ET 6on6 NationsCup announced

image: rakifinal3vh8

As ClanBase told me they won't be hosting a NationsCup this Spring, ET-Cup is here to help you out! As crew member of the ET-Cup, I'm proud to announce that we will host the next ET NationsCup. Together with Ireland Skydeh, we are going to try and bring you one hell on a NationsCup. We have gathered up alot of the captains already, some of them remain with their duty's, others are new but all motivated to try and bring their nation to the top of the cup.

So here I am, proud to announce the next project of the ET-Cup Crew. We would love to keep ET alive, so we will not let it happen that there won't be a NationsCup during the Spring times.

» Cup Information[/b]]
Players: 6on6
Teams: 24
Qualifiers: 8 max
Groups: 4
Team a group: 6
Teams progressing to the playoffs: 2

We will have 5 matchweeks during the groups phase, that means that every country will play 5 matches. A matchweek takes 1 entire week from Monday to Monday. After the group phase is over, the top 2 will progress to the playoffs. The team finishing first will play against the team ending second of another group. There will be a double elimination playoff, that means with Winners and Losers brackets, to make it extra exciting.

Before the cup officially starts, there will be a qualifier week. We have counted 32 interested country's last season, where ClanBase picked up 30 of them and played 6 qualifier matches. With 32 teams this season, 16 teams will deserve and get a direct invitation. That means we still have 8 spots left, and it also means we still have 16 teams left. So, those 16 teams are going to play each other to get a spot into the upcoming NationsCup. 8 of them will pass trough to the groups.

Because it's quite hard to make groups based on seedings as Nations have different players each year, we will look to the previous season and base the seedings that way. First ended teams will be in Poule A, second ended teams in Poule B, etc. Each group will consist of a team from every poule. The first 4 poules, so the first 4 ended teams of previous season, will have a direct spot into this NationsCup. The 5th and 6th ended teams of previous season will play a qualifier against the 8 teams who didn't play last season.

» The Poules and Captains[/b]]

¬ Poule A
Sweden Sweden - irZ
Germany Germany - qraigu
Poland Poland - zoyd
Belgium Belgium - Shewie

¬ Poule B
Czech Republic Czech Republic - butch
Latvia Latvia - Clown
Netherlands The Netherlands - perfo
Finland Finland - twidi

¬ Poule C
Austria Austria - n3co
Switzerland Switzerland - gifty
Spain Spain - Winghaven
Hungary Hungary - Boristen

¬ Poule D
Italy Italy - TBA
United Kingdom United Kingdom - Adacore
Portugal Portugal - kMt
Norway Norway - Snuble

¬ Top Qualifier teams
Croatia Croatia - FroZzeN
France France - chtstorm
Israel Israel - TBA
Estonia Estonia - indu
Russia Russia - hYpNotic
Canada Canada - anim
United States of America USA - TBA
Ireland Ireland - sol

¬ Qualifier teams
Slovakia Slovakia - masta
Ukraine Ukraine - Gr3ma
Slovenia Slovenia - c0ld
Brazil Brasil - TBA (Unknown of participation)
Malta Malta - toxic
Iceland Iceland - TBA (Unknown of participation)
Denmark Denmark - TBA (Unknown of participation)
Bulgaria Bulgaria - Italiano

¬ Signups by other country's
Romania Romania - Quad
Kazakhstan Kazakhstan
Bosnia Hercegovina Bosnia & Herzegovina - R'adi

The Top Qualifier teams will play against an opponent of the other qualifier teams, one week before the NationsCup starts. In case one of the teams will not attend this seasons NationsCup, the first team of the Top Qualifier teams will pass trough to the direct invites - that means 1 qualifier t means 1 qualifier less. In case another team can't play, the second team will pass trough, etc.

The currect captains all have been in contact with the cup crew, so can the captains of the country's with TBA behind their name please PM me on IRC in #ET-Cup.

» Schedule, Dates and Times[/b]]
Signups close: 4 May 2007
Groups Announcement: 12 May 2007

Qualifiers: 6 May - 12 May
Matchweek 1: 14 May - 21 May
Matchweek 2: 21 May - 28 May
Matchweek 3: 28 May - 4 June
Matchweek 4: 4 June - 11 June
Matchweek 5: 11 June - 18 June

Playoffs WB Round 1: 18 June - 25 June
Playoffs WB Round 2: 25 June - 2 July
Playoffs LB Round 1: 25 June - 2 July
Playoffs LB Round 2: 2 July - 9 July
Playoffs LB Final: 9 July - 14 July
Playoffs WB Final: 9 July - 14 July
Grand Final: 15 July 21:00 CET

As you can see, it's quiet a tight schedule. Teams have to play 1 match a week, mainly because we don't want to end up somewhere in the end of the summer. So to let you enjoy your summer, the matches all have to be played in time and will for each nation be forced to the Wednesday of the week. In that case, please try to keep your clan matches off that day. Get all your players ready on Wednesday and play your matches. It is of course also possible to reschedule your match to another day of the week, and we will be willing to help you with it - We only don't want the matches to be played in another week, so that might cost you a forfeit of you don't make things clear for your players.

» Maplist and Maps per matchweek[/b]]
¬ braundorf_b4
¬ bremen_b1
¬ frostbite
¬ radar
¬ supply
¬ sw_goldrush_te

Matchweek 1: sw_goldrush_te / radar
Matchweek 2: bremen_b1 / frostbite
Matchweek 3: supply / braundorf_b4
Matchweek 4: bremen_b1 / radar
Matchweek 5: sw_goldrush_te / frostbite

Maps during the playoffs will be chosen by the Nations Captains. Download links for the maps can be found on our website, the links provided by

All captains should inform myself or Ireland Skydeh if they are still wanting to do the job.

I'm already looking forward to see all the nations posts on Crossfire again with the refreshed lineups mixed with oldschool and new talented players, ready to grab the gold out of the Finnish hands.

QuoteFor those thinking the NationsCup is ClanBase and only from ClanBase - You're right and we think exactly the same. ClanBase = NationsCup. But, as ClanBase said they will not host a NationsCup in the end of the Spring season, we took the chance to host one during the Spring. ClanBase will make their very own NationsCup again in January 2008. To be honest, I really think your whine is useless as we are only trying to keep the NationsCup twice a year after ClanBase decided to host it once a year. NationsCup is and will remain as a ClanBase cup.

» Deadline Nation Signup
The deadline to sign your Nation up and to apply as the Nation captain of the country's with TBA behind their name is 4 May 12:00 CET. Every Nation without captain will be left out of the cup after this day. For new Nations which like to participate, mail mailtonxm at gmail dot com with your captain and lineup.

» Deadline Lineup announcement
The deadline for the captains to give their Nation lineups is Saturday 5 May midnight. Qualifiers will be announced and scheduled on Sunday 6 May.

Thanks to raki for the banner!

IRC: #ET-Cup
Website: ET 6on6 NationsCup by ET-Cup
right in the middle of exams -.-
gl hf
good job !
sol gonna try it again? gL, you'll need it! :<
this time ireland will own ;)
Banner removed since it breaks the page, make a new one that isn't so wide :p
Ireland - sol

is that something new?
iR is banned from clanbase for 1 year coz of cheating
Its ie, and no we're not banned, and this isnt a clanbase cup anyway!
Etnies are you sol his bumboy ;) ?
and who said that all those teams gonna play that cup ?
that all those teams gonna play that cup ?

I did :D
This is still not the real deal. All though CB sucks with chosing maps atm. NC there feels still more real :/
hmm who chose the captains since i wanted to put myself forward for United Kingdom UK captain ... :\
the whole uk set up is a joke ;)
uve gotta be a little kid and/or a kiss arse to play in nC
missing out west in the lineup is also a fucking joke
UK ET is a joke :)
Already been decided unfortunately. Speak to hentai or adacore, they sorted it out.
thats exactly the point, who put them in charge? Don't get me wrong i think ada could be a kick ass captain and if i had to vote for anyone apart from me then i would vote for him but this has been handled so badly rly
i agree with evo. Ada is a good candidate for the job, and will do a great, but the selection process was a little weak.

GL adacore and team UK
Read below.
Trust us. It wasn't mine or NxM's decision to have adacore as captain. We asked a few people and we were told Adacore was already made.

Sorry for any inconvenience.
a vote has been made now anyway
I noticed. Once again, sorry.
yeh nice, NxM as captain, fucking retarded
Malta Team-Malta new NC champions, nP
asd. for estonia !!! gogogogoog
Group A will be pretty exciting imo.
It's not group, but poule A. I would guess it is seeding poules :)

Which leads me to saying: Why is Finland, the previous seasons winner in seeding poule B?
oh my mistake :>
read the whole article

(not justyfing the decision)
nice taking supply in but leaving it out in ec gg..
learn how to read
¬ braundorf_b4
¬ bremen_b1
¬ frostbite
¬ radar
¬ supply
¬ sw_goldrush_te

what do you want?
ET-Cup 6on6 Nationscup != Clanbase Nationscup
owwwwww :<

sry my bad
No its not you fucking retard.

We are NOTHING to do with CB
!= is the opposite of = , so you should better edit your post!
Be mature, get some help, learn some mathematical expressions before you call someone a fucking retard.
haha choosing urself as captain xd n1 nxm lol'd
[gtv`skooli] you wont run a nc?
[[CB]Anaconda] ofc we will :/
imo there should be votes for captains :o
you're aware of the fact that someone might think you're just running that NC to be .nl captain?
I never said I'd play this... I said I might. o_O

Too bad braundorf and frostbite are in the mappool, shit maps.
talk to godfather for usa captn

and right during the ec
do you guys never learn ?
gl quiki ;-)
NL ligt er dus meteen uit , gg.
nice banner nxm
eigenlob stinkt!!!
The Netherlands - NxM

Who made him captain?
i lol'd
lol @ Brazil Brasil
not being funny and with no offence to nxm here since he has a nice initiative but this is not ET Nations CUP. Why? Because:
1) CB run Nationscup and afaik they still will after OC/EC
2) Captains etc chosen by who? All of this decided without consultation? NXM but how can you assign yourself captain of team nl just because you are running the cup? This is just being rushed imo
CB aren't running NC till '08, and he asked ronner to captain team nl, but ronner declined =) I'm sure nxm will do fine, he has no intention of playing either afaik
eVo wanted to be United Kingdom captain ? :<
yes i did but apparently it was decided by hentai and adacore.....
good idea :)
ich mache linken verteidiger
I think there should be more poules for the qualifying teams. After all, it's just for fun and I think it's great to play against countries like brasil and chile.

Just let them play and make the groups bigger (6) and make more of them. To keep ET fun, that would be the best decision.
need to say i agree with you 32 teams in groups of 4? and u can make a nice playoff tree

Poule 1 and 2 make them seed 1
Poule 2 and 3 make them seed 2
1st Qualifier Poule make them seed 3
2nd Qualifier Poule make them seed 4

and u got 8 groups of 4 where the top 2 goes on to the playoffs.
listen to that man!
Thought the same. Since there are countries like Australia Australia, Japan Japan and Korea, Republic of South Corea with an active community as well, why not giving them a try? It is fun come on ;o
It will take much longer and run into the summer where people are on vacation.

And there is no point in 2 matches per week because ET, being ET, everyone will wildcard and reschedule.
shouldn't be that hard in NC since there are more than 6 players in lineup usually
You know how life fucks you hard in the arse at times, i know it wont happen like that. Everyone will be holiday at the same time or un-avi to play.
How should the cup last longer when you just follow the schedule?
More teams, more weeks
More teams -> more matches per matchweek, imo?
QuoteAnd there is no point in 2 matches per week because ET, being ET, everyone will wildcard and reschedule.
Well, a team does not have to play more matches does it? There are possibilties of creating a grid with the same amount of matchweeks/matchdays but a bigger number of teams, aren't there?

Do I still not get your point, or the other way around? :o)
But ET being ET, people will reschdule which....

Results in matches being put back....

Fucking up the setup

Putting everything back even futher.....

Summer comes and people go on vacation and then BANG goes the tourney and it doesnt get completed till winter.

+ yes they will need to play more matches as our schedule is fixed
Gl with the cup!
Just make more poules with less teams in it. That way you don't have to play more matches in a week and you can even shorten the tournament.
Totally agree, I told that in the beginning of the last CB NC too. Could be good to give a chance to Brazil, Japan, Australia, Chile and other countries, care about pings. NC is mainly about fun, and just secondly about results...
And with 32 teams you can do it like the football World Cup.
den bull gaat der een ownageke legge !
me cheerleader position plz...
That was okay when CB was about to run a 5on5 Nationcup, but now I don't get why you've to host one. o0
CB are not hosting one + lots of people have asked for it.
they are, but not in the middle of an EC season like you tardish napplets
nice workz
nice work nxm and skydeh.
NxM nice ego
NEED [+] function :<
Nice to know the most skilled leaders possible were chosen.
oh.... well then hopefully it will be a hot day then.. :P
du bist mir eine :o
ich bin ne nette, eh?!
weiß nich ^^ kann sein :p
ich kenn dich doch gar nicht :<
schlimm eigentlich!!! schande!! ;P
kann man ja ändern ne ^^
unexpected die antwort^^
bin ich so durchschaubar :o ^^
männer halt... :P
ahjo na klar..
ersetz das "e" durch ein "u"
rofl. da musst ich aber glatt lachen jetzt.
und du bist?
ein hollander der deutsch gelernt hat
sehr gut. kein grund mich zu beleidigen, wo du mich net kennst.
can u say a bad word to him on dutch?? :P
Denmark fisken for team denmark
we want karsiah :(
run the news post through a spell checker or give me a pm and i'll do it for you.

nice idea, good luck.
This is hilarious. First of all you know the competitions ClanBase does for countries are called NationCups, and what you call yours? Yeah, NationCup, not even with a space between to make it different, no, let's give it the same name.

And second, I quit playing cups when i seriously started to Supervise, but you now do something funny, you are the Captain of your own nation team. If you were a player, that's not that bad, but captain...

At least you have played last CB NC for team Netherlands. Oh wait... You didn't.

Good luck
adacore is manager of polar too and he is EC sup......

+ why should a cap/manager of a team be high++++ player if he wont play himself?
But that he can't avoid. Nxm has no history on team Netherlands.

I understand that if no one wanted to be captain he could take the position, but that's not even known.

I'm not against sups playing.
adacore has no history in polar!
It's non of your business if you ain't dutch
Sure, but I am Portuguese and if I would play in this cup you can imagine that at the first bad decision against my nation in benefit of Netherlands the things wouldn't go very well. And given the circumstances this could happen with Portugal or with any other nation.
player not just manager :X
Backup (although I can't play EC because they've already added 3), coach and semi-manager.
You mate, you are ridiculous. He asked frop and ronner afaik but they didnt '"accept"' it afaik.
Don't call Thalakos ridiculous. He did a lot more + better work than you.

Sorry kiss :<
I couldnt care less.
ofcourse not
He shouldnt say NxM it is a bad id. If he want to prove smth, feel free to make an organisation like et cup.
He was CB supervisor and hosts Cups for the Iberian community every year iirc. He doesn't have to prove anything.
He doesnt have to break other peoples id.
He makes sense tho. They steal the name, and it seems everybody thinks the same way about nxm as captain.
I'm not here to compare who's doing a better job, I'm just pointing things that I don't agree with.

Btw, I'm still CB Sup, but for the CS 1.6 EC.

Nice reports at ET EC ;) hug []
ET > CS ;<

And thanks. =)
I think that they should've open public applications for captain positions.

I totally support for this kind of events and competitions but when I see things done this way I just can't sit and say nothing about it.

So far I have done more than 15 competitions, online and offline, if no one was there to point my mistakes I would still do stupid decisions and have no experience what so ever.
Point is there have been kind of elections afaik.
gl germany, but i suggest someone like urtier/butchji for the ger-captain, because they are more into the scene than qraigu is (no offence though).

nice lineup for ger would be: urtier (c)/senji/butchji/hatred/ohzor4/snoop.
träum weiter :p ^^
mir isses eigentlich irgendwie auch egal atm, hab in den letzten 3 monaten 1 et-match gespielt xD (abi usw. xD)
dito aber hab öffters gespielt :p
Nice banner, nice cup, GO BELGIUM :D
Nationscup, big difference.
Read the title.
anyone else read that ET gong nationscup?
i certainly do
nice cup

Too bad our community sux...

first everyone screaming for new cups/league but when someone making new cup he get flamed like hell.

gg community keep the flame and kill the game.
Belgium gonna take it this year!
good job
"First ended teams will be in Poule A, second ended teams in Poule B"

lol? Finland ended first and is @ poule b, while Sweden placed 5th-8th and is at the first poule.
groups, imo
Like the idea of pooles (makes it more like the champions league so cant be bad) although you have messed up a few of the countries :P
Also you should really choose another name since NationsCup is a trademark of Clanbase.
Can't wait to see the lawyers and take all my money :(((
It's just pretty pathetic to steal someone's name.
What about ET Worldcup? :>
xD that would work
Oh please, Nxm, we ARE going to make a NationsCup, but it's just to be announced..
tha countrycup imo
Dedicated to all of those with big ego's
Well since it seems it's going to be played anyway, would be a good idea to host in on CB as always
non CB NC isnt NC anymore
good recapitulation
Very Good CrossHair @ the Logo!!! :D
imo captains should be the best player of each country and not some lowbieshit who picks up the players that he fanboy. (no offense NxM)
imo the best cap/leader, not the best player^^
lol @ nxm making himself captain of
You can't speak english so that will never work
Love my flags...
i want schnee in team-ger ..
agree!!! I'm avi.. :P
komm in mein chan, bitte :(
hope mAus & mAx are going to play for belgium! if it is = 1st place belgium
just like last year?
No lottonest for u, no win for u!
stop lieing, you dont even have a garden
Jap and Aus?
QuoteFor new Nations which like to participate, msg NxM on #ET-Cup.
Uzbekistan! I was born there!
..... You made urself captain? COOL.

maybe i missed it but would of been nice 2 have polls for captains of each team :<

n1 exam times 2!

gd u made it tho..
How the fuck would polls work?
Well people vote for the people they want 2 see captain?
And how do you limit it so people only can vote for a person from their own country? To prevent cheating, voting on worse persones in other countries etc.

Guess it _can_ be done but its not easy. Better to use the CB-system. Collect "votes" from people in the country with influence (the leaders from the top clans, known admins etc)
Hmm fair enough, guess its hard work, but as im not a person with 'influence' its seems annoying :O)
Yep, that's the best way.

The problem aint who the captains are, it's that there's no transparency in how they were selected - granted CBs not much better but there's a clear logic to the madness. Just a sentence explaining how they were picked would do...

But NC = care
n1 making yourself captain -_-''
Yeah its easier to just blurt out some comment like that instead of giving him some credit for the huge amounts of work and dedication you need to host something like this. This scene is made of fucking retards.
Personally I think it would be more epic to just have NC once every year. More exciting, teams training some more. Everyting gets more serious...

But I guess this is what most would prefer. More games to watch and play, more chances to let more unknown people get a shot etc.
I find it rather ridiculous that people are complaining so much.
First, all people do is whine about CB and them not taking any actions. CB is always a mess, nothing is working, not enough support.. the list could go on for ages.
You bascially dont have to ask anyone what they actually do think of CB nowdays, yet, funny, cause here it seems like when finally someone actually do step up, and try to make some changes, still, all you people seem to do is whine.
cos ET-Cup is a little joke like WL imo.
när valdes du till cpt?

av vilken svensk majoritet?
Det var längesen det var någon typ av röstning för sverige :)
hi, captain of sweden
CB NC > all
I don't even know most of the captains ..

Ever heard of votes? Same goes for mappools, you take bremen and not karsiah_te, bremen even twice, while supply is only going to be played once.

Although i really like the idea, you couldn't have picked a worse date + I don't think you can host it with only two guys.

GL tho!
Nice initiative, although unnecessairy and I doubt you will do it very good (just a feeling).

And I didn't check the site out, but if it's gonna resemble the ET-Cup sites I'll just have to lol at that.

Anyway, how bout admins (refs + writers) etc? What config?
avi for any team
I checked the website, what a piece of shit.
Whom do you think helps a comment like this?
Hopefully the organisers. If people find your website a piece of shit, you should change it.
Tbh, i like the website
Simple & good structured
Yea, in that facet it's good. But when you organise a big cup like this, you need a bit more. This ain't some stupid one-day cup n stuff.

Anyway, I doubt there are a lot of contribution options for other people like we have on clanbase.
Why didn't you run at as a CB-hosted QuickCup? Would have made it a bit more credible imo.

Nevertheless I wish you guys GL! Anyone who invests time for this community deserves our support. Let's hope the teams send in the big names :>.
Got a 2 week thing
-slo.sAw- ^^
pls dont use abbreviation NC - it associates in a bad way to me :)
Wow, what a shit idea.

¬ Signups by other country's
Greece - Jkzz

LoL'd at that one aswell :DD
Come on hype, I thought you would have been all for this idea... Nows your chance to get Team India going!
There's no more indians playing anymore but me :-[
im indian ;<
I can be indian, sorry, native american for a day or two... I'm sure other people can too :)
eVo for uk... care he deserves it
better run egg *shakes fist*
euro servers only?
talk to the admins imo.
i, as a player, wouldnt care to play on a north american server
euro servers = lose
¬ Captain

¬ Players

Naaah :<

^NxM as jackie most likely spammed you 100 times with you should've waited with picking a captain and you should've searched a bit father than your own name. -> I mean, will they all go into your team? I've had you as an "ingame leader" in gamestv'NL and you weren't SUPER, but ok afterall.

Italy Mr 3 hs per kill aka dAnOnE ct team italy :DDDddd
Shouldn't have called it nations cup tbh as we instantly associate that with clanbase... Football has the World Cup, 8 and 9 ball pool has the World Cup of Pool for an example of a diffrent names.
this is destined for success with the mighty skydeh running the show
Don't take other people jokes.

Anyway, im not running it, NxM is doing the hard work.
dacht ich mir auch
avi as captain for every nation.

exp 2,5 year cl same clan.
see profile.

gl KazakhstanKazachstan
nxm as captain gg:x
hahahah Germany qraigu, our small cheater kiddy.
lol NxM as captain, like there wasn't a better option.
im the only who would be allowed to sign up kazakhstan, wtf?
USA, Canada....OLOLO lagz ftw!
i dont get it
like greece doesnt lag
said polish x)
said czech?
said sweden :]
said some pipol from north countries =]
yeah nice mappool!

team NL new captain Estonia perfo
heuheu psv kampioenen!
Kazakhstan Kazachstan - Borat
make it double elimination in playoffs.
Will there be some thing like we have on clanbase, writing reports and contributing some newsposts ?
WHAT ABOUT Australia ?
imo theres no point if we have to play on euro servers, if we could by some chance play on USA servers then yea it would be a bit more even and maybe worthy of us getting a team.
Guess that's possible, isn't it?
should be possible to play on us server..
I think the most teams could and would agree on a USA server =)
I just find this ridiculous, it really is. Anaconda answered the same question already, too!
coach (7th player on spectator :D)
why you even allow danone play? aimfov 200 and hes still allowed play lolololo
Is that cup serious? During EC... It will be usefull statement each country for that...
who the fuck is Jkzz?
"milk/tekoa only want to play in a team with lunatic - that makes it friends only"

Yeah, wtf do those impact guys think? Its not because they are currently the second best team of europe and some of the best players in europe that they can get one of the most experienced and skilled dutch players to play in their 'NC'
Poland - zoyd

who? would be the better question
youre dismissed
image: mtvbalt_dismissed
M'oublie pas Shewie hein...

J'sais ou t'habite de toute façon..

inclusion of japan, korea, and aus would be nice, if the logistics can be sorted :/
and if they'd make more (16) qualifier spots instead of just 8...
gl&hf 4 ITA
imo you must include other countries like australia,usa,japan,korea etc... so you can make this cup "unique" and well worth the attention. If you make a clone of the CB nationscup i don't think many would be interested nor excited about it. I prefer changing the name to something like said before "international series" or "world series", also a better looking webpage dedicated to the event. If you could regroup all ET playing nations represented by their best players, this cup will turn out as one of the most prestigious ones.
Are there any prices?
be called "greatest ET nation"
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