War§ow 0.3

The popular free game built on the Quake 2 engine has just released its latest version. It has unfortunately come without WSWTV which was rumoured to be coming in this version, however it is still in the works.

Warsow is a unique game where players can gain extreme speed from using special manuevers aswell as strafejumping.

Some of the changes in the latest version are:

- Added Clan Arena (CA) gametype,
- New maps (CA : 1, CTF : 1, Duel : 6, TDM : 1),
- Revisited maps (wdm1, wdm6, wctf1, wdm5),
- New weapon and armor models,
- New weapon fx,
- New animations for player models and weapons,
- New player model (Jason padpork),
- New simple items,
- Added Coach system for teambased gametypes,
- Revised armor system,
- Tweaked weapon settings

Visit the Change log for more details.

Warsow is Art of Respect and Sportmanship Over the Web

nice, although i dont play it that often
isnt it based on tweaked q2 engine, rather than q3?
Nice, still now wSw tv tho? ;s
it's fucking shit
but still, i was the sixth person playing 0.3 online ;d

qw>all (i don't play it very often though)
blalbalaba nicenice im tired nn
Clan Arena \o/
Gonna try it now, but I don't think it'll be better than quake 4 for duels
osp or cpma > q4

can't really be 'subjective' on that matter. Q4 has crouchsliding, all the rest is inferior to the old quake 3 which has a zillion more features then Q4, and an engine that has been made bugfree over the past 7 years.

I'd rather play wSw then q4
I played QW :/

I guess if you started out with it you would d say its the bestest game ever. Having played it for fun a couple of weeks I'd say its too rocketbased, only weapon that comes near in terms of firepower is the shaft. Nail and shotgun are just useless, well shotgun was ok but just underpowered vs rocket and shaft.

Movement and aimwise its the best game I ever played but its not noobfriendly, doesnt have doublejumps and is so rocket based that the first thing I did when booting Q3 again was railwhore for 30 minutes :P But then you start missing the amazing movement speed of QW. I think you have more aircontrol in QW, anyway the movement was fucking brilliant execpt for no doublejumps :/

Q3 > QW > Q2 > Q4

just because q3 is more noobfriendly and has better weaponbalance
Nah, I'm a noob in it, just like in Q3. I just like the gameplay of QW more, when compared to Q3 and CPMA. Indeed it is rocket based, but that's a good thing imo. You don't need to fire 10 rockets to your opponent only to notice that he's still up and running and eager to get himself some more pickups. It also makes the game faster, which is nice.
Q3 CPM > WSW > QW > Q3 <any> > Q4
It's nice to see CF community spam and whine, but Warsow community to evolve \o/
that's true, the two communitys are so much different one from the other, it's only whine here while it's friendship and respect there :P
You know RTCW'rs used to say the same about ET :P
well i didn't know that but i think that the current state of et is quite pathetic will all the cheaters and whiners, and the sportmanship is pretty shitty as well :)

it's just a competition about who the most arrogant player is imo:)
just like gr8 whining and kicking us because you thought goliath was a hacker?
although i do not remember since i haven't played et for some months except for some offi's as a standin, if i'm not mistaken some of your members did turn out to be hackers, so please
Two ex Team Fortuna players have been busted, which are repsol and sepje. Repsol used a pub hack which isnt SS proof, and in all the matches we played with him no strange things were seen on his punkbuster screenshots. The second player is sepje, who was only a tryout, and I busted him myself a day after he joined us, so he didn't play with us in the match vs team gr8.

Members of your team accused a respected member of the dutch ET scene just because you lost that match, you even whined about it at PCW's while he wasnt even playing with us.

People blindly accusing people of hacking get the same respect from me as hackers themselves.
Quotea respected member of the dutch ET scene

oh i see only 2 cheaters in the team, ggs then!
Dude just because for ppl like u i quit ET.Your clan was full with red yawn,we didn't accuse anybody we just requested demos and u did nothing.I spoke with admns to forced u to send(pathetic) just 1-2 demos,lamers.You reached playoffs with cheaters in your clan and of course Clanbase banned u when almost the OC ends.Really man wtf with u?

Hopefully Warsow community is 10 times better than the lamer/inmature/cheating/whining ET.
Nice lies, we didnt have any red yawns at that time and afaik no-one of us has them right now. Your clan was fucking low skilled and tried to get some points by whining about demos, you failed. We uploaded the demos to rapidshare and you couldnt download them, your problem not ours.

I'm glad you quit ET because you are a fucking lamer yourself. Gl @ warsow, with 1000 active players you have a good chance to belong to the top 100?
Dude my god wtf...

You played last clanbase OC with at least 2 cheaters in your team as u admitedt before.We never flamed u or your clanm8's,i don't even care who are u, i just requested some demos from our game.When i requested u should send demos by the rules and u didn't,only after i spoke with 2 admins and forced u,you upload demos and not from both maps etc.Just selected demos.We never spoke to u again and you are coming now in a warsow topic to flame my clan after 5-6 months?

Anyway nvm i don't care because propably you are just a lamer.Have fun with your problem.
Well the flame wasnt really targetted at your team but at lwo who's flaming my game.

We didn't play OC with two cheaters thats just bullshit
1 cheater=ban from Clanbase OC.
But i think you played against us with at least 2 :).Fortune was cheater too and you kicked him from your clan some days after our game.Repsol+Fortune was your best players against us :).

You didn't flame lwo but u flame my clan without reason,that's why i answered.Stop now pls otherwise i will say to Loekino(he is brutal male) to beat u!(joking)
Fortune aka Belgium Nick still plays at ClanBase, I dont know wy exactly we removed him, I think he just left.

Now I'm really affraid of loekino aka the "5 bottle of energy drinks drinker" who lives in the same town I am graduating this year :(

Now maybe we can end this flame war, one of our players is banned from CB because he cheated, I'm not saying he did that while playing with us, because the pk3 was found a year earlier or so. We didn't have a nice experience playing versus team gr8 in the CB OC, well during the game it was fine but the whining started afterwards. I hope you forgive me for flaming you here, but I just wanted to tell you this once and for all that I really hated being the leader of a team of players who were totally clean (imo) and getting in the cheater accusation mess... Playing with team fortuna was my greatest experience in ET ;(
even more and more bullshit is comming out of your mouth man, "lwo flamed my game" it's my game as much as it's yours, and i didn't flame the game but the pathetic community it has with more than half of them being whining retards, cheaters whatever.

I didn't accuse anyone of nothing and suddenly you came posting about my team being whiners for asking demos of goliath and some others (who didn't want to upload his demos) after it even turned out that you did play that game with 2 cheaters.

you proved my point.
All 10 of them.
downloaded it, but gonna install it 2morrow, gotta sleep now, fucking work T_T

art of crap
this game sux tbh,et for ever :DDD
So did say a lot of RtCW die-hard fans. And where are they now?
Gimme a list, at least the half of the oldschool die-hard RTCW players doesn't play ET atm..
not anymore atm ofcourse... some of them are like 25 years old now? Some of those people get tired of gaming then...
Ill try it again, last time i played it the movement felt pretty fucked up compared to quake, and I really dont like their focus on strategy / heavy and weak ammo etc. Its to much running around and to few actually shooting. Maps are too big, etc
The maps are huge & it still takes too long to frag.
Indeed, I remember duelling in wSw and it was basicly trickjumping around all the time to get the best items. Whoever jumped best would win the game.
maps don't feel that very huge if you know how to jump imo, you can go from one side of the map to the other in a matter of a few seconds
Just played it again, movement feels slow compared to cpma :'(
so how do i feel in wsw? i'm qw player ;d
Actually it was Vorv that started it, who is registered here as he played RTCW & ET :P (Aswell as Q2 and EC Winner in Q3 TDM)
OMG ITS HERE!!!!!!!!
i am 15 aswell and i'm not shitty! :(((
so was I some time ago and i was pretty friendly imo :) though the majority sucks :)
nice, gonna download when i am at home
Played it some minutes today before i had to go to work, simpleitems don't look that "simple" anymore tbh, but all in all it looks nice, wdm5 has some nice changes.

Gonna test it more tonight :)
i dont think soooo
OMG IT'S HERE!!!!!!!!
Hmm, maybe Ill download this again. First it wouldnt start, then it worked for a while (but netcode was ****), new version didnt work, last version worked great but mouse bugged like hell.

Nice game, too bad I already deleted my config :(
the new huds are fucking awesome
I prefer cpm, dnno why, wsw looks all gimmicky
QuoteWarsow is a unique game where players can gain extreme speed from using special manuevers aswell as strafejumping.

That line is making sure that I don't download it.
cuz you'd need more than your aimbot?
trust bdy!
This new warsow is really great and with simple cfg tweaks it gets even better!
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