Germany vs. Spain on TV tonight

image: banner

The Enemy Territory World Cup has been shaken quite a bit this week. Following the ban of perfo and what is said to be conclusive evidence that another player of the Netherlands cheated, their team got dropped from the cup. A team that had to deal with a national player being banned is going to hit TV screens all over Europe tonight.

Germany Germany has a flawless record in this World Cup so far. They didn't drop a single map so far and have won all three matches. The loss of Germany keran won't hit them too hard, he has been on their roster but didn't play any match for them. Germany goes into the match as the clear favourite.

Germany butchji
Germany snoop
Germany wEAK
Germany ramiN
Germany drago
Germany haZer

Spain Spain had its difficulties in the group stage. Losing a map against Japan and not being able to overpower mighty Poland they only ended up second in group G. With Spain Winghaven, the man who has risen from panzer whore to being the man of the match several times, in their lineup things don't look too bad for them though.

Spain Winghaven
Spain morbit
Spain dr3am
Spain a1rs
Spain Gengis
Spain MaRTe

The match will be broadcast live in German on GIGA at 23 CET. You can tune in on Astra Digital or via the live stream (free). GIGA 2 users can watch the spectacle on a high quality stream.

image: giga

As usual, there's also ETTV available.

GamesTV war page
GIGA stream
hack=win so ger 4 sure

1st btw
Don't forget, Anonymous sal & Iceland me are watching you!
hack=win so ger 4 sure

5th btw
I rly miss the former Helix players riddla and biqq in the lineup of Germany :(
and why? .. if i would think like you, then i'd miss a shitload of old players. .. :(
can you please let me enjoy my only fan?
im ur fan too, altho im slightly scared of your looks
soso was hab ich von qrai da unten gehört, du willst zurück kommen?
hoffentlich nicht
liar liar pants on fire!!!11
you made me a sad panda now :<
biqq is the best GER player, like ever? He would take em alone tbh!
friends come, friends go .. life moves on ..

you can't stick to what has passed for ages.

and anyways, biqq/riddla will be coming back anyhow :)
i was just trying to make biqq feel as if he had more than one fan :(
well you didn't fail...

or did u ?? xD
well aslong as he doesnt read my previous comment, i think we are fine
der punkt ist interessant. argumentier doch ma wie weak sich demnach die berechtigung erarbeitet hat? auch wenns mich nichts angeht ;)

btw exciting match yesterday, wp chaoZ & haZer - go on germany!!!
alles intrigante vetternwirtschaft.
chaoZ o.O ?
ja vielen dank, ich denke auch das ich da ein sehr gutes spiel abgeliefert habe
ich habe nicht mitgespielt ;)
fu :/
hab da was verwechselt^^ demnach war deine leistung ja einwandfrei :P
Won't miss it.
muahaha hdtv beer and popcorn =)
QuoteGermany has a flawless record in this World Cup so far. They didn't drop a single map so far

sprachstil: 6
Who wanna listen to german ;(
w00t gl ger \o/
gogo Spain !

Easy bash for Croatia next week then ! :D
bad gamestv link :PP
uli du siehst mal wieder dufte aus
Lol spain was lucky about 1 second faster and we would have won
Ich muss sagen das mir es gefallen hat wie der uli es mal wieder gemacht hat.
gefallen hat mir vor allem sehr gut wie er es mit dem selfkill sowie spawnzeit gibben etc. erklaert hat
weiter so uli du führst et noch ganz nach oben!!111
wp spain
gg! totally forgot there's no MG @ WC config \o/
great game and well played ger
np im inet !
juergen ftw
POR 4 - 0 NOR. tkz 4new
gl ger
ger will win for sho
easy bash for ger
thx for link to POL - SPAIN btw on gtv
The Enemy Territory World Cup is like an airbubble without team Holland
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