Auxilia Returns and announces new Mainsponsor

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After the Crossfire Prize Fight Challenge II the name United Kingdom AuxiliA should be known to everybody. The international ET Squad was sent to the LAN event and gained a lot of sympathies there, failed unlucky game wise though. After also dropping out of the ClanBase Eurocup XV they decided to call it a day.

Today AuxiliA is going to announce its second Enemy Territory squad, but this time it’s a German one. Nobody else than the old Wolfenstein & Enemy Territory clan “HighBot” is going to establish the basis for the new team.

United Kingdom Ben “Munchies” J. Russia Daniel “humM3L” M. & Germany Gero "geruMBa“ K. brought back life to this gaming project.
With the perfect support from AuxiliA & the new sponsor deal , the team is willing to attend all big upcoming LAN events. Like the C-MaxX Enlarged 2007 in Germany and the Crossfire Prizefight Challenge III.

image: aooszgsic281xp6uvAnouncement of the New ET Main sponsor

We are also going to announce our new Enemy Territory main sponsor today. Nothing else than the number 1 page belonging school in Germany: .
It’s well known to most of the German students and even was presented on television a couple of times.
Our private investor used his contacts for this support and is now a solid part of AuX.ET.
This Partnership makes it possible for our team to attend nearly every Lan.

We are very proud of this cooperation and thankful of the support.

Statement from the Team-Orga & Manager AuX`humM3L

[q]This is one of the best offers in Enemy Territory you can get. The amazing sponsoring and LAN support open you a lot of doors. It could not get any better in my opinion. With also having a private investor the motivation of the team went straight up and we are willing to show what we got.Now it is time to start practicing and to show some good results. The mood of the team is pretty good and everybody gets along well with each other.Our goals are to compete in the etQcup by cadre, which sounds great so far, and also the upcoming Clanbase Eurocup. AuX.ET is also trying to attend the CPCIII and the C-Maxx Enlarged. If there will be a second PGA or SHGopen we also would be interested in those events.Personally I am very excited about our first results and I’m looking forward to the upcoming LAN events[/q]

image: aoopu4yw6xfsl1ed3Russia Daniel "humM3L" M. Age: 22 - Country: Germany

History: HighBot , Rewind , oceans6 , Actually: & Team-ru.ET

He is the fieldops in the new Auxilia team, spamity spam spam "danielm". It was mostly his achievement that Auxilia.ET was able to attend with an international team to CPC II. He was a part of HighBot during RTCW times just as in ET. He is the Ingame Leader and is also organising upcoming lan events of the team.

image: aoopr9ur07zw5m48nGermany Domink "wEAK" S. Age: 20 - Country: Germany

History: rTg , Rewind , Team-ger.rtcw Actually: & Team-ger.ET

wEAK is a whizz-kid in the ET Scene. He will support the AuX team as a medic to the fullest. In RtCW it was hate, in ET it's a beginning of a new mateship with Daniel & Fatih. He is one of the most known RtCW players ever in eu , and the most known in ger. Also, with no further a do, he has been recruited to the Team-Ger.ET where he will proof his performance as a main player.

image: aooppuhr1nrqzplh3Germany Gero "geruMBa" K. Age: 24 - Country: Germany

History: cdap.pi , polar-esports Actually:

Gero is a new face but has been at CPC II as main organiser of Polar Esports and forms together with fireBall and humM3L a 3on3 team. Due to fast reactions and decent aim rumba will also be a part of the new AuX team. He lacks in experience but that shouldn't be a problem in the near future. It was him organising a main sponsor and he will ofcourse support the team with finances and as player.

image: aoopaqh5o8qw9q1o7Germany Andreas "fLiXX" S. Age: 18 - Country: Germany

History: pstarZ , HighBot , Rewind Actually: & Team-ger.ET

FlixX is an excellent Medic who used to play for the old pstarZ when they were more into the scene. By that time he played himself into Team - Germany.ET and is still part of the german national team. As many of this team he used to be part of the old HighBot team and will basically play the same role in this new team.

image: aoopi6mdu06dnlalzTurkey Fatih "fireBall" H. Age: 19 - Country: Germany

History: HighBot , Rewind , vae , Actually:

Probably one of the more known Player and Aimer of the ET Scene. He's the one being the aggressive medic of the new AuX team and will surely support it alot with his experience and aimpower. He was the head of the old Highbot team. Fatih surprised everyone at the CPC II because alot alleged that he was hacking. He proved them all wrong. Fast reflexes and reaction and his aim makes fireball to what he is.

image: aoopfrkgwxvz7394nGermany Ludwig "haZer" B. Age: 17 - Country: Germany

History: oceans6 , HighBot , Rewind Actually: & Team-ger.ET

Ludi is the Rifle of the new AuX team.At the moment he is germany's top rifle which gave him a position in the Team-Ger.ET roster. Back then he was the main rifle of Highbot and now he is for Auxilia by supporting it with a stable and ceaseless performance.

image: aoop615qgjp87g4xjUnited States of America Craig "kuraigu" B. Age: 32 - Country: Germany

History: a-Losers , Rewind , Team-ger.rtcw Actually: & Team-ger.ET

Qraigu, also known as kuraigu, is probably one of the most known leaders in the RtCW Scene. He led teams like a-Losers.RtCW and Team-Ger.RtCW and at the moment he took the leadership of Team-Ger.ET for a another, third season. With Fatih and Daniel he already had huge partying going on CPC II and will ofcourse be an inheret part of the new Auxilia team, as Coach and also as backup player.

image: aoooy205ut1ohp7nbGermany Mathias "faux" W. Age: 18 - Country: Germany

History: oceans6 Actually:

He is probably one of the unknown players and absolutly underrated. His aim is to be compared with atleast any EC player just the experience isn't there yet. He will support the new team as backup player. We all saw him in o6 and he will surely be joyning us by our further journeys.

AuxiliA Sponsors

gl guys

especially rumba and hummel and the management team :) <3
gl humm3l this old news for me <3
good luck daniel, fatih und q!
ich hab den sarkasmus detektor gefunden
gl hummel , great guy!
lol nice sponsorship
U got to be kidding me...
GL humM3L, rumba, fireBall and kuraigu ;)
Congrats :)
gl, nice sponsor :DDDDD
Jetzt weiß ich auch wer weak ist! du kamst doch vorbei mit bier, weil ihr zu spät zum RTCW spiel erschienen seid! :-) gl
jup, hab euch n paar bier aufn tisch gestellt ;)
Ich hab echt gedacht das war nur Gelaber ingame. Ne Stunde später kommst du echt. ;-D
war nur mit dem hintergedanken, dass ich mal eins zurückkrieg ;P
im oktober dann ;-P
whats that shpikmich?
gl but omg stop those kiddy THE LEGEND IS BACK kinda newspost, there is one every 5 days.
i mean everytime someone anounce a new line up it s always a bit as if they got sponsored with free Porsches and they are gonna rule the world (untill next newspost with almost same line up 2 months later).
funny is that any Eurocup is gonna starting so kind of news are rly useless expecially every 5 days and 8 hours
zär legends eferiwähr, chéri

je t'amie plus que des mots peuvent expliquer
you sound like my girlfriend ;)
beta is back news are always welcome
so darfste das nit sehen. nit alle schueler/studenten ziehen ihre lehrer in den dreck nur weil se auf die schule scheissen..

es gibt sicherlich asoziale lehrer denen man echt ihren paedagogencshein entziehen sollte.
wasnt fireball in polar or something?
he was in vae, who are inactive
he is kicked.
kicked or headbutted?
he wasnt kicked... wtf are you talking about?
yea, he left, he wasnt kicked...
then he left before panni could kick him, np
and if he was still a member and panni would have kicked him without us knowing and why, the full team would have most likely have said bye bye to vae... what exactly did he do wrong?
they also kicked me for not being in the squad anymore <:roll:>

there are no good managers in et
QuoteGero "geruMBa" K. Age: 24 - Country: Germany

History: cdap.pi , polar-esports

Nice jokeZ meight, atleast be realistic and give his ex-clans instead of the clans he was manager for. -,-

Oh, and gL Oberstormfuhrer fLiWkZ.
lol kuraigu the et pr0 and friends
expires on 06/26/07 1 Point Other (Bad Photo)

got no point for mine ;o
gl fLixX & HumM3L :)
Like the stories under the names of the players :)
great wohoo im so happy o yea
every 2 weeks we see a news about your clan , start to use journal then...
or why not rent advertisin space on F1 cars?
GL flixx0r
what the hell is spickmich?
hf mädelz.. ihr macht das schon ;D
gl dom, ku and fatih
Who are they? I did not see them.
ja dann ist das abgemachter kram.

hoffen wa mal nit.. auch wenns mich nit interessiert. schule ist pasé fuer mich ..

and why the hell would they want to get involved with esports?
I guess, because many players are young and still go to school? Sounds like the perfect audience?
Looks fine. GL
ich werd mich erstmal bei über dich beschweren!
Another Humm3l failure, journal please
always the same :d
Schade das war es schon wieder mit o6 :o

Warum dann immer solche großen News auf crossfire wenn das Team nach paar Wochen schon wieder closed ist?
wo ist das problem es ist doch sogut wie immer das selbe team nur mit leichten lineup changes die halt ihren mgc wechseln ? :x
Da hast du recht aber anfreunden kann ich mich damit nicht. Ich finde es gut wenn sie immer wieder neue Teams annoncen, so bleibt leben in der Szene. Aber wenn sie ein Team aufmachen bzw. den Clan wechseln und dazu eine große news auf xfire schreiben und das Team nach 2 Wochen wieder closed ist dann kann man sich ruhig ein paar Gedanken machen. Und das ist meine Meinung. Das wird nicht die letzte News gewesen sein.
das is die frage...
Highbot announcement part 325. Oh and there's a difference between actually and currently...
Nice GL!!!
Da kann ich nur zustimmen.
lasst den schülern doch ihren spaß!
isnt qraigu busted ?
I knew I saw smth about him :DDD
sticky news next time plz thx
Waiting for article @ ET-Truth :>
I have been waiting for longer :P
Floris aka Sainted - << new website online! zegt:
I expect you to be on ET-Truth soon :P
humM3L zegt:
why don't you get McFit as main sponsor?
GL @ Fireball, humm3L and beefman aka quraigu :D
nice newspost
but i fear that the team wont last long again..
nice presentation , gl United States of America kuraigu
GL Rumba and Hummel. Very nice news. CYA @ CPC III

poser pics!

hummel du hässlicher vogel :D
gl aux see ya enlarged
gl faux! dickes Bild! :D


und natürlich auch gl Andrew17 ;D
danke mein freund ;>
i lold

but gL oFc :o
nice sponsor.
hopefully hummel will be able to speak decent english now
Fireball kann einfach nicht ohne Hummel , naja

gl QU ! :=)
lol cool foto hummel u are teh nigga !!
QuoteLudi is the Rifle of the new AuX team.At the moment he is germany's top rifle which gave him a position in the Team-Ger.ET roster. Back then he was the main rifle of Highbot and now he is for Auxilia by supporting it with a stable and ceaseless performance.

willst du meine rL mates flamen oder waZ????!!!!!
HaZer > All.
tu nicht so als wärst du irgendwann mal gut gewesen in et
das einzige was du kannst ist mittelmäßige movies machen und nun lass ludi in ruhe , danke -.-
haha rofl guck wer spricht

hab ich behauptet ich wäre jemals in et gut gewesen? wenn ich nur ein mittelmäßiger moviemaker bin, warum laden dann so viele leute meine movies runter? hab ich hazer in irgendeiner art und weise diskriminiert oder versucht anzugreifen? wenn ich ihn schlecht als rifle finden würde hätte ich mich anders ausgedrückt
eine meiner aufgaben auf dieser seite ist es nun mal, rumzuspammen. ganz unerwartet kam es nun, das hazer die beste rifle deutschlands ist, ich nahm eher an ohzor4 oder riddla.

vaGgi out.
du suchst "med+" auf, congratz!
Aber ludis Mama hat nur ein Bein deswegen muss er besser als alle anderen sein.
ludi hat das holzbein seiner mutter als rifle modifiziert np
Ludi > all Stüqq Dreqq
vaggi du hurensohn
gzD > *
FLAME FTW loloaoldaolosloalolll :DD:D:D:D::d.::D:D
gzd viel spaß morgen bei den bierfürzen...hatte ich heute auch, die ziehen in jeden winkel rein, hab mich gefühlt wie in der gaskammer, so richtige plagegeist fürze
nice joke for sunday evening

pls switch to new MGC in 2 weeks again
GL, prepare for 2weeks and other comments ;-)
gl guys (especially humM3L) :>
i got flamed, but i still wish you all the best, excepting kuraigu
Weak ich liebe dich :D
gl dominik,craig and fatih
gained a lot of sympathies there? lol!!!

gl guys für die nächsten Wochen!
was waiting for et truth to attack this one:)
gl hummel/fire/kuu/weak :D
wenn das nicht mal ein ganz lustiger mensch ist :-)
na das sind ja die richtigen opfer xD
"actually" ??

what you mean with that @ playerslist? current clans or smth?
its one of hummels own words for current i guess :D
nice engrisch
using terms not even native speaker know but making low+ german-english translations xD
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