Fear Factory X-Fi changes lineup!

image: ff With no doubt Poland Fear Factory X-Fi is one of the most recognized polish teams. Among with Netrunners FF.X-Fi are best teams. The biggest achievements of team is for sure winning an OpenCup Premier League and PGA Lan in 2006. But in most prestigious Enemy Territory cup – EuroCup, FF wasn’t performing as expected. That’s why team decided to radically change lineup. Up till now team was made only from polish players. Since today Belgium mesq, Belgium lio, Belgium De57 and Sweden Blaze will be new representatives of FF.X-Fi. These players They will join Poland Wrobel and Poland wiesiek to complete the team. Below you can see all new lineup of Fear Factory X-Fi.

Poland Wrobel
Poland wiesiek
Belgium mesq
Belgium lio
Belgium De57
Sweden Blaze
Poland JC (Backup)

Poland Thoro (orga)
Poland lab (orga)

We’re hoping that new players will make our team better and we would like to welcome them in team. Push Read more to check small interviews with Wrobel and mesq.

Page: Fear Factory
Irc: #FF.org

Belgium mesq
Why did you choose FF.X-Fi?
We did choose for FF.X-Fi because of their great support, both online and offline. Exactly what we were looking for, since we are aiming for CPC 3 and further lans.

How do you measure their playing in cups and lans? Is FF.X-Fi just an online team?
It's just great. I really respect them. FF.X-Fi isn't online only! As you know they played at the PGA LAN in Poland and at the Crossfire PrizeFight Challenge #2 in Enschede. I'm looking forward to play with a FF t-shirt at CPC 3!

Will new players like you radically change their playing style?
I hope so. Well the previous FF.X-Fi squad (Wrobel, wiesiek, JC, r1co, S4rna and sMi) wasn't that bad either. But in my opinion you can compare them with zerobarrier (mesq, lio, snot, dNzl, ziff and zeto), we were also good but with this line up we never could beat teams like Dignitas or TLR. Anyways, after some praccs with the current FF.X-Fi team I’m sure we will do great in the upcoming cups.

What do you think about wrobel and wiesiek?
Me and lio know Wrobel and wiesiek longer then today. They are both amazing guys. Wrobel will handle Field Ops. He is playing so nice as Field Ops, surely one of the best ET Fops. On the other hand we have the damage-man wiesiek. He will handle medic. For him, you can come out of everywhere, nP@wiesiek.

Poland Wrobel
Why have you decided to change the lineup?
We did not plan to change anyone, but after CPC2 me and wiesiek wanted to change team to more European. We had several propositions but we’ve decided to creat our own new team. We will still play under the name of FF.X-Fi because so far they gave us a lot of positive support.

Why have you choose these players and what do you think about them?
Mesq and lio helped us a lot in creating new team. At CPC2 they showed themselves from very good side, and with their experience and will to play they will be important point in FF lineup. Blaze is very good as engineer, he aims in teamplay, not only for frags which positively helps our game. De57 is also experienced and similar to blaze he’s teamplayer. As for JC, he’s great friend, and person which solve all problems.

Do you think it will change you playing style as team?
It’s logic that we will play different. From old lineup only 2 players left so our game will radically change. I only hope that it will be better.

Will you not have problems with communicating each other? So far you were team with only PL players.
We shouldn’t have any problems with comms. The big plus of this situation is that we will avoid so called “polish whine” which will give positive effect to our game

What are your plans in nearest future? Any special cups or maybe lans?
We’ve signed up for Cadre cup, and we will try to show some nice skills there and gain some experiance. Our key objective was to make team which will be able to go to the lans so PGA2007, CPC3 and next EC will hopefully be our next big competitions.
polish team had better lineup imo but we will see

gmpo blaze?
the beginning of the end for FF
Who's De57?

Good luck
gl De57 lio & mesq <3
lol? that's radical idd
with all respect i cant see this team going any further than the earlier FF, which is already in top-6 in this Eurocup :/
gl blazeboi
nice making the team worse
Croatia blaze

gl jc wroble & blaze <3
ok my honey boney <33333 :*

i love sheep too!!!<3333
no kris NL?
thanks for deleting my comment ****ing whoever it was
gl mesq/lio/wrobel !
good luck!

what about ex-FF players (S4rna, r1co etc), will they continue playing ET?
not happy wrobel; <
But FF owned vae about 15minutes ago? :) Sadfor players like sMi
I'll find smth for myself :D
I would like to see some good polish clan like FF or NETR - gl man!
gl de57, blaze <3
really disappointed to see amazing polish players with fucking arrogant belgian players ...
gl blaze, wrobel and wiesek !
Thanks VizZ :-)
so mesq as pro rifle ? :)
Wish you the best!
GL BelgiumPolandSweden
Hmm wiesiek isn't that good in english so will be a bit hard to communicate, but still wish you the best of luck wiesiek!!! :*
And what was wrong with the old line up?
ppl won't pplay togather anymore :)
rhand is a retard
good luck wiesiek my kurwa <3
QuoteMe and lio know Wrobel and wiesiek longer then today.

At night it's colder than outdoors.
Brown shoes are warmer than high ones.
icecream is better than a hamburger atm
that makes sense, you failed
De57 ;o succes met active blijven xd

gl mesqi lio blaze
GL mesq.

Although the addition of De57 makes even me wonder.
Says the man from the oh so succesful eC4 squad.
could be better but good luck guys
good luck guys
good luck wiesiek&mesq!
bring the poltards back !!!!
gl wiesiek & blaze !
interesting lineup, gl guys :)
gl De57, lio, mesq <3
gl blaze & d3st
gL i hope u stay together until cpc3 :o
De57, i know you hack
weird lineup, good luck wiesiek
gl blaze, wiesiek, wroby, mesq, de57, lio :D

wb dest !!
and what about EC? you still won tonight's match, shouldnt do it if you are changing lineup :D
they will continue ec with old lineup, next match vs tlr/dignitas :D
and what about praccing?
Like they will win with prac vs TLR or dignitas ( with all respect :) )
hm, end of polish ff, beginning of euro ff
good luck, my mates !
strangest lineup i've seen so far
this will suck:DD:D:::d
yeh 4 sho this is goin to last long -.- ...
Gl FF.. hope it lasts ;x
no r1co no party
gl mesq :p
belgians ftw !
wonder which of the both FF/zB mixed's will perform better :o)
gl wiesek
after mesq & co's performances at CPC2, I think FF will go on to perform nicely in the upcoming cups and comps.

gl to all.
no r1co no pwns!

GL blaze! <3
nice,they decide to change their lineup just when they beat v&e :|
nope, they decided about that some time before i can guess
they should change their decision then ;p
gl mesq,lio and de57 <3
show em what you got de57 :)
what are they? noobs? r1co & s4rna are more better than thouse Belgium ... ;/

and afaik r1co and s4rna are forming (or tried to form) a team with other Belgium paly0rz
im 100% agree with u, they wont do it same like with old lineup

how long wel de57 stick around this time ?

find out next week !!

no no

gL @ aLL

good luck...
another great lineup

good luck.. ftw with netr ;x
Endral is to addict to rose so see you soon again mate :p
1.337 weeks
Mesq and Lio in same new clan??? What in the world?? ET-SCENE GONE MAD!
this just wont work ... mesqi ...
I think you're still not able to beat dignitas etc, but it's indeed a good mix of FF and zerobarrier players. GL
its like "april fools" day was almost 2 months ago
really dissapoiting, pretty surprising !
GL wrobel, wiesio & jacek :))
gl mesq , lio , De57
Poland only team was doing a great job, wouldn't have changed it at all....looking foward to the upcoming FF matches with the new lineup... will surely be a surprise...
GL aLL nice team gl <3
Good luck lio
De57 is a (rtcw) legend!

De57 is a (pub) hero!


ImHo 2 weeks clan ;-S n/c
I liked the full Polish line up way more, gl though!
gl jc/blaze/dest
heb jij een samsung gsm?
ne fops!
De57 ,
omg plZ
gl mesqje, lio
unexpected tbh... gl though :o
Sweden Blaze roX, gl in FF =]
GL Lioco aka clochard de merde
PS: C'est pas normal je met des HS. :)
i'm guessing mesq lost track of the amount of teams he was in ...
Hi to you bitchZ

Nice to see you alive and whining :D

i still love you <3
love you more my cutiepie wallon ...
go De57 il trust u!
gl wiesiek <3
amazing news :] GL@all

btw what happend with netrunners ? temporary inaktiv ?
gl guys
Gl blaze, rest should die of aids.
Nice infiltrating in my mind and stealing my thoughts
gl De57, Wrobelq
you know to much !
de57 ?
w00t `?
nils ?

w00t `?
nils ?

w00t `?
Congrats, but this team will NEVER make it to the top!
teente on 21/05/07, 12:39:05 Del | Edit | Reply


and afaik r1co and s4rna are forming (or tried to form) a team with other Belgiumpaly0rz

hehehe you know so much tiiiiiiiiiiinte! i'm SO proud
yes, my father
gl andrej buddy
wish you the best =)
Simply, Good Luck! I am looking forward to seeing your first ownage on ETTV!! <333 JC :]
1 and a half week
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