1 ET Spot available at CPC

With suXus.ET dropping out of the CPC we're in need a replacement for the ET tournament, here is how the procedure will go.

- There are no roster restrictions, you can form a team from any player who is not currently attending CPC with another team.
- Applications must be made in #Crossfire at 1800 CET on Friday March 23rd
- The first team to put a message for the spot will be messaged by TosspoT, they then will have 24 hours to provide proof of bank transfer before the spot is made available again.

Any queries, feel free to contact me

The Spot has been taken by Ronner of clan ALIS -

(16:59:55) (@oct`taLa) want to sign up #OCTENse.lan for CPC2 - azzor jackie viax nxm worm tala
(16:59:56) (+hex4) :(
(16:59:56) (+hMg|_apEx_) i want to apply my team for CPC 2!-------
(16:59:57) —› join: (dot`LavOd) ([email protected])
(16:59:57) (@Ronner) I claim the spot for the ET tourney at CPC2.
(16:59:59) (+oct`Worm) want to sign up OCTENse.LAN for CPC2: worm tala viax nxm jackie azzor !
(17:00:00) (@Ronner) I claim the spot for the ET tourney at CPC2.
(17:00:01) —› join: (toed) ([email protected])
(17:00:02) (@Ronner) I claim the spot for the ET tourney at CPC2.
(17:00:02) (@TosspoT) Ronner
(17:00:02) (+adocom`sKaLt) togl whats up
(17:00:02) (@oct`taLa) want to sign up #OCTENse.lan for CPC2 - azzor jackie viax nxm worm tala
(17:00:03) (+adocom`sKaLt) ^^
(17:00:03) (@TosspoT) wins
(17:00:03) (+eC4`BuLL) as u see, this wont WORK lol!
(17:00:03) —› mode: (fusen) sets (+v dot`LavOd)
(17:00:05) (+Sharger) [19:00:00] <dignitas\Frop> i want to apply my team for CPC 2!-------
(17:00:05) (+adocom`sKaLt) looool ROFL
(17:00:05) (@Ronner) ROFL
(17:00:06) (+adocom`sKaLt) :D
(17:00:06) (+adocom`sKaLt) ASDL
(17:00:06) (+adocom`sKaLt) süf
(17:00:06) (+adocom`sKaLt) g
(17:00:07) (+hMg|_apEx_) I claim the spot for the ET tourney at CPC2.
(17:00:07) (@oct`taLa) want to sign up #OCTENse.lan for CPC2 - azzor jackie viax nxm worm tala
(17:00:09) —› mode: (fusen) sets (+v toed)
(17:00:10) (@chosen) xD
(17:00:15) (+one-phonics) why is everyone spamming?
(17:00:16) (@Ronner) NO NO.. copy paste NOW!
(17:00:17) (@TosspoT) (17:00:00) (@Ronner) I claim the spot for the ET tourney at CPC2.
(17:00:17) (@TosspoT) (17:00:01) —› join: (toed) ([email protected])
(17:00:17) (@TosspoT) (17:00:02) (@Ronner) I claim the spot for the ET tourney at CPC2.
(17:00:18) (@oct`taLa) want to sign up #OCTENse.lan for CPC2 - azzor jackie viax nxm worm tala.
(17:00:19) (@Ronner) I want this to go fair
(17:00:22) (@Ronner) rofl.. nice
(17:00:24) (@oct`taLa) want to sign up #OCTENse.lan for CPC2 - azzor jackie viax nxm worm tala
(17:00:26) (+Herbal) I claim the spot for the ET tourney at CPC2.

An interview with C&F Ronner can be found on the Team-Dignitas site.
Why did suXus left ?
Why did suXus left ?
Why did suXus left ?
Why did suXus leave?
why did suXus leave ?
Nice doing the same when helix and murso dropped (not), just invite one of ur favourite teams man. Dont be all honest now :)
great jibe, really great..
hes just retarted, face it.
you mean retarded.

look, im arguing on the internet :D
lol my bad sorry, go back to ur sleepy mode
my eyes are a bit sleepy
ohmy.. my eyes burn after i looked at ur profile. :<
/amsg need 5 ET players (low skill prefered) to attend CPC / PM ME FAST GAYS!!!
i can play.

oh no.

inet only :(
eVo and Friends here we come
your going alone?
take a team who have the money already :S
Perhaps i'll contact you tonight or tomorrow
Quote- Applications must be made in #Crossfire at 1800 CET on Friday March 23rd
- The first team to put a message for the spot will be messaged by TosspoT
hey wtf? a fair way!! no wai!

anyway all sarcasm aside. Perhaps just let ppl sign up for the spot and let the fate of a dice decide the spot instead of the first that pm's, cuz ppl will just start spamming the channel @ 17:55 if not before that.
idd, a cf poll would be nice too.
would be nice but is hardly fair imo. the one with the most e-frnds wins.. no go imo
yes but more fair than 'the 1st one who pm's wins(
good, and first that pmms at 18:00 wins so whats the prob?

defining star?
a mix of KiH and Defs has already replaced murso.
any lineup? :o
rbnt gyzr + kih players afaik :p
just find some new mgc quickly

i cant rly figure out more attractive team for multigaming clans than the one who was able to qualify to the most prestigeous ET LAN in europe (or even the world if quakecon is 5on5)
you are wrong

IF i would spend money ET, i wouldnt take in suXus.
But influx does have an ET team

suXus made a proper move by taking in a stable team able to cause an uproar from time to time.
yeah, now send xAv.
invite some czech team ;)
thats what i mean, big mounts with their so called big MGCs. not...
T&F will go
This was known for about week... http://www.suxus-esports.eu/index.php?sub=news&page=news&nid=107

Why is this news coming so late?
We payed tosspot for extra advertising
I didn't mean the news about your squad but about the fact that another team would have had one week more time to plan the trip :p
Netherlands fayntic is proud to announce that we will be coming to the CPC #2.


Netherlands h3ll
Netherlands spNk
Netherlands kinky
Netherlands boog (The Field Ops is back in action!)
Netherlands ViegeBeer
Netherlands / Bosnia Hercegovina dmr

We are going just to have some fun and to kick Netherlands perfo's ass.

Netherlands ZaK- and Netherlands skiD can't come because they are banned from CB.

Hope to have some fun there. :]
Ik ben jou vergeten. :[
nee hoor , ik ga al met dignitas :]
Tosspot, so if someone got a team, he can just start spamming from 17:58 till 18:01 and he will be the first

Sure it's gonna work?
Indeed, that should be rethought...
or there will be 3-5 teams spamming exactly at 18:00:00 :/
Update: The team WILL have to name itself Cash & Friends for this event. :P
I want tha cash np~!
i LoL'd about suxus?

why u play qualifiers if u dont have the money to show up on lan?
and meanwhile there are other teams who have the money and the sponsors but didnt even get a quali :S
I believe only the clans playing for the already well established MGCs knew for sure they were going to attend when they played their qualis.

You can't go if you don't play your qualies :>
LoL before i try to attend on a lan i make it clear that i can go if not its just wasted time (and steal spots for teams who can/want go)
so u mean qualify and dont go coz u are poor is better that let qualify the worse but rich teams who can go?!?!?!?!?!?

n1 idea so we have empty lans in the future :DDDDDD
look at teams in football in some 3rd or 4th league (at least in poland). team from my city won qualifiers to higher league but they couldnt go, because they hadnt got proper stadium (money). so the team that lost, still played in higher league (didnt drop down).

its not money that should win, but skill. ok the better team won the qualifiers to the lan, but as they couldnt gather enough money, they couldnt go, let the losing team go to the LAN but remember that it isnt the best that could go.

also, winning qualifiers may be a proof for mgc, that they should invest in their et team and send them to lan.

i dont get why lans would be empty because of that
imo give all teams 1 more day to contact one of the admins, and let the admins decide together wich is the most perfect team for CPC2
but that would be against the rules they made, teams need to be selected first come first served basis like it was said earlier, breaking it wouldnt be appropriate. why do u think mQ and kihdefs mix are suddenly in there? thats right, after the newspost they were first to post... oh wait, what newspo.. nvm.

Give me mQ & kih/defs any day over a random clan that just got lucky.
I'm not saying u should take in weaker clans instead of good clans, I'm just saying ure inviting teams to replace other teams while not giving those weaker teams the chance. now this would be ok if u would actually say that ure doing that but if u say that you will do it first come, first serve basis and still choosing the teams u want to the tournament, its just wrong. sorry if my point is hard to understand.
Read the news I linked to.
I got ur point, still not related to dropouts and to the newspost that was said about the dropouts and first come first served.
You're saying the guys that are working their asses of to get this lan running should choose? No no that would greatly upset flyingdj with friends. You cant let the people in charge decide who they want on their lan, no no!
rly?? how poor :(
fucking poor retards
All of you are wondering why the suXus ET team applied for a qualifier while they didn't know they had the financial support they needed...

The qualifier was needed to show companies that the team was superior to other teams qualifieing, because the team has been rejected to take part at big competititions in the past (two tmes EuroCup for example). ET isn't like CS were teams can get money support by not proving anything.
good luck to the replacing team :o)
its not fair to the team that lost their qualifier against suxus :)
plz. that has nothing to do with it
Toss just wants to feel like a rockstar with tons on ppl screaming "pick me!! pick me!!! me me me!!" cuz that's most likely to happen in #crossfire @ 17:59 (and sooner)
Kamz will be first, no problem
QuoteLAN's are for nerds

Guesswho said that!
and he went back to his PC, eating chips and drinking cola and continue making the big "#crossfire takeover" plan...

a usual day of kamz? :)
Something like that ye :p
You've heard me sing, I'm no rockstar :(
Ati was right :(
let venue play
oh secondje te vroeg
ronner \o/
GRATS 2 DenmarkNetherlandsFinland ALIS!!! GL
hahahahaha unbelievable :D:D:D
hahahaha omg, potter and me are gonna laugh our asses of about this!

T&F the 2rd!!! and potter is our manager :P
congratz ronner! =)
Quote by Cash on 22/03/07, 20:43:58Update: The team WILL have to name itself Cash & Friends for this event. :P

No T&F! :[
ahaha talk about luck of the draw
multiple entries, cheater!!
please transfer my money back to my bank account
waiting already since helix dropped....................

btw logs can be faked, its a old clanbase rule this is not a realy fair way.
but gl ouwe1!

Private logs from IRC, ICQ, etc or server logs provided by either clan will not be considered to be evidence because they can be easily falsified.
but tosspot is not player but admin of this LAN.
if he lied, its his problem - his lan.
but i dont rly think someone like him would set it up.
me too, 35€ is worth something to me :(
logs = ban
hahaha, this is hilarious. YES PLEASE LET THE CLOCKS ON DIFF COMPUTERS DECIDE WHO CAN GO! best idea ever
Yeah you thought Tosspot would go by your clock and not his own? So did I!!
Whats wrong with people? Is it full moon or something?
hahaha ALIS shouldn't have even had to go through this charade.

Should've been priority to Qualifier Clans -> Original Sign Ups -> Everyone else
any real system would have been better than this 1... Basing this on first come first serve is absolutly hilarious ( just like i said at the first CPC, getting highly critised for it ). How the hell should people know when it is exactly 18.00 on some guys computer? This really made my day :)

For example:

give 10 teams the opportunity to sign up for the last spot and let them play a small tourney on one day. tada!
and indeed thats the thing! thats what tosspot probably meant: nobody knows when there's 18 on tosspots clock. so it was a matter of lotto if you hit enter at the right time or not. got it?
You're volunteering to run this tourney?:)

He just wanted the spot filled asap.
Ah i thought this was gonna happen... Just because i critisize 1 action doesnt mean i critisize the whole event. As far as I know the event is being run beautifuly and thats the reason I dont understand this method of choosing a team because it is simply fuckn ridiculous.. And although the argument of wanting the spot to be filled asap is a good 1, I think 1 night is not a big problem...
Don't make more out of it than it is - t'is a saying :)

That's just how it is, organising actual qualifiers aside there's 3 weeks till the event starts - if you where to run a qualie tourney it'd be 2 1/2. Should that team drop out...
if you where to run a qualie tourney it'd be 2 1/2.

Dont understand that sentence, rephrase please!
Earliest you could run qualifiers would be Sunday.
why is that? the decision about having the first come first serve had been made quite some time ago ( i think atleast last sunday, although i dont know and you should correct me if im wrong ) and thus a simply tourney ( #et-cup style ) could have been managed and be played before the end of the week. Which is still a hell of a lot of time..

edit :

after checking, the first time i see suxus being said to drop is the 16th ( last friday ), so i dont rlly think running a tourney in 1 week is undoable
rofl ahahahahah
(21:32:57) I claim the spot for the ET tourney at CPC2
irc logs ban
Please shove your cock up his arse some more....
I did aleady. It paid of, so why should I continue now?
Stupid idea
lol haha plz, what a surprise ronner got the spot :XDDDD

I smell comeback of T&F.
fake logs!

potter on 22/03/07, 20:53:08 Del | Edit | Reply

T&F will go

Hahahahah :D
cya ===> there ;P
T&F ? unexpected
(17:59:59) (+dignitas\Frop) i want to apply my team for CPC 2!------
(18:00:00) (+dignitas\Frop) i want to apply my team for CPC 2!-------
(18:00:00) —› quit: (dignitas\Frop) ([email protected]) (Killed (*.quakenet.org (You are violating network rules, ID: 3573401)))
(18:00:00) (@oct`taLa) want to sign up #OCTENse.lan for CPC2 - azzor jackie viax nxm worm tala
(18:00:00) (+dot`LavOd) #dot.et for cpc2!
(18:00:00) —› mode: (fusen) sets mode (+v skid)
(18:00:00) (@Ronner) I claim the spot for the ET tourney at CPC2.
(18:00:01) (+dot`LavOd) #dot.et for cpc2!

this was clearly a stupid idea ;DDDDDDD
different logs on different screens, quite ironic ronner showed up on tosspot's screen :P

anyways, bar the stupid idea

cYa there ronner's team ;DD
CYA there :)
fast replies ;DD
Waiting for tosspot reply
but i didnt flame at all >(
u didnt, i did!
imo its tosspots screen that matters lol
Really, whos time did people think Tosspot would go after? His own time or the one someone else got?
im not saying that

im just saying its ironic that ronner was first on tosspot's screen :P

couldnt have written it better myself
So i picked Ronner who left the Crossfire admin team after an argument last week over taLa who is still a Crossfire admin and coded Crossfire 3 and still works on it?

Please...If its that bad, why not do something better?
u take this so offensive :x

im just saying that its ironic that ronner was first on your screen being the recent events of him and the admin team of crossfire.nu and the famous T&F team of CPC1. U misunderstood me completely. Im not criticising u of picking ronner just saying that i couldn't have written the script better myself.

The only negative comment i passed was of the idea of using the first come first serve method in this way [first spammer at 1800cet] as it causes alot of uncertainties.

Adacore as well mentioned this being quite a stupid idea above but did u flame him? no...

I've got nothing against you, i've thanked for for the lan events on irc many times, supported your decisions the majority of the time yet i pass 1 negative comment which a co-admin in the crossfire admin team agreed with and yet u go all bitchy on me. You are just taking this out of proportion since its so obvious you were going to get these comments when Ronner won so u just need to handle them in the proper way which is just ignoring and accepting such comments...
This comment dosent match the one above who makes no reference to the system (which i've said was shit myself, but nobody has come up with a better one yet), the comment i replied to complained about the irony and suggested they couldnt have written it better themselves.

If I were replying to this next comment I'd say "Ok, fair point" But I wasnt, I can only reply to what you write :)
just like last time.
If u were smart u would lure tosspot into a copy paste on irc with the timestamp on his computer. Check that against your own then you would know the exact time when to spam irc :).
that or
&#8212;&#8250; ?TosspoT? time
!TosspoT! Sat Mar 24 02:21:59 2007
&#8212;&#8250; ?TosspoT? time ?

whats this &#8212;&#8250;
but what you see on your computer is false.

you will always see what you have written as instant, however no one else will as it needs to travel to the server and back out to everyone else on irc (or something like that)
that depends... if you use mirc, it goes like that.

irssi on the other hand does send every input to the server, if ure downloading, then its laggy to write. when u press enter to post your message, it will send it to the server and when teh server has received it and sent it back, then irssi will display the message, not instantly like mirc.
Ronner, you again? Pff..
/ctcp TosspoT time - and his pc responds whith the exact time, so np2win
Fake tosspot logs imo xP
:D and he manages to do it again :D

I love you FlyingDJ!

Edited by drago at 14:25 CET, 24 March 2007
It's only fair ALIS gets the spot considering they lost their qualifier against suxus :) gl hf guys!
Had je dit ook gezegd als jullie geen spot hadden? :P
Natuurlijk niet.
Applications must be made in #Crossfire at 1800
(17:00:00) (@Ronner) I claim the spot for the ET tourney at CPC2.
Are you going for the darwin award?

CET thx.
you are adult, cant you see he is not serious?
and obviously, I am!
Try to learn something about sarcasm and darwin awards, unless this is a serious thread to kill me, you dont have to learn anything about darwin awards.
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