Impact Present ET Masters Tournament

image: newsbanner

This news post will serve as one for announcing / confirming a few things. Firstly the small stuff.

For all those who dont know this from the journals already i'm afraid to say that Belgium Xionn will no longer be participating in the CPC2 cup with Impact due to some real life issues. Replacing him in the team is the Finnish player Finland mystic. Having played with the likes of Finland Xpaz, Finland Raveneye and Finland Tiigeri before in Finland Parodia and Finland A-Monkeys he fits straight into the team.

I'd also like to announce that the United Kingdom Impact Gaming[/u] website is now online and whilst not only providing you with the latest information on the team and the players it will also play host to the ET masters tournament that myself, Ireland mthd and the rest of the staff at Impact are organising.

Now on to the ET Masters[/u] tournament. What is it?

Its an invite only tournament consisting of 16 of the highest skilled teams competing for glory and prize money totalling 250 Euros. The design of the cup is to help prepare the teams for the forthcoming CPC2 tournament whilst also providing some top level ETTV matches for the spectators.

The tournament will consist of 16 teams. Initially starting with a group stage and 4 teams per group. Each team will play each other once and the top 2 teams from each group will then proceed into a double elimination knockout stage.
The tournament although identical to Eurocup in format will be designed to hopefully run at a much faster pace with 2 games per week. Schedules permitting for the teams there will be a Sunday game and a midweek (Wednesday) game.

Supply Depot
frost final (Latest TE Version)

These maps have been chosen because apart from braundorf they are all maps that will be used in the forthcoming CPC2

#1 - 125 Euros
#2 - 75 Euros
#3 - 50 Euros

Rules will be identical to Eurocup rules and will use the latest Clanbase 6v6 config.
For game disputes demos must be provided.
You may be asked to move your game for coverage purposes schedules permitting.

Group A

Sweden ZeroPoint
Europe Pingwins
Croatia elite
Sweden Kno i Horn

Group B

Poland NetRunners
Germany 141
Europe sFx Beaver
Europe Defining Stars

Group C

Europe Amenti
United Kingdom Impact Gaming
Belgium cZar
Europe Auxilia

Group D

Europe Polar eSports
Sweden dTekt
Belgium Violence is Bad
Finland Negative Image

Group Game 1 - Date March 4th
Group Game 2 - Date March 7th
Group Game 3 - Date March 11th

Elimination Round 1 - Date March 14th
Elimination Round 2 - Date March 18th
Elimination Round 3 - Date March 21st

BracketFinals - Date March 25th
Grand Final - Date March 28th

We are looking for experienced admins to manage some of the games and to post some coverage for the tournament otherwise i'm never gonna get anything done.

Big thanks to all those who helped to make the cup / website happen.

Sweden Unisol for all his hard work coding
United Kingdom Brzy for the hours of rendering on the million banners we tested.
United Kingdom Antz for the hours hes spent configuring our linux servers
Netherlands Stilez for his artwork he has done on the site and of course Impact co manager Ireland mthd for helping me with absolutely loads of organising and configuring with the site, forums, servers etc

Good luck to all the teams competing. Hopefully we will be able to provide a fun and spectator friendly cup

Impact Gaming[/u]
btw sorry to some of those unlucky enough to still be using Internet Explorer 6 which may have some issues with the site, upgrade to IE7 or use opera :D
mystic uploaded his cfg !
I have his cfg for 4 years now, rtcw though... but use most of it in ET too
nice work, love the banner :O)

and lol at mystic cfg =DD
"Brzy for the hours of rendering on the million banners we tested."

ended up using the 1st template i made :/ the 3d ones just was too big :/
5MB banner might have been an issue :D
dignitas didn't want to participate?
r3vers goes on holiday to spain for 10 days during the tournament
hes going to watch all of the movies again ?
thats what i was told
btw, where is murso? <:[
well some of the players are playing with -img, cant play for both :)
we weren't still back active with murso when teams were asked for this cup. would've liked to play with murso in this cup tho :p
yeah i would like it to play with murso !
good news, site is sloooooowwww
Nice site. Good news. :)
will be a nice cup :)
Great stuff, nice work eVo and Impact crew!

Gl to the Impact project ;o
dignitas was too noob to join
nice initiative
well done eVo
tekoa @ deathadder LEET, everyone go and buy 1 i'd say.
wtf eVo @ deathadder 1337 go and buy one :( i had it first
sozz 4 that, i totaly forgot you <3
good luck
Good hussle evo, want iTG casting?
would love it mate
yeeepeeee :D

if the rumours are right, i will love hear u crying when impact faces zP! :p
Who made that site ?
pm me on irc i broke it and need you to fix :D
already fixed it :o
eVo for president
it was a nice base to start from and then unisol recoded it all, np 4 me, its barely the same site and looks good :)
and you have no problem with it that you rip someone else stuff?

They sell the design for $55
we paid for the template :)
the banner and tourney is rly hawt, gl!.
no its 4 weeks start to finish :P
upload mystics config and it will be 2 years:P
nice site, should be a fun cup to watch. gL
NO Dignitas?
eVo_ on 22/02/07, 21:48:12 PM | Reply

r3vers goes on holiday to spain for 10 days during the tournament
They will miss the easy money :< .
Great initiative, but its going to be 2 easy for dtekt, Norwegian power:o powpow!
nice job,
gl evo!
Nice job evo
stop banning me from dtekt channel then :P
x] I blame KAMZ!
i just went to contact you and was like wtf i aint in dtekt channel, went to join and banned.. by you :(
Nice, should be a great tourney.
GL Impact
lovely homepage!!
thanks :))))
idd nice work unisol :)
you too!! :)))
gl, but.... may I ask where the prizemoney comes from ?
I expect directly from impact-gaming management.
muahaha, i know smth u dont know, finally! i feel power over u

ill tell u if u tell me what i want to know, irc!
I'll find out from one of my other less demanding sources :p
now even i'm wondering what you know that he doesn't :O
Where are the Mystic fanboys? They should have posted 1337 "zomg Mystic is back" comments already...
zomg Mystic is back
decimated few months ago
Maybe because he never was away?
Nice website :o)

GL and dont fold
gL polar
Good luck teKoa!
Quote16 of the highest skilled teams

for sure
well tell me, besides dignitas, who is missing?
murso ofcourse !
Netherlands routicheateriers is missing!
waarom zal ik ons inschrijven voor zon noob cup.. bullnoobvox
it was an invite only cup..... u couldnt signup
erom vragen (of gevraagt worden) al ik bijna geen ET meer speel.
was that sarcastic? Gambit?
i dont think so mate!
was that sarcastic? err... :D
banner is fucking nice those wires are incredible. overdose r out again ;DD
lol we are playing there? wtf?
speak to butchji
I said the same thing xD
gl EvO :>
thx PH4GE
fin sida unisol, det enda jag hatar är att det är så tomt med grafik på själva informations sidorna, ex. roster sidan, grymt tråkigt med den klassiska listan
ja gjorde inte designen, bara kodningen :o men håller med.. rostersidan ser trist ut
Looking forward to seeing some nice ettv matches! Great job eVo
one for ET team, other for cod2 team (when we get one)
I assumed one was for the team and the other was for the tournament :D
guys, is there way to make sliding like in tournament info, but simpler than in your code? lol you made js plus css to make it, kinda 10 functions o0
nice site ig
group C owns.
hihihi mztik and mystic in one team, now they only need mistic, mztyk or myztik and evrything will work out fine!
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