More upsets anyone?

image: newsbanner

Ok lets do a quick recap first of round 1 of the ET Masters tournament.

cZar 2 : 4 Netherlands Morrigu]

I think almost everyone expected this to be an easy game for cZar and the gbooky odds certainly showed the public opinion but who would have expected such a game. This one had to go to a decider on Radar where cZar were just unable to push past the mQ defences. Kudos to Finland Raveneye for his spot on prediction on this game:
QuoteWe haven't really played against these guys so I can't really predict the outcome, but I happened to notice that cZar is using playername [cZar] tags, which should give them ultimate power over Morrigu. This isn't going to happen though, because parodia tag will punish eveyone using it without permission,

A last hour addition of Netherlands Rocky to the mQ squad replacing Netherlands Ins who for whatever reason could not play prooved to be one of the deciding factors in this game but also one of the most contraversial with aimbot accusations from Germany FlyingDJ and the Belgium cZar squad. However after watching demos no decision could be made on this one. Were we just watching a rising star and a great aimer of the game or something far more displeasant. Either way its certain that Rocky will come under close scrutiny in his next game.

Polar eSports 0 : 4 Finland Negative Image]

Europe Polar previously known as CDAP Pi, surely one of the strongest teams in ET today and top seed in their group against a relatively new and untested Finland Negative Imagine squad which has been riddled with lineup changes since its original formation. Clearly there would be only one winner in this game; Polar ? Well i was not alone in this view with gbooky odds of 1.03 vs. 33.03 however how wrong we all were. This game was unfortunately not even close. The Finland finnish squad dominated the Europe Polar side on both Braundorf and Goldrush.

Many would say that -img caught Polar on a bad day however credit must go out to the teamplay that -img showed during this game. Polar will now need to pick up wins against Sweden dtekt and Belgium ViB to be sure of qualification from their group.

dtekt eSports 4 : 2 Belgium Violence is Bad]

Well if you look at the previous predictions you would have to see that this game gave exactly what everyone expected. Two teams so nearly equalling each other out that a decider map had to be played to find a winner in this game. That winner of course was the new Sweden dtekt team.

CPC2 qualifiers and if at this early stage they can play at the level that they did you surely have to wonder what they can do after a couple of months practice. Will it even take that long and could this squad be the dark horse of the tournament. Possibly...

All eyes will be on their next game against the finnish powerhouse of Finland -img to see if they can maintain the high standard they have set so far. The winner of that game will almost certainly qualify for the elimination stages.

zeroPoint! Gaming 4 : 0 Sweden Vicious and Evil KIH]

A Sweden zP win 4 : 0 unexpected....

For the spectator this was unfortunately not the most viewer friendly game.. but ask yourself why and the answer lies with full credit to the meticulous play from zP.

With raw firepower and aggressiveness from Butchji and Gifty, the intelligence of Potter and Darky and then two of the most underated players in the german machines that are Hatred and Keran, you have to say that although Sweden KIH are complemented by many for their teamplay, the blend and affectiveness of this zP squad make them almost impossible to stop. Only 1 team in recent times has been able to do it. Will zP walk away with Gold in the ET Masters or are there some upsets still to come....

Impact Gaming 0 :4 Europe The Last Resort]

Although my view on this game can be argued as biased i hope that you will see this as a report from someone looking from the outside. First of all... what a game!

ETTV viewer slots of 1215 and that was filled by 1214 spectators all watching a clash the likes we haven't seen in quite some time. This game had it all, mutikills, suspension, a 10 man killing spree for the Finland mystic fanbois and some sheer excellence from the Belgium belgium mAus. It was a game of the highest quality and i for one cant wait too see a clash like this again.

TLR picked up bronze in this years EC however with the addition of mAus this squad has just stepped it up to another level. I personally believe that they are the strongest team in the ET Masters tournament and i cant wait to see clashes between them and zP and further into the future them and United Kingdom dignitas. You can be sure both these teams will be keeping an eye out for United Kingdom TLR. Also some credit to the TLR manager anil has put loads of effort into this team and its paying off.

And so onto United Kingdom Impact Gaming, the hype has been huge and looking at this game did they really disappoint? I would argue no. First official for the squad and it got everyone talking about the game. After being forced to make lineup changes since their original announcement and then to still go out and put in a performance like that against one of the best ET teams out there, you have to assume that in a few months time with more practice this squad will be stronger still. As the Impact manager i have to say the future's bright for this ET team.

Netrunners 4 : 0 Italy Agony Realm]

The predictions for this game were right on the money. A win for Poland Netrunners and if you didn't see the game you would assume this was a comfortable victory. Thats where you would be wrong. Italy A+R put up a good fight against the top seed in their group and that was most unexpected since most knew very little about this team.

Italy A+R is another squad that has been unfortunately full of lineup changes in recent times however looking at it you would have to say they might be very underated. If they can battle so strongly at this stage of their squads development then in time if they can keep the stability in the team then we could be looking at a very nice team. It looks like for ET Masters they will have to pull off something special against Germany 141 and Germany hx to qualify but dont rule anything out at this early stage.

One4One vs. Germany Team Helix]
Rescheduled to Monday 12 March @ 21:00 CET

pingwins 4 : 0 Croatia elite]

Unfortunately only 284 viewers turned out to watch this game but they were not disappointed since it was a nice game to watch and closer than the players at the time realised. A plant from Croatia Elite on Braundorf must have come within 0.5 Seconds of blowing but was defused by 2 pingwins engineers. I later learnt that someone on the pingwins team had suggested that both engineers dont go for the defuse. Its a good thing that Bullvox chose to ignore him or this game was going to a decider.

Goldrush was unfortunately a bit more one sided with pingwins never really looking massively troubled on their bank stage defence. Croatia Elite missing a couple of their key players in the Pingwins game now move onto the massive task of having to beat zP 4:0 to take the group to a 3 way decider.

Tournament Update [/u]

- Sweden Vicious and Evil KIH have unfortunately pulled out of the ET Masters. I haven't seen any squad updates on xfire but i'm sure the team will post something to say why they have pulled out of the tournament along with the future of the squad. Since round 1 has already just about finished i will not be replacing them in the tournament and Group A will now only have 3 teams left in the tournament.

-The dates for the group stage of the tournament have been slightly extended. Round 2 dates are now 7-12 March and Round 3 13-18 March.

- Round 2 will see maps supply and frostbite, Round 3 will be Radar and the now updated Frost Final B3, Download here:

- Since the tournament has now started teams are only allowed to add 1 player to your roster assuming that player has not already played for another team.

Round 2 [/u]

Ok since i seem to have been writing for ages i'm going to probably keep this a bit short.

Thursdays Kickoff

Auxilla 4 - 2 Finland Negative Image]

Time: 21:00 CET
Admin: Scotland TBA
Sweden dtekt eSports: blaze - fireBall - humM3l - z3R0 - kris - sexyhot - snuble - tornis
Finland Negative Image: Mulsu - chmpp - kimble - auron - twidi - lettu
Maps: supply / frostbite

Predictions [/u]

Switzerland Gifty: negative image just showed us what they're made of, they got back their old skill, and will win this one again! <3 MulSu, chmpp, kmble, twidi x) 4 : 0
Finland MulSu: I thinkthat this will be close match, but i would say 4-2 for dtekt. Just due the fact that nub murso is praccing xd
Netherlands Wesbo: I think Negative Image proved themselves to be a really good team by beating Polar Esports in their first game. I believe they will put a 4-2 victory over dtekt who beat vib in their first game. It depends on which map will be picked as a decider though
Netherlands perfo: dtekt favor almost half of the old hb/rewind squad + sexy norwegian girls in the form of kris and snuble but i dont think they have enough teamplay to overpower img. img has finnish players, enough said 4-2 img
Switzerland gunner: well i cant really say witch gonna win this games since i havent played them recently but i think that Negative Image is a bit stonger cause they are playing together longer then dtket did it . so idd say 4-2 for Negative Image

Polar eSports vs. Belgium Violence is Bad]

Time: 21:15 CET
Admin: Scotland TBA
Europe Polar eSports: Toxic - kris - perfo - fobje - snoop - xylos
Belgium Violence is Bad: asd - danone - joop - Matias - sacc - vila
Maps: supply / frostbite

Predictions [/u]

Switzerland Gifty: polar is a good team, vib shouldn't stand a big chance. both teams got good aimers, but just one got the right teamplay, and the experience in that game, 4 : 0 perfolar eSports
Finland MulSu: No doubt in my mind. 4-0 for polar
Netherlands Wesbo: I hope this will be a close game. Both teams have to win if they still want to go the play offs. Polar will want to show the community they're still a good team, which gives them extra motivation for this game. I believe it will be a 4-0 victory for Polar eSports, but both maps will be close
Netherlands perfo: vib is more of a mix than a team with actual teamplay and in the past focused a lot on individual skill and i still think they do so, joop wont change this (sorry), 4-0 for us
Switzerland gunner: im sure that Polar eSports will win this one without any problem since they are playing together for a long time now and vib got line up changes few weeks ago so idd say an easy 4-0 for Polar eSports

Bloody (overused but running out of creativity) Sunday

The Last Resort vs. Netherlands Morrigu]

Time: 21:00 CET
Admin: Sweden / Denmark kiss
Europe The Last Resort: acozz - clown - david - marv - Winghaven - mAus
Netherlands Morrigu: Wesbo - Ati_ - leonneke - kitty - ins - mize
Maps: supply / frostbite

Predictions [/u]

Switzerland Gifty: one sided as hell, 4 : 0 TLR. Extremely boring
Finland MulSu: Even that i love mQ guys. I have to say that Winghaven will take this match. 4-0 to TLR
Netherlands Wesbo: Hmm, because I'm in Morrigu I know our weaknesses and I think this won't be a very close game. I think TLR will win 4-0, raging us on both maps, but hey maybe we're lucky and we can manage to win a map.. or two
Netherlands perfo: mQ favors the same language and a good skill but not enough to break TLR's defensive teamplay and crossfire. maus vs mize will be nice to see tho but ins isnt the best fops out there, 4-0 TLR
Switzerland gunner: any doubt im saying 4-0 easy win for TLR

zeroPoint vs. Croatia elite]

Time: 21:30 CET
Admin: Scotland TBA
Sweden zeroPoint: Darky - gifty - butchji - keran - potter - hatred
Croatia elite: raptus, CS4f1, future, Kris, day_, dunno!, krein
Maps: supply / frostbite

Predictions [/u]

Monday Night Gaming

cZar vs. United Kingdom Impact Gaming]

Time: 21:00 CET
Admin: Scotland TBA
Belgium cZar: mesq - lio - snot - ziff - zeto - dNzl
United Kingdom Impact Gaming: Xpaz - mystic - Raveneye - Tiigeri - teKoa - M1lk
Maps: supply / frostbite

Predictions [/u]

Switzerland Gifty: mystic and Raveneye performed great lately in our praccs, and now they will lead (with Xpaz' voice ;p) impact to their first win. 4 : 0 impact
Finland MulSu: pasipoika will take this easily so 0-4 for Impact
Netherlands Wesbo: Both teams lost their first matches and will have to win this match to continue to the play offs. I think this will be an easy bash for Impact gaming, because they have more experience and individual skill than cZar. Although if cZar can put a good performance they might win, but I'm seeing that happen.
Netherlands perfo: czar has zeto, simply the best medic in all of ET. his revives are top notch and his flagcaps are amazingly fast, sqzz barely keeps up with him. 4-0 to impact
Switzerland gunner: this game is gonna tight but im sure that Impact Gaming with have the final word over cZar in this game so i say 4-2 for impact gaming

All other round 2 games are so far unscheduled but will be added to this post as soon as they are arranged.

EDIT Predictions added
ok hf reading all, i'm off to get fired now for wasting a whole morning in work writing this =)
Nice one post eVo
good job, eVo
what do you mean, upsets??? except for the pingwins winning i didn't expect anything different...
Would you prefer me to write a post that says
Team A 4 : 0 Team B
Bartichello predicted this so boring game.

Hmm i think that review would be really interesting to read.....
no bbut the title isn't very accurate... since i guess only some people were upset about impact losing ... other then that i doubt there were many people that were surprised by some of the results.
well if you look at gbooky there were some massive upsets and i aint referring to impact but polar - img, cZar - mQ etc, games in the first round did not go by the form guide thus the title

However should you disagree feel free to click here:
okidoki then...
u thought that an OC clan would bash an EC clan ?
OC Premier winners ;>
well still lol ..
Maybe we would if krein's and day's net didnt crash.
oh you didnt have krein ? true, maybe u would then ..
yea, me at rifle(lol) and kentsu @eng smg! nP
kentsu @ eng, LoL xD
-img vs polar / cZar vs morrigu ?
morigu vs czar i had expected... img was maybe the underdog yes but still they also played EC...
nice review paul
gib mal link zu einer guten wow seite wo ich hilfe zu quests bekomme die ich nicht finde :P lauf immer so blöd herum :/
meinst du jetzt mit blöd rumlaufen auf ET oder WoW bezogen?
danke ka wie der heisst spiele noch ned so lange... bin erst lvl 5 :PPP muss erst alles lernen... darky spielt auch auf dem selben server vielleicht kennst du den ja ka :>
hm ne eher net :P schau halt mal nach und sag dann bescheid, auf destromath spielen einige ehemalige rtcwler und etler
ichichcihc (naja habe)
name gilde lvl klasse fraktion
nephtys (oder so) troll / horde / keine golde / lvl 30
hab auf antonidas gespielt
lvl 60 t2 horde orc krieger :>
"Goldrush was unfortunately a bit more one sided with pingwins never really looking massively troubled on their bank stage defence."

please, less luck from Zerender's buddies, and i could finish the work.
easy bash for dunno
nice one

GL TLR and mQ
very nice :)
GL mQ + Impact
go pingwins!<3
Any1 got demos of Impact vs TLR ?
there are alot of replays, atm here, and here.
QuoteA last hour addition of Rocky to the mQ squad replacing Ins who for whatever reason could not play

I found out my grandmother just died that evening =o[
yea i just found out that was the reason, sorry to hear that :(
Yea, I heard the reason , my condolence
mulsu will winn
some mistake i missed?
GG Evo.

well written.
Keran just pointed this out to me:
Posted by eVo on Wednesday 7th March 2007, 13:37

see its leet news :)
too bad we dont live in england

Posted by eVo on Wednesday 7th March 2007, 14:37
Posted by eVo on Wednesday 7th March 2007, 14:37

Like cZar vs morrigu should've been?
without rocky, easy bash :DD
kijk dan maar even snel de demo terug dan zie je door wie jullie neer gingen
alles in dronten is 1337!
so u think cZar = TLR? LoL!

Where did I say that cZar is TLR?
i can give u a similiar question.
Obviously he meant cZar was supposed to rape us badly, but failed to do so.
so true about impact, im going to make a short clip of his hs spree:D
zomg add plz
zomg whats wrong with and dont you think there is enough of it :\ If you can do better click here:
of course I can do better, but the problem is that this 10 mile long newspost is standing on my xfire frontpage while you could easily split the matches played and the upcoming matches with a simple
so you spend the time doing it, readmore can only be used once, hide can be used over and over
I like it now thanks :)
The cZar tag is actually stolen from [broken].
we love to fake
At least not parodia.
nice report, gl blaze asd fRoZz=)blaZz <3
elite only need 4-2 vs zP if pingwins win vs zP...
ez bash then right :)
if elite wins vs zP 4-0 we only need to take 1 map vs zP but i dont thnk zP let this happen:)
Nice reference to Bloody Sunday where the English army slaughtered 26 innocent Irish protesters!
In no way condoning the shootings in any way (I'm a pacifist - all violence is bad, mmkay?), nor defending the British army, but only 14 of them died, the other 12 were injured.
yea just checked it on a wiki there, 26 were shot, 14 killed
Actually, there are around a dozen events in history which are titled "Bloody Sunday". :P
stop acting smart just because you have an idle tag, ok?
idle tag makes u smart?
you mean dignitas not idle
This is true, but the main one in colloquial use is the 1972 one Etnies refers to.
i'd say its the one on the red square!
remembers me of that sunday with this young girl >:
there are no innocent Irish ppl
"maus vs mize"
hacker vs. hacker? :P
hmm nah thing is they're both clean (afaik) and its nice to watch giants aim :P
mize should get banned, razz was banned for stupid rivatuner and mize doesn't get banned for using wallhack?
wallhack is ok, rivatuner is not!
mize didnt play any officials in the time he should've been banned (6 months) so can't see your problem
All cheaters should have thier hands cut of, litterally, so they wont ever be able to play games again.
that's another pov :p
Quotebut ins isnt the best fops out there

Ja wat is dit? Betere ken je niet krijgen hoor.
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