Auxilia Returns and announces new Mainsponsor
27 May 2007, 17:27
After the Crossfire Prize Fight Challenge II the name AuxiliA should be known to everybody. The international ET Squad was sent to the LAN event and gained a lot of sympathies there, failed unlucky game wise though. After also dropping out of the ClanBase Eurocup XV they decided to call it a day.
Today AuxiliA is going to announce its second Enemy Territory squad, but this time it’s a German one. Nobody else than the old Wolfenstein & Enemy Territory clan “HighBot” is going to establish the basis for the new team.
Ben “Munchies” J. Daniel “humM3L” M. & Gero "geruMBa“ K. brought back life to this gaming project.
With the perfect support from AuxiliA & the new sponsor deal , the team is willing to attend all big upcoming LAN events. Like the C-MaxX Enlarged 2007 in Germany and the Crossfire Prizefight Challenge III.
Anouncement of the New ET Main sponsor
We are also going to announce our new Enemy Territory main sponsor today. Nothing else than the number 1 page belonging school in Germany: .
It’s well known to most of the German students and even was presented on television a couple of times.
Our private investor used his contacts for this support and is now a solid part of AuX.ET.
This Partnership makes it possible for our team to attend nearly every Lan.
We are very proud of this cooperation and thankful of the support.
Statement from the Team-Orga & Manager AuX`humM3L
[q]This is one of the best offers in Enemy Territory you can get. The amazing sponsoring and LAN support open you a lot of doors. It could not get any better in my opinion. With also having a private investor the motivation of the team went straight up and we are willing to show what we got.Now it is time to start practicing and to show some good results. The mood of the team is pretty good and everybody gets along well with each other.Our goals are to compete in the etQcup by cadre, which sounds great so far, and also the upcoming Clanbase Eurocup. AuX.ET is also trying to attend the CPCIII and the C-Maxx Enlarged. If there will be a second PGA or SHGopen we also would be interested in those events.Personally I am very excited about our first results and I’m looking forward to the upcoming LAN events[/q]
AuxiliA Sponsors
especially rumba and hummel and the management team :) <3
je t'amie plus que des mots peuvent expliquer
es gibt sicherlich asoziale lehrer denen man echt ihren paedagogencshein entziehen sollte.
there are no good managers in et
Nice jokeZ meight, atleast be realistic and give his ex-clans instead of the clans he was manager for. -,-
Oh, and gL Oberstormfuhrer fLiWkZ.
expires on 06/26/07 1 Point Other (Bad Photo)
or why not rent advertisin space on F1 cars?
hoffen wa mal nit.. auch wenns mich nit interessiert. schule ist pasé fuer mich ..
Warum dann immer solche großen News auf crossfire wenn das Team nach paar Wochen schon wieder closed ist?
Floris aka Sainted - << new website online! zegt:
I expect you to be on ET-Truth soon :P
humM3L zegt:
but i fear that the team wont last long again..
hummel du hässlicher vogel :D
und natürlich auch gl Andrew17 ;D
but gL oFc :o
hopefully hummel will be able to speak decent english now
gl QU ! :=)
das einzige was du kannst ist mittelmäßige movies machen und nun lass ludi in ruhe , danke -.-
hab ich behauptet ich wäre jemals in et gut gewesen? wenn ich nur ein mittelmäßiger moviemaker bin, warum laden dann so viele leute meine movies runter? hab ich hazer in irgendeiner art und weise diskriminiert oder versucht anzugreifen? wenn ich ihn schlecht als rifle finden würde hätte ich mich anders ausgedrückt
eine meiner aufgaben auf dieser seite ist es nun mal, rumzuspammen. ganz unerwartet kam es nun, das hazer die beste rifle deutschlands ist, ich nahm eher an ohzor4 oder riddla.
vaGgi out.
gzD > *
pls switch to new MGC in 2 weeks again
gl guys für die nächsten Wochen!
what you mean with that @ playerslist? current clans or smth?
using terms not even native speaker know but making low+ german-english translations xD