Under Fire Available For Download

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The GIGA 2 CPC 2 documentary Under Fire is now available for download. It reviews a whole weekend of Enemy Territory and Call Of Duty 2 in Enschede, The Netherlands.

Length: 09:43 min

Editing: Peer "Mogli" Häuser
Camera: Ulrich "FlyingDJ" Schulze / Michal "Carmac" Blicharz
Voiceover: Ulrich "FlyingDJ" Schulze

Steve "toxic" Micallef
ET Player polar esports

Florian "gifty" Gunzenhauser
ET Player zeropoint

Michael "potter" Kantringer
ET Player zeropoint

David "dAv1d" Philippaerts
ET Player The Last Resort

Paul "eVo" Sexton
Manager Impact Gaming

Sebastian "butchji" Kupke
ET Player zeropoint

Stuart "TosspoT" Saw
Owner of crossfire.nu

All copyrights courtesy of GIGA Digital Television GmbH. You may not redistribute or sell this video without permission.

arni's mirror
arni's second mirror
SweRTCW mirror by FiEND
GamersNation mirror
vae mirror
Viax' mirror
chaplja's mirror
own3d.at mirror
fayntic mirror

We are still looking for further mirrors. If anyone else can provide one, please tell me and I'll add it to the news post.
edit: it was nice. i am looking really furious :D
thanks to u!!!
as i always said, freak!!!!
dont be sad panda my emo boy.......... :(((
It's just a game meight.
Looks like you're about to kill someone :dd
Was nice :)
Good work, although it would have been nicer if it could have been a little bit longer, but I assume it had to be a fixed length due to being aired on TV. Cool documentary nevertheless. Why did you need the real names of people who didn't even 'feature' in the documentary (eg. myself)?
and im in.. <3
pls, du kannst hier nicht alles vollspammen
nicht??? na klar und wie ich das kann. :P
huhu arniiiii
schau mal, wenn das jetzt jeder machen würde dann könnte man es gleich xfire nennen und community draufschreiben

... hmm, nvm
okay arni, ich bin jetzt artig und hör auf zu spammen und werd jetzt in mein bett gehen... gibts ne regel, wieviel am tag ich spammen darf?? :P

nvm, good night guys!
naja sagen wir pro person nicht mehr als alle anderen zusammen, dann passt das schon

ja sicher.... das macht einfach nen riesen spass. btw nochmal danke!
komm ma deine eltern besuchen in strausberg!!
Da hat jemand Sehnsucht!
marzahn, das ist strange -.-
ich weiss nicht, irgendwie komishc die ecke.. :P
gifty said "hatred", not "fette" as the subtitles say xD
n1 tossi
lol @ tosspots voice at the end
needed to have who the players were imo like their names :)

but was interesting
nice to watch, eventho it was a bit superficial, but i guess that was the most you could do out of it :]

well done
Well done.
nice game, gj
well done, only the voice was a bit boring, camerawork and editing is great :P
good job !
Not watched it yet, but additional mirror you can add to the list:-

good watch, thanks flyingdj (for the giga credits aswell)
Haha, nice laughing into the cam of me. :D
rly enjoyed watching. n1 movie!

Storm or who from dignitas and his pink United Kingdom Sheep xDD
Lol'd at toxic whining about the heat :D I mean you live in Malta for fuck sake! :( And why did you cut out the first bit ;( you could see me es & neo there
Yeah, i remember dream and winghaven asking if we could go sit in the shadow, as it was too hot for them ...
nice to watch, nice one GIGA2 & co
very funny :D

too bad not showing any RtCW :/
very nice. enjoyed watching it.
Nice job =)

Was fun watching it.
Must be some retarded piece of legislation. What infringement actually deems it illegal? Hitler pictures?
Tosspot need stylist ! he is like a country boy
Just got a hair cut!
Wha?! Coolest clothes in that event
good work!
I would have thought there could have been some leeway in the law - considering it's just a game, it's not like it's a piece of Nazi propaganda.
recently there were even lawsuits filed against shop owners who sold anti-nazi stuff like patches and t-shirts with broken swastikas or swastikas in a trash can...
at least they canceled those lawsuits. But for games? now way in Germany
n1 fdj
very nice, great job.
haha :D England eVo pronounced Dignitas like
:D he was doing that whole weekend;p
I can accept that it's still a sensitive issue, afterall, it wasn't that long ago. Although I do feel that banning it outright is quite harsh (RtCW). If anything the portrayal of Germans is even a little bit comedic (the overheard conversations between enemies in singleplayer, and the voice-chats in multiplayer come to mind), it's hardly uber-realistic. All that aside, I do realise that it was banned because of what you said in your first sentence, I just thought there could be some flexibility within the law.
That was nice. Who won the GIGA accounts?
What about some kind of "Director's Cut" :D

I have seen pictures of an interview with Arne etc
Fanboy spotted, eVo has a "duck and cover" -shirt on ^^

EDIT: Nice to watch
really nice documentary
Liked the video, but I dont like the sound of... lyingDJ :< nothing personal <3
wii im in it.
im in the last part, too!!!!!
where was the interwiew with butchji? :o
at the beginning, potter, gifty and butchji. he said smth like "playin for fun"
ah yea, thanks :)
downloading atm looking foward to it :D
Could've been a bit longer... :(
fix swerctw link plz -> "ftp://ftp.ltu.se/pub/misc/swertcw/misc/cpc2underfire.rar"

n1 fdj, rly gd job
great lan :)
great video
nice video
"oh its the winghaven" löL
Good job GIGA 2!

FlyingDJ and Toxic both have funny accents ;-)
very good job :) downloading it now
Nice Work FlyingDJ

Do you have any interviews with RTCW teams that you can post for xfire and not Giga? Like One Soldier, etc
Ick würde sajen ditt war nais
Nice Work :]
yes really nice
Fluffy Animal part ftw
well done!

I SAW MYSTIC ZOMGOMGOMG!!!!11 (afk wanking)::::::...dddDDD:.d:D:D:Dd:D
Nice nice :)

gratz Storm(?) for winning the buff tournament :)
very nice :), no cod2 interviews though? ;<
movie is really nice, good job ;)

I would love to see more of CoD 2 though...

by the way, does anyone know the name of the last song in the movie? I like it a lot :) thx
The White Stripes - My Doorbell
Really nice, but too short :<
That was awesome =). I was in it too lozl ! :O)
ziet die dNzl gaan : DDDDDDD
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