Eurocup MVP Top 6!

image: mvpb

After 3 days of voting I decided to call it a day. It was a good trial but the system and the script just didn't work properly which meant a chaotic list of players (which was my own fault actually) and some highly suspicious high scores.

Because of the fact that I think that some of these scores weren't gained in the fair way, I decided to ignore the votes of LoTHaR. This player played with Retro this EC and this team actually lost all matches without winning one round, the fact that he got enough votes to be in the Top 6 means that either someone has voted multiple times, which wasn't very hard taking in account the security of this scripts, or he just has a lot of fanboys who voted him for the wrong reasons.

So without any further ado here is the Eurocup Most Valuable Players Team:
1. Belgium
This player is maybe one of the best aimers ET has nowadays, he proved to be of great value to his team TLR.eSports, who missed the final by losing to Pro5 in the Lower Bracket. Without a doubt he was voted for the right reasons. A great player!

2. Italy
This man knows everything about his gun, how the grenade will bounce when he hits that surface over there, or where he has to aim to hit his opponent around the corner (without using wallhack of course.), besides he just has a great aim with his slow shooting rifle, and he actually won the Eurocup with his team Evolve Gaming, formerly known as Polar. This rifler is worth watching.

3. United Kingdom
What can you say about sqzz... He jumps like a monkey and heals like a nurse. He's just a great team player, always running behind to be around when someone is down. He must have more syringe shots than SMG shots after the game. You can't win without a team player like sqzz, and Evolve have not lost once this Eurocup so you can say that sqzz did what he was asked to.

4. Germany
butchji is a great player with an aim comparable to mAus. The fact that his team reached the final after playing every single Lower Bracket match and beating Impact Gaming, Insignia Cadre, Team Dignitas and TLR.eSports in a row says enough about the team and also about their captain butchji. No doubt this player was of great value to his team. No doubt he was one of the Most Valuable Players...

5. Finland
A legend and maybe also in this Top 6 due to his massive fanboy club, but still he deserves it. You can't blame the team for the disappointing result this Eurocup, neither can you blame mystic. Who's to blame then? Blame the opponents, they were just too good, too organized. But still mystic was a memorable player. Going back to active again with such a come-back is what a lot of legends dream off.

6. Malta
Last but not least, the third player of Evolve Gaming, and surely the back bone of the team. This guy from the small island of Malta made his country proud by winning the Eurocup, and not only just by being in the winning team, but also by being decisive. He is just a great overall player and a great leader. Surely of high value to his team.

So here is what will happen next. A still to be formed panel will decide who of this six players will become the ultimate Most Valuable Player of the Eurocup XV. The Crossfire users have spoken and their idol was mAus, but what will the panel decide? Keep an eye on this site because it won't be long.

Furthermore there will be an article posted soon where some of the most known people of this community share us their Most Valuable Player Team, and we will ask them why those six players, and what they think of the outcome of this poll.

Thank you very much for all your votes and I promise you next event (maybe CPC3) this will be better organised preventing people from voting multiple times.
D:D:D:D:DD: gl tox

jeah, I'm sure the maltese will build a monument for toxic. :-D
just wait! it will happen.
we would build him one if we had :)
:))) Toxic lag= skill. Soon i will be toxic skill nP
I'd prefer xylos number 1 and toxic number 2
WTF? Last time I vote for you, LoTHaR!
WTF? Last time I vote for you, LoTHaR!
WTF? Last time I vote for you, LoTHaR!
n1 lads 4 evolve players -_- :)
mAus! <3
i voted lothar :(
LoTHaR was MVP. Best nick as well.
mystic was the best
please, so FUCKING RETARDED to remove votes of player if you think he didn't deserve it !
i voted chmpp

*btw 5 out of those 6 are now from the same clan :OO >:-()
3, if you don't count sqzz.
so you actually believe that all 55 votes LoTHaR gained (which wouldve brought him to the 5th place) were given to him because he was such a valuable player this eurocup and he played soooo well?

he lost all his matches and therefore just can't be MVP... would be the same if there was to be a #1 EC Clan voting and Morrigu would win because there a lot of dutchies on this site...
so? If i want to vote lothar instead of mystic i would want my vote would get something.. instead you removing him from the list just because you think he didnt deserve it. Tell me, why in hell didn't you remove all players who you think does not deserve the title at first? why you had to wait for results and then remove the possible top places?
chmmp its the same thing with tornis. Tornis does in no way deserve all those votes that he recieved, the only way he could recieve that many votes would be if the vote was for worst rifle this ec :))). Or highest team fragger :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
dont think tornis would be any worse for 6th place than toxic is!

all is just about fanboys and anti-fanboys xd
actually the maletese community is rather small and tbh toxic is a good player. And what you just said about tornis deserving 6th place, i hate you right now.
words can really hurt u know :(
you was 6th because lothar was removed. tornis could have been 6th if all above him were removed. Point was if there is a vote you must keep the vote results, not to manipulate how you'd like to have that.
hehe, i know what u mean ;p

it was clear that these votes were gna be 'rigged' just fanboys and friends so i dont really care :)
men du suger ju kuk så.. till och med pojksnopp!!
whine whine whine....
LoTHaR > maus!
xylos > all
Italy LoTHaR>all
mAus, who is muas... Toxic MVP, he was leader of the EC winner and he solved the perfo-problem perfectly. Besides that: he is the best guy from malta.. AND: @ cpc2 when we had weed and beers in the park, he and xylos said they would win the EC...
wow what bullshit, best player from Malta = impressive rly + omg he solved the problem of replacing a cheater, omg MVP!
Agreed hype.
LoTHaR just simply was the best player :(

lame to remove his votes
he wasnt, he was fifth or something. and it was just too obvious that these votes we're not gained for the right reasons.
I specced him and thought he played well, I voted for him.
toxic tbfh
why top6 ? and not top5 / 10 whatever ?
its 6o6 lineup i guess :) like in fozball they make dreamteam 11 players not 8 but hey im sober so i cant think perfect
hm could be !
trash post
I voted Malta toxic!
toxic made me vote for him. :[
i didnt tell anyone, u voted for me cos u love me!
i only told the maltese ppl to vote for me but that only gives me like 2 extra votes
depends; maltese people or TEAM MALTA?

there are more people in team malta than in malta itself :[
unfortunetely, maltese ppl :(
why does everyone think butch was p5s cap?
zomg he shooting like a capt!
played some games with maus sqzz and toxic, all great players!

i had more dg and hs than maus yesterday! so i wanna see my name at the next vote..thx
<3 maus flyff cheater ! ;D
what does flyff mean ??
fly for fun or something like that
its a gay game like wow but for free and maus has haxx in it!
i see, and how would you know this ?
Good work ;-)
Mystic > all , he's nr. 1!!!! and why sqzz is nr.3 replace him for loTHaR!!!
sqzz was #3 anyway... if lothar would've in he wouldve been #5 and toxic wouldve been out.
Why can't someone be mvp just because his clan lost all matches? -_-

Deep in our hearts we know lothar is the real winner
because the MVP is usually given to a player of the winning team only, but because i thought it was more fun to have just all players in the pool, i added them all.

so to have a player from a team that lost all it's rounds in the MVP line-up is a bit unrealistic dont you think...
LotHaR :'(
Kmble is MVP as there is no better medic than him.
he cant be according to xrio because he lost 2 matches
Well, xRio doesn't decide who wins :P
neither can 1 player decide that!
I have special powers.

Anyway, kmble > *
you are such a nice guy... really! -.-

though you missed the whole point i guess.
i think you did... yes.
I think I didn't. It was just a harsh example what you did wrong.

where is the line for you?
lose all matches
lose 2 matches
lose 1 match
win 1 match
win 2 matchs
win 3 matchs
win all matches
you know this word that is called "opinion"?

its good, you should search it in the dictionary...

nice edit btw:
my virtual line is between the group phase and the play off phase...
i had some (false) hope that the community would be mature enough to vote on those they really thought were valuable, i already calculated a 75% that that wouldn't happen because i know this community quite well.

but because i still had 25% hope left that people would actually take this serious i decided to add all players instead of just the ones that played the play off phase since i thought that was more fun to all the players that didnt survive the group phase. but i didnt expect a player from retro, who lost all their matches with 4-0, to be voted enough times to be in the top 6.
thats what i've said.. ppl what in your opinion have earned the votes will be there.. and the ones who you think didn't deserve it are removed.. you are making a vote you shouldn't change the outcome how you would like to see it, simple as. You could 've posted your opinion about MVP TOP 6 OF EUROCUP BY XRIO and posted it as a news with no voting involved
im not changing it in how i would like to see it. my top 6 would be fairly different from this one, im sure about that. i wont even have any influence in the panel that will chose the one and only MVP of this EC.

all im making sure of is that this award won't become a joke with a player that clearly got all his votes from his "friends" and fanboys, instead of people that just think he did a good job, in the top 6.
how do you think top 6 got their votes? some real fanboy voted for maus plenty of votes but because you think lothar < maus only lothar was removed.
and there's the difference between maus and lothar; maus played more than just 3 matches in the eurocup and he actually won some of them. isnt that nice?

where as lothar played just 3 matches. and lost them all! how sad...
so its ok to fanboys to vote for maus but not for lothar.. fucking nice voting system you got.. next time include player-list that can't be in top 6 because votes 've been given by wrong reason
so you really think that mAus got that many votes just because he has a lot of fanboys... he just played an awesome EC and is one of the best aimers in ET.

now im not sure why you're bothering about this so much. im just trying to make this vote more realistic. by taking action once, and immediatly you picture this whole vote as my opinion and my will... i'm not the only why for who it is obvious that lothar didnt get the votes because he played such a great EC.
why include somebody who cant win? if he would've been different person who are you to pick if he did enough to belong to top 6 or not? (obviously you think lothar wasn't good enough)

Funny example of real world:
the guy sucks, community voted for him and advertised it and he placed 3rd in voting and like it should be he didn't get removed. If it is 'you can vote everyone' you shouldn't fix it after.. either make your system good enough what can't be manipulated or don't do it at all
i agree with you that anyone should be able to win but there is still the reason why someone gained his votes.

this award and vote was about the "Most Valuable Player" of this Eurocup. now if someone would vote for Tiigeri just because he has such a nice set of underpants, that wouldn't be a clean vote, because he got his vote for the wrong reason, with the voter having the wrong intentions.

in a professional award vote you don't have people that vote for someone with the wrong intentions. the example you give is also an example of people being not serious about it and voting just because they like the campaign. but on that scale where the whole country is watching and its a national sport, the organisation cant ban a player from the poll. i wouldnt be surprised if it had crossed their mind though.

on this scale, where it is just an amateur project of mine with a fucked up voting system just for try out. i actually can ban a player if i think he didnt gain his votes with the right intention.
you could've made more 'professional' voting from EC players (+quali), with unpossibility to vote anyone from own team. That way all votes would've been real and there wouldn't have accidents like this and no fanboys could have changed the vote. Now it is just a vote who got the most fanboys.
it actually isnt a vote with all fanboys because i removed the only person in the top 6 who thanked that spot to his fanboys.
we are back in the start again.
yes we are. this discussion is useless because we just differ from opinion. but taking in account that im the one organizing this award and that i have already admitted that the systems didnt work properly and that it was more of a test for future awards; i dont see why you keep stressing the point that i forged the voting by removing LoTHaR. in my opinion his high score was forged by the wrong intentions of his voters.

that is my opinion. i know yours, and i respect it, but it's not going to chage. and that is final...
If you fail to understand the simple rules of a poll I can explain it to you. The point is to be able to get some information from the poll. In this particular poll xRio wanted to know who people thought was the best player in the last EC-tournament. Not who got the most friends to vote for him. By letting lothar on the final list the poll would go from showing who did the best to show partly who did the best and partly who got most friends. If you ever bother to make a list (which you wont) you could make it in any way you'd like.

Please note that the same thing could be said about mystic, he didnt do his best EC so one could suspect that many votes are from some of his many fanboys. In his case however its not as obvious and because of that he cant be excluded.
you get the point sir.
with same logic ( lets imagine I would have made the poll, which won't happen) I would've removed sqzz, mystic, (lothar), and toxic just because i dont think they are worth of it.

(dont reply me if I understood a word wrong by you, you seem to be a dickhead who would do that)
you think they would have been in eurocup without lothar?
he was way more valuable than many others and earned every vote he got
its about the Eurocup tournament itself, if i would have wanted to include the qualifiers i would have added those players too.
Why are you looking for a line when theres only like one of those votes every year. You have to look and each and every player and then it becomes easy to find the obvious fakes.

I cant really see why you bother to keep writing just to fuck with someone who actually have done something which you havent. Maybe its how you let out your aggressions when you fail to get the courage to do that irl.
I think butchji is a better aimer then maus
when he plays from house.
rofl at toxic
im proof that u dont need to have a good aim :p
ey your banned ngr
LotHaR for the president :)
at least winghaven should still have been in that list...
ye omg winghaven has 2 good fragmovies! he shud be in!!11
euh excuse me but i saw him play live in his games as referee and it has nothing to do with fragmovies dumbass...
pls toxic
im proof that u dont need to have a good aim :p
My hero <33
ye malta inet > *
omg milk is not there
rofl tox proof that u dont need to have good aim :p
im proof that u dont need to have a good aim :p
Belgium mAusje imO
fanboy awards 2k7 :-D
ohhh tox :'( i remember him when he was just a little baby sniff
butchji is the best
yes you have him on your buddylist and... oh u are not in his buddylist
maus nub!!! : )

sqzz ORITE! XD
What is this? A list of players who received the most fakevotes...
Xylos, mAus close second
Sad to see all you morons whine over the obviously fake votes on some people when someone have spent some time to give you a nice list of people playing this eurocup and a poll to vote on. Do something yourself for once randoms.
So why are the votes for players like sqzz not phony too? I bet more than 50% of his votes were because he's "known" by name, and same for most of the others..
"Please note that the same thing could be said about mystic, he didnt do his best EC so one could suspect that many votes are from some of his many fanboys. In his case however its not as obvious and because of that he cant be excluded." - Me

Read the other things Ive written :/
it's like Evolve + Mystic & mAus
- toxic !!!!!!!
i voted frozzen, he's not in ??
i didnt see any games, but if i have to vote for someone, ill just say mystic.
Exactly, like 90% of these votes imo, useless.
top teams top players...
I need an answer to:

May his mom die of cancer slowly, cause LoTHaR should be in it

i made that list, and my mother is fine thx.

give me one reason, except from that he got 56 votes, why LoTHaR should be in there. just one...
Because he got the most votes?!?!?!

Give me one reason why the others should be there and he shouldn't, oh because the others are known players?! why make a poll in the first place then!
he didnt get the most votes you idiot, he had half the votes of mAus but with that he would still be in the top 6. i, and other, just dont believe that he got the votes for the right reasons and therefore decided not to count them.
I wish politics worked like this
What's with the ordinary topic and poll? Organise a damn gala. Tosspot can host it.
where is aCoZz?
ofc xylos is good but in my openion aCoZz played at least as good as xylos . . .
People cant remember all the games over a season and XyLoS played in the last one there was - and he did a great job in it. If TLR would've played p5 instead I guess acozz would've been the guy on the top 6.
i hope u r right :-)
lothar > all
You are only whining,I have played 2 EC are a noname that can only post something on crossfire...
And that's exactly why i ignored your votes. thanks for giving me that point, this competition wasn't about who has the most friends remember, it's about who was the Most Valuable Player; and if your "friends" voted you because you are such a nice guy, they voted your for the wrong reasons, as I already said in the newspost.

Furthermore it's not about my friends here right? I'm not in the poll ;)

nice edit btw
No, it's about who has the most fanboys
Awesome, you should print a t-shirt, "I got raped in EC XV"
Yes,I should....but u can't :P
Lose mystic, add Night?
nice one toxic :)
always knew it <3

nice being back! :P
haha i'm not back, i was bored and checked xfire and then I saw you here.. i'm proud! maybe i'm back in some weeks ;) maybe! =p
i miss winghaven
fanboys around
1. XyLos imo
i didnt watch a single game mystic is mvp ofc
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