Payment and replacement options

The payment deadline passed rather uneventfully in comparisson to CPC1. There were a handful of team dropouts since the tournament was announced, but they quickly were replaced by qualifier teams as stated in the details here

CoD - Czech Republic iR replaced by Germany dSLASH
ET - Finland Murso replaced by Sweden KiH
ET - Germany Helix replaced by Netherlands mQ

It does look like we'll have one spot free in the ET tournament after having to remove suXus and potentially one in the CoD, however we're waiting for a number of payments to clear and then sort the matter out. International bank transfers are anything but efficient in their time to clear, and whilst we are currently short of the money generated from the signups, many people have provided receipts of transfer without us having yet got their money.

The first come first serve payment lottery will be used for the one ET spot and any potential more spots that become available in any of the tournaments however not until at least next Tuesday when we've given the banks time to get their act in gear for those that paid this week. Do not fear, explanations on how this process will work will be posted 24 hours prior to any opening of signups for the place.

Note that if you've not been contacted about your payment then its gone through fine.
Mates rates
euh whitout fette what is KiH lineup atm???
Read the sticky in the forum thread, its there.
Take your chance infrag
dSlash lineup?
Murdoc, kohliii, flaSh, sKaLt, m4x
aha...dachte dSlash wäre nur ne community page weil nix von nem cod team da steht :D
T&F is ready
Good luck morrigu!
ja hoor joop lekker pwner vrind van me
Ik ga met vib noob :[
weet ik toch
iR are fucking hackers, onliners ...
cu@LAN aLL
so there is still 1 spot left atm?
Does this mean you recieved my money then?
ROFL, murso, helix and suxus hackers & online only gg
100% agree
you got so shit hitboxes and warp that our "aimbots" are not working on you ...
so dont worry :)
ohh haste wieder iNET?

jawohl!!! kommst du auch zur cpc2, wenn ja wie? :p
ich fahr mit meinem auto :>

ich wohn aber net mehr in neuss aber ich müsste eh vorbei wenn ich dich mitnehmen soll :o
ne danke passt schon fahr selber mitm auto :p
wo wohnstn jetzt?
bin wieder nach ffm zurück gezogen :>

kein bock mehr auf die firma gehabt und hier bin ich jetzt selbstständig :>>

was hat bei dir solange gedauert? oder warste rL mässig unterwegs?
ich bin jetzt schon was länger da aber es hat trotzdem fast 6 -7 wochen gedauert wegen arcor bzw. telekom :(
hauptsache jetzt wieder back in buizz und ready 2 rule
fo sh0 lol
suxus already attended some LAN in estonia so not online only
Do you really think he'll call his own ex-team and Helix hackers?
Ofcourse not, originally I included a ;p smiley to make sure it wouldnt seem like I was seriously giving an argument, but because of that ;p smiley it looked like I was not serious either, so I got in conflict with mysel and decided to remove the smiley for the sake of the world!
Or you should get a sarcasmdetector!
i have a sarcasmdetector-detector and i haven't found any results at him
lycka till slapptask stentorn
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