ETTVod is here!

image: ettvd_small There are huge archives of demos from years back on the current ETTV-servers. Wayne, rumba and skooli, the German trio, decided to make these demos useful. Skooli has created a script and BANG! here we are.

Now all the site members of can access the Polar ETTV-server's database holding some 40gb of demos (597 full games). Register to the site as a normal member (don't forget your password since the email function is disabled at the moment) and add your personal infos. Then just log in and you'll see "ETTV"-button right under your name on the left-hand side. Click it and you'll see another log in feature. Proceed with another log in, same username and password as just a moment ago, and you are ready to watch the legendary games you might have missed.

No need to wait until the ETTV-servers will play the replay you have been waiting for, now you can watch any demo on the site any time you like. Just connect the ip adress you receive after clicking the "Play"-button with your ET client. Up to four people can watch the same demo simultaneously. 12 servers can run at the same time so if no server will be set up you just have to wait for one to come vacant.

If you are facing problems or want to ask something visit #polar-esports and send polar`wAyne a pm.
rly nice
well done
n1ce.. just didn't see any stuff from Qcon 2005, or perhaps I'm just blind. Anyway, in case I'm not, they can be found here:

Edit: "Sorry, there are already (with 1 l that is!) more than 12 replayers running. Try again later." And how's this different from waiting for ETTV's to replay the correct match? :p
hype, lets see how few servers will be running in two days ^^
wp finally can see whatever i want to =))
Sorry, there are allready more than 12 replayers running. Try again later.
ettv+lavOd = ettvod
Ik dacht precies hetzelfde oksfort =]
Also possible to download the tv_84 demos? Or does anyone knows a site where there is a database of tv_84 demos, so I can download them?
we're planning to set one up at gtv
wäre echt ne knorke sache die du da in gang setzt.
also ich tendiere mehr zu einer töften sache !
lockerflockig !!!111111
Nice initiative guise!
already full :(
wtf NICE :D I wanna see DSKY and stuff :p
i think there was no ETTV when DSky were around
There was, I know that I specced Dsky*roistot on supply a long time ago :D, cant remember against who but it was at the start of ettv probably
No wai rly nice
i remember this was already done at least once
the biggest problem is, that ettvreplays starts 20mins before ready up
12 seatplaces? :/
The error is learned by heart atm
n1. should make an option for people to load up their ettv demos :p
well done :D
Sorry, there are allready more than 12 replayers running. Try again later.
Very nice <3
sehr nice wayne :)))
meine idee nicht seine :P und skooli hats umgesetzt <3
hab nie was anderes behauptet knecht ...
ohlolol mighty stuff! =)
rly nice!!!!
not gonna lie to you

this is just great
wayne is gay! but n1, gonna test it
nice one skooli :-)
Nice, Good Job. <3
ooh, looks nice :)

2 thumbs up!
sooooo nice!! great idea
wow, nice
swine's fanclub wins.
great job ;)
nice work
so nice !!!

great job .
wie er auf hitz hofftz

aber gj skooli <3 und rumba nur waYne kann nix :DDDDD <3
wie sie sich reggen und den service nutzen
ich net :( also noch nicht :PPPP
du zählst nicht :) btw wann bist du abgehauen?
ja am sonntag um 11 uhr morgens die rTgler wollten schon fahren :(((
:s wir waren erst gegen 14 uhr oder so da
mach ma eure hp schöner...
ja pleazzze...ich kann net ma user profils anklicken!
matchdetails gibt es wohl auch keine.gggggggggg
magst uns ne neue designen und coden?
also, vorrausgesetzt ich könnte das...
dann würde ich es "vielleicht" machen
ok? :P
good job skooli & rumba :)
pr0 stuff =)
wwowo n1 polar guys :D
thanks great effort very appreciated
make sure you dont start a server if that match is already running somewhere. There were 5 servers with u96d v parodia running for 2 spectators
cod2tv plx. :)
not for you, since you are ignoring my mail and pms on irc :<
What ya mean? :o I haven't recieved any. =/
nvm, it seems like anyone made it already
Great idea. :D
cheers guys, now I can watch the shgopen matches I didn't record :]
Looks very promising idd. :)
Problem: If I use /follow I get disconnected as soon as the round starts.
woo ! very nice,gj.
great addition, nice work :D
so nice meights
great initiative, but I'm pretty sure I requested the polar vs vae demo and got the vae vs zerobarrier one :/
Wayne.. HAVE MY BABYS!!!
this is quite nice, but there SHOULD be something that the ettv server stop playing the clip if the one and only viewer leaves.. so that the servers would be open more :)

right now there are...6 EMPTY servers... out of the 12 :/
intended ... sometime
Great guys. Very nice.
Really nice, thanks!
please remove all demos starring me, for personal reasons >:]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]

rly nice!!!!!!
good job guys <3 :>
very useful!
from now on servers will shut down automatically if they are not used.
After starting a server you have 2 minutes to connect.
If you disconnect for some reason you have 2 minutes to get back on the server.

this should reduce the running servers.
Awesome :)
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