zeroPoint remove ET division

Swedish Gaming organisation zeroPoint have today removed their ET division. zP can lay claim to great fame in Day of Defeat amongst other games have taken the action to remove their ET division amidst the ongoing cheat scandal. The side placed second at the shGopen and Clanbase Eurocup XIV, but had recently gone through a transition of losing their three Austrian players and were embaressed at CPC2 not escaping the group stages.

Owner of zeroPoint Sweden Apax had this to say:

Quote by ApaxThere were several reasons behind why I decided to remove the Enemy Territory team from zP!. One of them being the fact that keran and shy were involved in cheating related matters. During the three years I've been a part of zeroPoint! Gaming we have NEVER been involved in something like this and thought I never would. I'm really disappointed in the way they acted. We are against cheating and won't tolerate nor support any players choosing this way.

But that was not the only reason. Another is the fact that it's not the same team as once was recruited to zP! with only two of the original six members still playing. The many roster changes during the past few months, less stable results and that the Austrian trio called it a day played a big part in our decision.

The scandal regarding Keran and _shy remains as the side battle it out against Impact tonight in the Eurocup knockout stages. This scandal remains unresolved however Clanbase ET Cheat cheif United Kingdom Bulld0g is on the case, and is quoted as saying on

QuoteHopefully Keran and Shy's bans will be through by then! doubt it though, if I were a betting man I'd say 90% Yes 10% No (for them getting banned)

The side are currently in action against Impact Gaming and should they beat them with players who are "90%" likely of receiving a ban, there are likely to be some tough decisions to be made down at Clanbase HQ!
omg they win first map
So it's only a matter of time when jackie gets his point!
so zP has no teams left anymore? the site says the ET squad was their only one...
so what's gonna happen with zP! ?
will u gonna search another et team anox?
Hmm maybe, but I don't know if there are any top teams that I want to recruit. Maybe you can help me?
polar imo ;)
wtf just happened? anox? =D last time i checked anox wasnt zP, apax was
I don't understand how the other players in the team can continue playing with keran and shy.
Look at the scene and what has happend before with cheaters. People just keep playing with them like nothing happend.
true, the biggest mysteri to me is how every swedish player now loves alexl
that pretty much sums up a big part of the cheating problem.
theyre e-buddies i guess.
rofl what a shame :>
Quote by Craboky bibuy

is a shame tbh... all fell apart though when darky left :(
lets blame darky muahahahahaha!
nah, potter was and will always be THE clankiller =P
they owned dignitas long time ago :D
WTF APEX??!!??!!? i knew u were pr0, deep deep inside :F)
shame on you guys (keran & shy), u have a big organisation who supports u and the only thing u can do is blowing down everything just for a stupid
OMG its joke, right?
they have 2 cheaters, everybody know it (the journal is from 6th may = its 16days!!!! - and you want time for decide? ROFL
i have no words rly! CB admins, pls think!!!

the drama !

tho i feel bad that team has to suffer because of stupidity of 2 player ( i doubt they cheat now, but they had to try it for fuck sake...), i don't think they deserve ban, but still they should get one :V
razz fucked up helix @ EC and it was "just" rivatuner
(not like you didnt know it already, just to compare)
did he use it in a clanmatch?
in a prac, yes
omg, so thats something different

u cant compare playin on a pub and playin at a clanmatch
how come? if I was lowskilled pub boy willing to have fun on pub and some fucker came to the server and fucked up my game (and everyone else's too) Id be a sad panda

if someone cheats in a cw its just "ok, busted"
no, didnt say that.
but its still not the same.
well, i dont know :P
damn it :P
do like you did to helix on ec 13!
Wise decision, gg for that
more lans, less online
cheaters always wins :<
good decision imo. i cant understand why the players in quesion arent kicked from the team.
Hmmm... possible the biggest case in ET history. I mean, what is going to happen?
hopefully a ban for keran and shy.
btw zP was unable to provide them with a vt server e.g. ;o
iam sorry but thats bullshit :>
well, atleast thats what i heard and so they had to use another vt :o
who cares about vent if you are getting lan trips payed?
Heutzutag kürzt man sogar schon vent ab...
yet the game still get's played.... Clanbase, you wonder why i no longer use your services??? Clanbase admins are cool but the whole thing overall is damn right shite when it comes to bits and bobs like this!
100% agree :).
ye idd , letting mize play in your cup is totally different or what? nice hypocritism
shame on shy and keran ;/

really bad
take Assassin and join another mgc
what a pitty.
what a pity.
guess why people have the red triangles /!\ + 200 different guids @ yawn sayin it s not a cheat but only bug and pb sucks and they are clear.
^^ idd.. the one of them is butchji XDDD
If there is enough proof to ban them then zP should be thrown out of this Eurocup, or it will show just how corrupt CB is. I would have tried to get the situation resolved before the match tonight to be honest.
hahahaha you judging cheaters hahahaha
show me exactly where I judged keran or shy ? Just a case of you jumping in with your big mouth again.
you even talking about cheaters......

nice english btw ... If they is enough proof to ban them
So you change your point and then whine because i mistyped they instead of there. Props to you mate real internet hero you are.
thanks, cheater
crawl back to Africa fucking mongol
what's wrong with africa and mongols?

narrow minded kid
there you go again, jumping to conclusions. So easy :<!
that's what it's all about :<
lol generali
It's Egypt actualy.
The match should had been moved with a week or so.
was u already busted when the article was writen?
ofcourse, he is jLn :)
ye i know thats old but was he already busted when shy joind wA! ???
ye, he was one of the first busted cheaters, guess winter of 2004?
yes i know he played in elite with slaz,frozzen and some others i dont remember :> but dont even remember when it was :(((
toss are you still pro5 manager or whatever u were.. or was it just with zp
just with potter u mean :>
i was there to help get my friends darky and potter and rap to more events and thus meet up with my friends, nothing more. When they left, so did I.
LoLoL _shy eventually turned out good and then he's using cheats.. that's funneeey!
Funny how people got the need to talk down their et-skill because of this. They've always been better players than most of you. This doesnt change that no matter how much you believe in it. :)

Oh and why not more comments? This is far bigger than any case before. Even worse, we dont get any fun flame wars because they arent making any comments. :(
thx for showing me there actually are ppl with a brain here.
where next for butch & co ?
That's always been the case. :)
Hmm I know I'm a bit late asking this but:

Is there any proof that they used the cheat on a public server? For example here I read that it's a md5tool ban , which means that the cheat was probably not active whan the player was kicked, and there's usually no proof that the cheat was not used on a self-hosted server or whatever; for this reason I used to think that clanbase doesn't ban basing on md5tool kicks.
Correct me if I'm wrong

And thanks in advance for the answers ;D
Press the View full ban button
I clicked on it and I still see only a md5tool kick
embaressed by who??
if they are involved in cheating why they haven't been banned yet :(?
nowadays in et you cant be sure about anyone...
Thats so fucking BAD FOR ET! In days where we try to promote ET and spread our beloved game even in the progaming sphere! Kick that bastards and show that CHEATERS NEVER WIN! OMG :/ The worst thing that can happen to ruin everything :,( How can people like butchji who helped ET a lot with all Crossfire team @ Quakecon play with fucking cheaters??? I really dont understand...
Isn't it obvious? The rest is and was cheating as well, they just never got busted.
No pls... :,(
Take Danish Kapow! they are pretty good ..
too bad they are getting banned HEhehehehheh3heh3h3h3hh3 =D=D=D=D0D=D=D=D==D0D0D

ich gönn's euch!
omfg whats going on today cheaters in good clans like zP! that is what I called bad

i think ppl that played in EC should not use cheats even in pubs (no reason):
2 weeks but good luck!
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