Finally CB Gets Tough on Cheats

image: clanbase_white
Finally after what seems an age CB have pulled out thier finger on cheating in ET. As you well know Clanbase Cheating and Abuse Policy was updated in November last year. A lot of work has been put in by working closely with CB AC to bring the hackers to justice. People felt safe on publics to cheat, thought it was funny to cheat in the face of CB and it would go un-punished. "Too Late" i hear you cry and i fully agree, this has been too long coming but at least its finally arrived. No longer will it be tolerated and bans will be coming thick and fast over the next few weeks as we clear the backlog.

I'm under no illusions that cheating can be stamped out of ET and i would be foolish to even think it. I would like to ask for the help of all the server admins and players out there. If you suspect someone get pbss, take demos and make full use of the cheater report Here. There are lots of names hidden in the forum that are going through or being worked on at the moment. If a report has dissapeared dont worry its in the system. PBBans and PBS bans with IP address will be evidence and used to ban people depending on the offence, yawn shows the ban but isnt used in the process. Spoofed guids can be checked upon and will be spotted.

Here is a list of this weeks busts:

Belgium Hss
Netherlands F0st
Flanders Wilzu
Finland KirurGi/Swaniz
Netherlands Zoot/Chin0
Netherlands Gunner
Latvia kurbads
Netherlands Frizen

I would like to thank all of the Cheatbusters Crew and all those that helped:

Cheatbusters Crew

As i said this its been coming and its only the start of what can only be a good thing and i hope that some of the other leagues and cups follow suit. Thanks to Netherlands TrgT for sticking by the bans for the forthcoming Benelux Cup III. Help us help you and report them all!!! You can check for bans now from CB Home Page click Bans and search for Enemy Territory.

Finally to quote WalesNetherlands lunachick:

Quote If you see anyone on the list that you have recently played a match against, please provide us with screenshots or demos and we'll see what we can do if you had lost the match.
Yeah, He's one of my rl friends same as frizen. I already knew there where cheating but nobody ever cared.
No that's not him. GunneR never even played at clanbase, only trackmania.
ye GuNnEr cheats t00 !
how about the other 100 netcoder cheaters? i believe none of these guys were on the list of fusen.

and no thx needed to the guys from the benelux cup. They could refuse them b4 the cup would be going but they didnt. So no need to so thx.
yeah working on it Bullvox check how many people have the default pbguid from nexus? or another bot
Location Poland (Warszawa)
All of them are Poland (Warszawa) + All PBBans seem to have the same server ip: ''killNet Polish Clan Server'' 0.o
some guy i know said he cant possibly cheat cause he doesnt live in poland, is it true or not then?
i always knew he got some hax or smth, everytime when i played with him he got some strange shots and amazing prediction skillz
, im very glad that he got busted
lol fucking hserlock :PPP
I'm on that list too, but my brother (Sepje) cheated with it ones but hasn't got any red "!"s and I've got like 6 or smth :/ is yawn really reliable?
So you found a lot of people playing by the same pbkey. You made the conclusion a new hack uses a default etkey.

First the obvious:
My ip address:
IP country: Belgium
Hackers ip address:
IP country: Poland

I'm victim of a serious bug that slipped into the first ETpack release. Swine accidently forgot to delete the etkey in the first release of the ETpack, thats why so many people share the same etkey. So lets look at the starting and ending date of the pbkey I have warnings for:

yawn of evirdrevo, with 2 etpro keys = 2 different pcs
yawn of amd64
suspicous yawn of some crap pc i used for a few weeks

ATTENTIONWHORE88888 7be93832 2007/01/03 Warnings
overdrive 7be93832 2007/01/12 Warnings ...

Then look at the dates of the ETpack and a private log between me and swine (im sure he doesnt mind, he also has the log i posted so you can verify the log with him)

ET pack by Swine (2170 views, 17 comments)
Posted by Overdrive on Friday 5th January 2007

Session Start: Thu Jan 11 19:43:28 2007
Session Ident: venue-swine

swine:you mean the etkey?
over: yeah
over: pbguid is same for lots of ppl atm :P
swine: deletet now for the next version

After the interface.cfg I did some reinstalls. At the same time I made a journal about losing a hd, ronner helped me out with a proggy to recover the data from my broken hd, proving I did a reinstall and used the ETpack.

Afaik it was Rafiki, who is working on a site that logs a lot of ip's, pbguids and etproguids,who told me a lot of people were using the same pbkey, including me. I realized it was the ETpack and immediatly contacted swine. Beeing a lame person, I only deleted it the next day when i got this message when connecting to telenet:

QuoteDUPGUID (#116) - Duplicate GUID/CDKEY
waco.over ( (Jan 12, 2007)
-=[telenet]= (

I deleted my etkey so I could connect to the server. As I showed you, the guid you are talking about Bulldog, is the guid used by ETpack 1.0 which got posted by swine in a journal a few days before i made it into a tutorial. A week later we updated to version 1.1, at that time I had already deleted the etkey, because I couldnt play on telenet anymore.

I never cheated, and I never will

ETpack by swine. New and updated! Get it now!!!
thx for info Overdrive :)
easy mistake in this current climate :(
[20:20:42] Connecting to
[20:20:42] Unable to login. Your IP has been banned.

damn you 7be93832 :'(
This seems to be a clear case of a duplicate pbguid used by multiple players. I have recommended that the guid be removed from pbbans MBI.

Edit: update, this is being treated as a case of a leaked/shared cdkey hence the pbguid ban will not be lifted.

PBbans site staff
I cant find crossfire accounts for any other than Kurbads, but we follow CB's ban list and ban these people also. I'm sure fost had a crossfire account, link anyone?
use the search button plz
hf banning their 5th, 6th & 7th accounts.
can you not put admin approval on the accounts and check the ips?
all fear the wrath of the ban!1!!
Says the guy who got unbanned?
Parent was a joke you know..
you will be judged in the Last Day of world face to face with Him!
i'm not a christian, i believe the creator of this world was a toad, so. If I face someone it will hopefully be a toad.
you're lucky then :)
haahahaahahahaa. u got me there :D:D:D
lol iedereen die cheatte op public krijgt 6 maanden maar zielige fost krijgt er 12 !
niet iedereen
oke srry heb niet naar alle gekeken alleen naar die van frizen ,gunner en fost
keurig hoor fost
4 guys from the netherlands

Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands NetherlandsOWND Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands
[fanboi]kurbads[/fanboi] banned! this makes me really happy.

Good work Bulld0g & co.
How about the guy who used wallhack, because he wanted to stop ET -Netherlandsmize? You could do him a favor now!
someone give me the demo the links dead :P
Maybe you should ask the guy himself, didn't he provide the demos last time too? :p
he quit et, so nP
bull!! <3
Wilzu banned from #et-finland !!!

I have done my work against cheaters now.
dynamic ip, he just comes back :p
you're a true hero!
8 guys mhm not bad ;>>>>
Lots of month to ban 8 guys! gg cb!
hi fost.
fost was a cheater???
theres a thought that never crossed my mind
Aren't CB supposed to forfeit all of aegrus' matches now? I mean, fOst has probably been playing all of their matches in the 3on3 ladder, and they are ranked 2nd, by cheating o_O
i assume you lost to them then ;-D
Nope, actually not :P
He didn't cheat in those wars and you know that. Besides, he is banned for using cheats on public server, not for using cheats in offi.
im sure he just cheated that time
its not all as if you can look him up on yawn, and find that he has used a guidspoofer, and accidentally played with his own guid without removing the spoofed guid.
So desperate for some points bro ?
never played them in the ladder -.-
but fost is the cockiest player ever, and also a very obvious cheater.
was fun whenever he would come with comments such as "lol noob get skill, i dont cheat"
nono kiitos listen to this guy, he didnt cheat ^^
fost cocky? what about joonas?
jonas doesnt talk!
thats not being cocky, thats being arrogant :)
lol man, he is very stupid using some kind of public hack, but he never ever cheated in any official. He fucking rocks also without this retarted hacks.
to me it seems like a very smart way to get busted.
new pb update was coming, he used a cheat that was expiring with this new pb update. so a good way to save his reputation of acutually "having skill" he uses a pub hax to get busted with, instead of suddenly quitting ET, or suddenly sucking.

however, thats just a theory!

i dont believe he was ever truly skilled, i believe he had some advantages

p.s i have nothing against aegrus, just foSt
why didnt he come to 1st cpc-lan then?
that is still a mystery to me aswell, true!
Razz didn't use rivatuner @ Eurocup,too.
Did I say the consequences for Helix were righteous?
I didn't say that you said that. I also disagreed with this punishment. But if clanbase retain their rules, it's not important whether he cheated in an official or not.
razz did cheat in a war, fost on public. Still is a little difference.
Nah it doesn't. You can also argue to use rivatuner is not this bad than downloading special hacks, razz could never get this advantages than fost got with a "real" hack. It was only a funwar, etc etc etc etc. You need to draw a line somewhere.
Yeah, no punishment for the clan unless proven he used hacks during the officials. That's the way it should be. But it's not because they punished Helix, they now have to punish every clan...
I quite agree with you on this point.
i cheated in a practise 3on3 with my freinds. They had proof i never used it in EC but still punished helix.
Taddam, stupid clanbase !
razz was playing with meh in that 3on3 :)
What's the difference between using hax @ public and using them @ private servers? It's still hacking...
His team doesn't have to bare consequences from that.
Lmfao werent aegrus spamming with comments from sol that you hack and u were lol'in? hope all your matches are forefited they deserve it
Why are you replying to me? =/
we're still laughing at people who think they got owned by hackers
I never played against aegrus, but I feel that you Kreaturen guys should know better than associating yourselves with busted cheaters.
agreed, it's odd that guys that played highskilled for ages are defending known cheaters.
maybe they cheat aswell.. wouldn't suprise me at all.. lets hope for the best
Why should I know that? I just assume it, and why would you know he hasnt cheated in those wars? Also, I haven't played them and I don't want any points from them.

And I mean, as far as I know, Razz didnt use rivatuner in officials, but Helix got all their matches forfeited
1) Don't accuse people / clans without proof even if it is likely they did it.
2) I don't know that, but as long as there are no proofs, he is innocent.
3) Yeah, I know. But read my conversation/discussion with mens0 and you'll know my opinion bout that.
If he gets accused in most of the wars he plays, and then he gets busted on public, he's most likely not clean ..
LoL OK! You believe that... here's a reconstruction of playing a game with foSt on comms.

--> Prepare to fight.
-> 3
-> 2
-> 1
*one second passes*
foSt: "Ok, they spawn at 25/55"
Inside-information oO
lol, he never says that before the first sk of the opponent. Play with him more often and you'll notice that
ilu man, ty
why there are no bans from the past?
i can see any of my old permanent bans which i gave out while i was ladder sup
nice to see a cheater in cheatbusters crew XD
Wow. thats a lotta cheaters. I'm disappointed in these faggots for being much bigger faggots.

the last quote from lunachick reminds me to "il padrino"
mayb you guys should looking for viborator
i think hes hacking for sure
dikke nek ja
viborator fucking highskill
Yea whatever dirty paki. Go crawl back in that shithole you came from.
Im no racist. I just hate Ahm3d.
damn you're stupid
played nc final against fost last year, what can you do for me luna?
mize helped NL to go to final.... 2 cheaters on same NC team....
Team-Ger.cs captain?!
atleast someone is banned :(
they're coming for you! :x
Nice guys but pls continue the bans pls,dont stop on those,<3
bug? 120months = 10 years i think
no he just got banned for 10 years :)
yeah circumventing a suspension = "lifetime" ban. I hereby challenge every banned cheater to try this :d
i think in 10 years he will have a new pc
F0st :O, used to like watching that guy.
Ive heard some weird stuff abt fost by ppl who used to play with him ages ago... how he just after the games started knew spawntimes and knew how many who were pushing high on sd2 without even seeing em yet etc... i very much dubt he used this on pubs only, but who knows =)

anyway hes banned, now deal with the nexus ppl plz
Hmm, a bit lame to ban hax0rs from public servers but ok. :)

Ban more hax0rs pls 8)
bb frizen :d
Kurbads finally busted :)

And he gave a program to a friend of mine,

it doens't "improves" your aim, it just "helps" you !

I lol'd
unban fost thx
remove braundorf
Second that! Adlernest could go the same way.
adleri on hyvä, mut yhdyn mielipiteeseen braundorffin kanssa.
adleri on turhin
just hyvä!
remove cheasy
remove fakeflag!
lol'd Kurbads aka stupid piece of shit busted with cheats
lol fost :|
gg holland
good job guys

keep on doing a gj.
hadnt gunner played ones for dhb or K :s never thought that he would cheat
or am i just mistaking him cuz of his nick :/
no he's not Switzerland [<<] GuNnEr
#care, just ban them all

No need for proof or common sense. Burn burn burn!

image: inquisitie
geintje :$
I has danonic ip! You can't ban me. Muhahahaha!
matias as cheatbuster :D
i lold in rl rly
ban ferrum ferDIE
saying holland won last NC because of 2 cheaters is just excusing for your own lack of skill n/o
thats just a fact.

or are you saying that they did NOT cheat on nc-final? :)
give me a break, why would guys like them ever cheat after playing on highest possible level. doesn't make sense.
they did not and i dont care about them cheating after it
you didn't hear them cheat?
Haven't we already established that you're rather inept when it comes to cheatbusting?
apparently i dont care
go ask to any random team NL player of last season if mize and fost cheated
alea played on the highest level in the us and even came 2nd behind u96d at quakecon in 2005, and still decided to use hacks.
lol, the point is still valid though whether hes a yank or not!!
what was the point?
"thats just a fact.

or are you saying that they did NOT cheat on nc-final? :)
give me a break, why would guys like them ever cheat after playing on highest possible level. doesn't make sense."
I dont get you, alea was probably TOO hacking long time before he got busted.. so whats your point?
alea was accused alot, he went to quakecon and still owned hard and then was banned for a season for aliasing, and then was banned forever when he was caught hacking, so your telling me that he could reasonably go to lan against possibly the best ever et team (u96d) and somehow still play ok despite hacking all the time ? :\

ill try and find the pic where someone who was convinced he hacked online actually apologized in person at quakecon when alea still played the same.
haha, playing on LAN doesnt prove a shit
if you play in such good team that he did, its not that hard play good. And especially when there was no good teams against, other than u96d. who was 3rd was maybe medskill back then, skill on LAN was really really low. No wonder he did play ok there too but that do NOT prove he would be not cheating online.
Finally. Nice one :)
are you really saying that 'fost' used nexus bot in ec/nc ?
no they're not, but that doesn't matter. he used nexus on a random public and CB thinks that's enough reason to ban him for a year.
hmm i was gonna cheer but i will if this good work keeps up being this good. ;)
ouu ye goliath boy :D
nice to see the latvian psycho banned.

need more names on that list tho
omg.. didnt know kurbads was cheating. played against him a lot on publics but even with wh he was really bad :p
He was used to enable it on public only sometimes.
kurbads u suck pls....
daar kan je zelf vinden + je pappa
Kurbads? Hmm, I only thinking about this player, why he is really good? Now I know... ;DD

Omg, Netherlands yeah right!(even 4 guys) ;>

H4x rulzzz, lol'd.. ;P

Nice CheatBusters, gl & hf! ;))) :D
People were talking YEARS AGO about f0st and mize cheating. So, it's very funny to read all the clanmates defending f0st.

Yes, and you say he didn't cheat in wars? He just tried it on publics?


The spotlight was on him for years (coz of possible haxing), and then the 4hs lügerskilled player decided to go to a public server to cheat?

Of course, very logical, and the north wind closed the tale book!
lol... If he cheated in officials, why didnt show the pbss that he used nexus like the pbss on the public?
Maybe the admins never checked the pb screens, or the cheat blocked/modified the pb screens, and after the pb update it didn't work anymore, I don't really know. These are just guessings, but these are more logical...

Do you really think that a possible cheater decided to go to public to cheat with an old hax?

If yes, then give me a logical answer about why he did it! :(

Anyways I don't really care anymore, I'm very curious what will be after a year when he comes back to play officials.
Coz he didn't stopped playing, nowadays he is doing around 12 kill 58 hs with 48 acc on praccies against high skill for sure, so I really hope I will not be here yet.
Well I think that none of the players who used cheats on multiplay games have any logical answer for that, is just stupid. I only wanted to reply on you because you said he cheated before, and thats not true because the pbss never showed it and I'm 100% sure that anyone has checked the pbss when playing against fost because he is a good player and stupid people wont believe that so I'm sure some people checked pbss when they played vs fost.
Dude rly those guys played on all gamestv servers and other servers where they really check pb screen tbh, if foSt used this hack in officials like the NC IX final, we would have all seen it before.

I'm not defending him, but to say that he cheated for already 4 years is a bit too much said.
ROFL , since when he was in reload ???? oO
im still un-busted >.<
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