Shildkroeten bring OCRANA back to CoD2

image: ocranalogo1iv1The time has come for another big name to return to Call of Duty from the depths of the classic original CoD and early CoD2 days. This time multi-gaming organisation OCRANA will return to their first fps based game since their former CoD2 squad were disbanded in the early days of the game. People may remember OCRANA as one of the top teams in the original CoD and probably the best German team of its time in CoD2 including members from the current SPEED-LINK squad such as Germany Trigger and Germany Fuchsstute.

The team bringing OCRANA back into the action of WW2 is Shildkroeten, a tight nipped German based team that was formed some time ago with members such as former OCRANA player Germany spaR. The squad have recently been out of the headlines for a while without really making any major changes to their line-up, but with the announcement of joining OCRANA the team have added two new players including former Adacom player Germany Kn0xX and former n!faculty player Germany K1ckzZ.

This currently makes out a six man active squad with the following line-up setting the first race for this hopeful adventure in their new home:

Germany spaR
Germany enJO_oy
Germany dizzy
Germany erv
Germany K1ckzZ
Germany Kn0xX

dEF from the OCRANA management also released the following statement:

"OCRANA is a traditional Shooter Clan. The decision to establish a shooter has got a very simple reason: Shooter belongs to OCRANA like fishbones to a fish. There are no other reasons or targets. It's just a step back to the roots. We hope that OCRANA will still bring more thrill into the COD2 competition."

We would like to wish OCRANA the best of luck in the future with their new Call of Duty 2 team.

OCRANA web site
suddenly misread and thought bring back to ET
gl guys, mucho love <3
Gotta say I'm hugely surprised that they took another team. If you drop the team they had thats a pretty big statement that you're not coming back to the game. But, goodluck to these guys and <3 spaR!
those retards dropped all their shooter squads
and tried to get a new cs squad in the last month i heard :>
Why dows ocrana now suddenly need a shooter squad again when they turned their back on their old squads like that? Very surprising move.
ocrana iz bk =O

I heard erv = Plotsch = cheater?
maybe plotsch was a cheater but erv is 100% not plotsch, erv played for n! in CoD1 for examble
Amüsantes Gerede auf :DDD
ohne RulOr sind die nix ! :D
Apparntly so Melkor.

Good move, k1ckzz is a skilled guy except he stole my nick <3 mabye ill cu again at ngz if ur going :>
ET for Ocrana :c
Really gonna be hard to be successful with ocr* tag after their CoD1 team, but you cant always live in the past I guess. GL!
thats fake and schildkröten are teh wnbs!

ocrana :DDDDD this clan is such a joke tbh
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