheaters on it right nwo... gg
"The system will go live via your Crossfire profile later this week"
Edited fo sho
Can't wait!
the new netcoders!
fucking sweet!!
ive seen the hp-left script on another server, nice idea.

wd lads :)
Those through-profile-pb-guids are going to be showed for public view?
nice:> this will probably gonna be one of the few servers im gonna play at... public is usually pretty boring, but this sounds nice=)
nice =]
good idea :)
add some custom maps... :-)
I want Battery! :D
since when is battery a custommap?
since it is not a custom map? :O I only said that I want battery, not that I wanted a custom map...
Sounds good :)
wer hats erfunden?
pb guid is 32/40 things long?
so if my guid is "NOGUID" i have to enter noguid at xfire?
/condump pbguid.txt

It'll be near the bottom of the file called pbguid.txt (which you'll find in etpro or etmain)
definitely etpro
very good idea!
this HitPoint! feature is completely ridiculous. dont take it serious please. knowing your opponent health without the help of external tools requires skill. i would compare this hitPoint script to a cheat if i wasnt aware it was coded with a different purporse.

about the public server idea, i like it but let's see if it's reliable or not.
meanwhile it's a good way for xfire to increase a lot more the number of users in their database :P

It only tells you the health when you've died.
sure, but i can respawn 1sec after and chase my opponent till he is dead.
if he is near your spawn he would be dead anyway
o.O the probability that it would give u any more information (besides more detailed info) isnt really that high tbh
i really dont see ur point..

sometimes u wonder how much health ur opponent has left cause u feel u had some good hits on him.. i think its just fun to see how much health they have left, when ur on a public..
and that is exactly the reason why I made that.

the whiners that don't like it can turn it off with /showhpleft 0 in console imo
ekhm you made it?

i've been playing on the servers with this feature for a long time...
I didn't make the idea.. I made the script that does it on the crossfire.nu pub.
the point is: you're unbalancing the game, by leveraging the skill of some players (if they are smart enough to create an advantage with that enemy health info thingie)

i think you're not aware of the potential of this feature imo (in my opinion). fortunately it only works on those xfire pub servers.

dont think any other FPS would take advantage of such feature.
imo (in my opinion) <- oh, great, thanx=) now i finally know what that means..

tbh (to be honest), If some people take advantage of it and therefor it will give them some advantage ahead of their enemy, well.. every aspect of the game is to play smarter then ur enemy..

everyone can get aim by praccing, but not everyone can play smart.. and do the right thing at the right time.. if someone manage to give them self an huge advantage cause they know how much health their enemy had left when he got killed..(cant see how that can be done, since the guy will be far away, healing himself or selfkilling at this time), then thats cause he is smarter then those who cant take that advantage and therefor deserves it..
as i tried to underline in the previous post, i was stating MY OPINION.

oh, so now a script is a aspect of the game?

what do you think cheats are then?

and it's exactly coz people should play smart that i believe these kind of scripts shouldnt be used. this is the same as upgrading the brain of the dumbest players because they can't be smart enough to predict their opponent health through the number of hits.
allright mate:>
"oh, so now a script is a aspect of the game?"

seeing that maps are made of scripts, I'd say yes... ;)
but i know what you mean, however, this is public, CB or ESL isn't played on publics, nor is it played with this script. So have fun! :D
eehm.. I can see your point if the people on the team are actually on ventrilo or teamspeak. However, this is a public. It's just aimprac basically (since ET pubs are never objective oriented) so as you are dead yourself and you (and YOU alone) got the info on how much health your killer had when he killed you, I can't see how that is any benefit to yourself or your team in any way.
you're right. as long as it doesnt become a universal standard in wars and the majority of servers i'm cool with that. it doesnt bring that much advantage tbh.
ive found something better tbh!
Fritzbot! Im liek tottaly pwning those bots and they always go the same way, so multikills guaranteed!!!!!
Spawnkilling them is fun.

They can't exit the spawn on braundorf when playing with me. ;(
n1ce! anything that fucked up retarded cheaters is gr8! gw and keep going men <3
sounds nice! =)

how can i grep my etpro and etpb guid?

Then write it down.
there's also a command to get it saved as a .txt file, but i forgot :o
/condump random.txt
very nice idea, hopefully more servers will follow
sound great
thank you Ronner
so this means cheaters have been banned from crossfire?
that will mean pretty much that.. or that cheaters will no longer be able to put their guids in their profiles and thus can't play on servers using this system
Cheaters with danonic ip can just reregister...
yes, but they'd still be in a minimum of 2 weeks waiting list before their pbguid allows them to connect to the server
perfect was just about to comment on that, thats a nice waiting period, now to implement on other servers to :>
nice work again
nice but you 2 are freaks :d
<333 this server :D
What if a cheater registers on xfire and plays with a cheat? unless you make it so when you ban someone from the server it bans them from the site as well
you have to be a registered member for at least 2 weeks before you can enter your pbguid ;-)
maybe something like u can only change ur guid once a week unless u pm an admin with the reason?
Who the fuck changes their guid once a week? Its more like once every year.

And make it minimum 2 months as a member before you can put your guid in ronner.
sure, the noobs dont have the right to play anymore.
All the new guys on xfire are noobs?
i'm not saying that. i just dont think fair that only pros can play in those servers. noobs also need an opportunity to improve and become skilled. you didnt born skilled, right ?
Listen, two weeks are nothing, anyone banned can just make a new account and play again after a few days. Putting it @ something much higher can prevent this.

As for everyone clean that registers where, well hopefully they wont get offended, like you seems to get :), if they cant play on a server someone set up and payed for. There are 10000 other servers you can choose to play on and guess what the fuck I'd do? I'd go to one of those instead...
i hope you're right. because it really seems that in the long term the majority of servers will be linked to xfire.

i'm just trying to aware all people out there for situations like:

<noob1> wow, let's try et, seems like a decent game
<noob2> ok, let's connect to this server
<noob1> doesnt work for me, how about you?
<noob2> doesnt work too ..

after trying a couple of servers...

<noob1> let's play CS !
<noob2> ok

conclusion: 2 weeks seems fine. 2 months is nonsense imo.

btw i hope you're not serious when you stated that every1 in xfire is clean. better read fusen post again and i'm not offended :P just trying to analyse this situation from all possible points of view rather then mine only.
Its less then five servers this will be used on... thats what? 0.001% of the _daily used_ servers in et.

Also, I have never in my life said that everyone on xfire is clean.
v nice, already love the server
Nice @ HP system
Feels like the CPMA CA TDM servers, when you get killed you see how many armor/health the enemy had left when he killed u
that health stuff is useless imo and fucking old :o if i shoot at some one i know how mutch damage i gave him coz of the hitsounds n stuff

add colored models or something like that :x would be mutch better
yah you know how much YOU did, but you are not the only one shooting at ppl and thus possibly not the only one damaging your direct opponent.

i will look into something where you can disable it for yourself if it annoys you.
no! np :D its not anoying its just useless but if some guys like it, its ok :o
well poo on you.. just coded something extra in the script that you can disable it with /showhpleft 0 in console :P
dont poo on me :,<
need password :D
the idea rox!

only a few contra's:
1) this means that all the et-players who want to join a server, have to be on crossfire.nu. How more users, how more visitors for crossfire, how more money.

2) this also means that the servers who will be using this, are what i called the crossfire-community servers imo! So this brings also a bigger crossfire community

and i'm against monopolies ...
lol there is no monopoly, if someone dont want to register at crossfire, he wont be able to play on this server + 2 telenet servers. but stil got 213243532 servers to join up.
i'm telenet admin ...
but other guys which dont liek monopoly are not telenet admins.
You're against etpro?:)
no, but et pro is someting that makes wars possible. Which is something else then maken it impossible for non-crossfire members to join.
again, still its 3 servers out from 54325436534
for now....
You've missed my point.

I'm assuming you're against monopolies because they can force things on people? Well ETPro are the only competition mod so where's the difference?

Yet we trust etpro because they're doing it for the good of the community, with community input - does the same not apply here?

1 server isn't a monopoly anyway, perk for members.
i understand your point, but i'm not suggesting that. I hate monopolies for making money :-) Which this thing imo is about (in the long run)
Then surely you hate all business?

There's easier ways of generating traffic than hosting a server.
not at all, if it should stay at a crossfire-hosted server then i wouldn't have any probs with it. My problem starts when there are non-crossfire hosted servers which join this project because then there will only be one way to join those servers and that is joining crossfire :-)
But if that helped remove a few cheaters surely that'd be a good thing? You've gotta install punkbuster to play aswell - you against that?:p

You'd be right if we said only people with x3m servers can use this, that'd be bad - but that's not gonna happen ~/
I hate cheaters, i think this says enough :p

Punkbuster is general, this not yet! PB is also not company-based, it has a contract with id to support it for a few years (which is passed btw).

It still is the same point like you said with only x3m servers, now it's only with crossfire users.
Punkbuster makes money from their contracts, but if nobody installed punkbuster it'd be fairly redundant for the game creators to give them a contract.

"It still is the same point like you said with only x3m servers, now it's only with crossfire users."

Not so much. Is there anyone competing with Crossfire? Besides any money made from Crossfire goes back into the community...
punkbuster is integrated in the game, so in my eyes it's just the game! So there is no point in comparing these 2.

And no there is no-one competing with crossfire, but you are not going to tell me that all of this is free and just out of love of et :-)

it's all about the money in this world
Punkbuster is not integrated into the game, it comes with.

What's this site if not "free and just out of love of ET"?
We're no microsoft, or even ESL or CB. Those are profit driven organisations with full time staff, we are a site of volunteers who run lans in a game that has next to none. Any money generated is put back to ET, RTCW & CoD via the lans.
If it were possible to make money the way you are suggesting, then the money would go back to the players, and so it wud do more good without realising?
(Plus if you think ppl click those google ads you're very wrong!)
then why not simply host this script/db on another server/site ?
so you suggest hosting the script that means people must sign up to the new site and then enter the guid on THAT site

so what a second, you now turn this "crossfire monopoly" into a "<insert new site> monopoly>", do you just have something against crossfire or something? as what you suggested wouldn't be fixing the "problem" you see, it'd merely be moving it
euhm NO

this thing only will enlarge crossfire when it's on an independent site it won't be participating in any kind of monopoly...
but it would eventually become bigger than crossfire if everyone public started using it and so would become the monopoly you say you hate so much
not if it would only have the db with the users instead of some other stuff like there is on crossfire.
so just a blank site that you create a profile and then sign into and update the profile?

or, this site where everything is already set up and the usernames actually have a background as they post comments etc and interact with other users.
sounds great :]
sounds nice but these "hp left shit" suxx imo
I agree, it'll just make me rage :v
It's quite a nice server, but people should stop nicklaming! :(
It would be fairly easy to make the script force you to use the crossfire name associated with your guid ;)
cheatbuster rfki. Ik wist gewoon da ge t kon.
Great idea as a temporary solution but I want something more permanent eventually the whole of ET (arguably it already is) is being controlled through one website something, which just shouldn't happen in my opinion but still great job :)
Adacore just became a Crossfire admin, yer doomed =(
We'll have a test period, and will then look to open it up to general use for scrims, leagues and such.
If you can get something like it working with leagues/scrims that would be awesome though no complaints there at all hopefully it can be more a standalone package then linked straight to crossfire so cb, wl basically any league could adopt it maybe?
that's awesome
make a cvar wich turns the HP thingie off it was annoying me

and the server felt a bit laggy on my crappy comp, maybe too much PBSS or too big PBSS?
sounds great.
Now this sound nice and hopefully very successful not not extra lag
will you have to do anything special to play there? like enter your guid into your profile or something?
when the pbguid system is ready and active, yes.. then you will have to enter your pbguid in your crossfire profile.

for now the server is open to everyone, but not for long
So are the all busted cheaters also banned from crossfire.nu, and when ur once banned from crossfire u cant ever register again ? Im lil bit stupit on it >D.

BUT IT LIKE THAT WAY, that every person who have been busted, even including every busted person in yawn.be, can not join the server xD !
your IP gets banned from crossfire
nice idea
but only on one server? imo, PB should get all the cheaters ips, and ban them from whichever server they connect to, that would be even cooler :)

and that hitpoint script should find its way into next etpro release :)
Most people have dynamic IPs anyway.
it's not done by ip. it's done by pbguid.

You go to your profile on crossfire.nu
You enter your pbguid there. (you can't yet, it's in development)

This pbguid will be known to the server from now on, but only if your crossfire account is older than 2 weeks (to prevent cheaters from just registering and hacking away on the server right from day 1)

If you get caught cheating, your pbguid will be removed from the list. This means you can't connect anymore to the server.

Crossfire is now using testing this extensively. If this works out, then other favo pubs such as telenet will also start using this system and possibly we will work on a centralised database.

Just see this as a way to circumvent the CDKEY issue that et simply never had.
i must repeat, gl guyz! Thats so horny and usefull! If it will be centralized dtb... gr8
a world without smoke?
yes but not without smOke! ;)
shift+delete etkey, new pbguid?
sure.. but not in your profile :P
explain please? if I reinstall et I get a new pbguid, I might want to change it then, but if I cant...
so, make sure you backup your etkey file :P You don't throw away your rtcw cd-key if you reinstall rtcw do you.
different situation imo, lot of trouble for just being able to play on a pub
it's not that different really.

Problem is is that ET is a free game and thus there is no unique way of telling who's who. The only thing we have is PBguid which is directly comming from your etkey file.

To create a way of telling who's who i don't think it's too much trouble to make a backup of your etkey file. We make backups of all kinds of stuff, pictures, music, cfg's etc.etc.. so backing up one tiny file isn't so hard for something you spend so much time in.
Great great idea. Respect homiez
...and why good old FNDL is always empty? :( FDNL Public Server
i cant connect :<
oops.. same problem here... well i haven't tried for a long time ;-)
I guess that's why it's always empty... ;)
hp stuff would be nice in this way:

i shoot to some guy, i almost kill him, but before that someone else kills me and i see Your opponent had still 140 hp. i wonder hwo much hp had the guy which i persuited.

but i guess that cannot be coded anyway
well it will stop the kiddies who say: "omg HP ??" when they died
Always say: "150". ;/
*Random-12-yearold was killed by Juize's MP40

Random-12-yearold: OMG WTF.. HP ???
Juize: 9762382103971293414791724612
you must be really proud of yourself.
<randomwhiner> hp?
<me> no, canon
Dell imo ;) :D
sounds really nice :)
this is best news for ET community since ~40 cheaters has been busted


anyway GG!
maybe give some credits to the ones who had that guid thing idea first?
nice idea, will stop alot of cheaters, but newcomers to the scene might have some trouble joining the server then.
But on the other hand, they'd get pwnt anyway :p
good work :)
Another move by the xfire masterminds to bring in more peons, have them register and spam the site! Soon we will see Bio and Telenet using the same auth system. I'm sick of browsing in this police state!
an IP in the news post would be nice :-)
Too bad it lags :<
releasing server just after fusen's show was very...
GG Ronner & Rafiki, you made my day. I have one question; if pbguid is generate by etkey, why not force everyone to keep their etkeys even if they reinstall ET? In other games new key will cost you money here will cost you reputation.
Sejo the Bosanceros
lol ronner @ Telenet kanker noobs :d
what if i use 2 different computers? only 1 guid will correspond to my guid on crossfire
thats good question
the pb guid auth thing should be adopted by cb tbh!
bullshit, that means if your nog registerd on this site your not able to play official clanwars.
Well i meant for cB to edit it so it runs by the guids at clanbase -.-
Does that mean I'll be banned from that server? o0
so youll have to ban the cheaters from crossfire first.
was on it today. Nice work
too bad my provider has high pings on x3m servers
Other suggestion:

Why not disable the kick function when you've entered the PB guid function? Yesterday i played on efterlyst (with my nick ironically) and after ~150 bullets shot i had an accuracy of 63 and they wanted to kick me from the server because of the high accuracy. I think it's kinda lame since if you got this pbguid feature you can immediately see who's playing and there is almost no possibility for cheaters to come.
that's a good idea. i miss the anti-spam option too or the mute-vote. i think sometimes i really need to be muted permanently ;-)

Haddaway, baby!
Haddaway, baby!
Haddaway, baby!
Haddaway, baby!
Haddaway, baby!
anti-spam still needs configuration idd. thx for reminding me :)
I don't nicklame, but then again I don't have fanbois. I can imagine though that if it's very easy to see the name of someone's crossfire account on the server you're pretty much destroying the possibility for people that DO have fanbois to play on this server.

What you are suggesting is simply destroying anonimity. I don't care about it, but I can imagine ppl with lots of fanbois do.

Perhaps I'll put it to a poll wether ppl should be able to view someone's crossfire account name with /showcfname x (where x is the playernumber)
It is indeed destroying anonimity, but don't we all want to know who we are playing? A simple [skipnotify]/yawn bind destroys anonimity too ;)
true.. I'll look into adding a /crossfirename x feature ;)
If you are very lowskilled, will you get kicked for sucking so hard?
Only on swertcw server afaik, u have to be med skill there :>
good job, hopefully something like this will be used for clanwars someday.
Server is good, decent ping too. :)

But is it really that tough a punishment to get banned for 2 weeks? 2 weeks because they can just create a new cd key, new crossfire account, and be on their way.
really nice
nice idea :)
I tried it just now but it was empty ;[ But if it wasn't empty I'd get owned anyway so.. Nice idea. :)
nice to see this initiative, <3 ron!
Don't be sad... Basically he says you should be there! :D
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